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1. At the beginning of the movie Coach Grant Taylor is going through a testing season.
What were his giants? How long had they been there?
2. What made him go deep in the word and prayer?
3. Mr. Bridges came to Coach Taylor with a word from Revelation 3. What did he tell him
to do?
4. Mr. Bridges told Coach Taylor “God will send the rain when he is ready. You need to
prepare your field to receive it”. How did this change the coach’s outlook?
5. The Coach told his team that winning football was too small. What was the most
important thing to do? What was the team’s new philosophy?
6. How did he ask his team too honor God?
7. There is a new player to try out for the team named David. What was the significance of
this player’s name in the whole scheme of things?
8. Coach asked him team, “What are you living for?” What is your personal answer to this
9. The Coach told the team that “Attitude is like aroma of your heart. If your attitude stinks,
your heart is not right.” What does that mean? How is your attitude?
10. Why did Coach blindfolded Brock to the death crawl?
11. Do you think Brock would have made it as far if he hadn’t blindfolded? Why or why not?

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