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Making the Head "........

(you will end up with a 6-7” baby when finished)

Start with a small round ball. It should measure to be about 1 Then form a small "pea sized" ball Press it towards
the bottom of your 1" ball. This will be the chin. Now take a piece of clay about the size of a sunflower seed

Press it firmly above the chin. This will be the tongue if you decide to leave your mouth somewhat open Now lets
make a jelly bean out of clay Press the jelly bean flat as shown in the picture below Form the "flat jelly bean" into an

This will be the upper lip. Curve it around so that it covers the the "tongue". We are ready to start adding cheeks. Roll out 2 balls
about .5" in diameter each Form them into Tear drops as seen below Place them on each side of the head

Blend along the whole inside of the cheeks Create a chin by pressing into the clay (just a little below the top lip) Draw
the bottom lips
Press lines in the lips with your blending needle for added detail. Now "draw" a double chin with your soft taper point.

We are now ready to build up the forehead. Make a half moon shape out of a lump of clay that is about the size of the
head at this point Place your "half moon shape over the top of the head and blend just the sides.
Side view With a lump of clay about .75" in daimeter, make a long thing pancake. Form a "T" shape as pictured

Take your Thumbnail and pinch off the bridge of the nose so that it will reach just below the eyes (see next three pictures below)

Blend the sides and blend the bottom bridge of the nose into the cheeks on each side
Now we will be working on the eyes. Start by making two sunflower seeds out of clay Place one in each "eye socket"
Using your blending needle, blend around the top of each eyelid into the head.

We are ready to add a nose! The nose is made out of a tiny piece of clay (also about the size of a sunflower seed)
shaped into a triangle.

Blend just the top of the nose smooth with the bridge of the nose Use your tooth pick to poke tiny holes for nostrils
And then blend the bottom center of the nose down towards the upper lip Add more realism to your nose. Using the
soft taper point draw a subtle line down on each side (starting just above and inward of each nostril) Press a little
"divit" below the nose with your soft taper point

At this point you may have noticed the back of the head is quite flat or may have a big gap. We are ready to fill that in.
Take about a 3/4" ball of clay and form it into a fat pancake. Size may need adjusted according to how much of a
gap you have. Attach this piece of clay to the back of the head Blend the edges to the head using your finger
and/or blending needle.

Take another piece of clay of about the same size and make it into a thin pancake This will be used for the scalp.
Blend with your needle so that the line you see in the picture below is no longer visible. Add more expression to the
face by gently pressing the side of your thumb into the forehead. This technique creates the eyebrows.
We Are almost finished! Time to add some ears! Make two tiny sunflowers seeds the same way we did for the eyelids
Press one on each side of the head. A good guide is to place them about midway back, and have the top of each ear line up with
the top of each eye.

Blend around the back of each ear with your needle to secure them to the head Use your wooden ear tool to add the detail seen
here below...... And use your taper point to make more detailed indentions as well as the entrance of the ear canals.

We are finished sculpting the head! Now we will add hair before baking.
Squeeze 3-5 drops of Sculpy Clay Softener on the scalp and massage it into the clay. This will make a sticky surface for the hair
to be applied. Starting with the bangs, add small chunks of hair at a time spiraling your way around the entire head

We are finished with the head! Preheat oven to 275 degrees Place head on a bed of Polyfil in a pan (not used for food) and cook
in a toaster oven (not used for food) Bake for 1 hour. Note: ovens bake at different temperatures. You may need to experiment a
little to see what temperature works the best for you.

Making the Body

Start with a lump of clay that is the same size as the head Roll it out egg shaped Mark the breast using your blending needle

Draw a few wrinkles below Pinch the lower portion of the body inward using your thumb and finger as seen below.
Now draw about 3-4 wrinkles with your blending needle to seperate the stomach from the pelvis Draw the "little girl part" by
pressing your blending needle into the bottom of the clay Follow the line up the back about 1/4 of the way to make her little

Add more wrinkles to each side of the body Add a tiny little "sprinkles" to the chest Mark the belly button using your Soft
Taper Point

Outline part of the belly botton with your Needle if you wish for more detail Fill the belly botton with a tiny ball of clay.....
Blend the edges and add a few lines in the center with your Blending Needle
We are Finished Sculpting this part of the body! Bake for about 1 hour After the body has baked and cooled, you may continue

Attaching the Head

The neck is made out of a piece of clay about .75" in diameter. Shape it into a marshmellow Pinch one side of the neck. The
pinched side will be the front. Add a small amount of liquid sculpy to both sides Place your head on.

Using your Blending Needle, blend the bottom of the neck to the body and the top of the neck to the head. Feel free to add
wrinkles with your blending needle for more detail.

We are Finished attaching the head! Preheat oven to 275 degrees Place on a bed of Polyfil in a pan (not used for food) and cook
in a toaster oven (not used for food) Bake for about a 1/2 hour.

Making the Arms

First you want to measure your head. This particular baby head measures 2 inches So you also want your arms to measure 2" in
length. You may make them as chubby or as skinny as you wish, But make sure one end is thicker (shoulder side) than the other
(hand side)
Put a bend in each arm. Using your fingers, gently press around the skinny end of the arm to mark the wrist. Add wrinkles with
your blending needle. For chubbier babies I like to add alot! :)

Using your exacto-knife cut out a notch for the thumb and very gently seperate it from the rest fo the fingers. Cut out the rest of
the fingers using your exacto-knife You may want to leave the hand open, or curl the fingers into a fist.

Creases can be added to the hand using your blending needle. Using the more narrow angle, press tiny fingernails into each
finger. Flip your hand over and using your toothpick, add a dimple just below each finger.

The arms are now finished and ready to attach. Dab a small amount of liquid sculpy on  baked body where the arm should meet
up Blend the clay into the body. You will find that the liquid sculpy helps with blending unbaked clay to clay that has already
been fired. It also acts as a glue, making the limbs less likely to break off. Do the same to the other side
Arms can be posed many different ways. I chose to put one up and the other resting on the chest

We are Finished Sculpting this part of the body! Preheat oven to 275 degrees Bake for about 45 min.

The legs are measured to be the same length as the trunk of the body. Role them out the same way you did the arms .   Put a
bend in the center where the knee will be  Then bend the smaller end of the limb up to create a foot. 

Add as many or as little wrinkles as you wish with your blending needle. The picture below can help guide you with placement.
Cut out each toe with your exacto-knife.  Remember to make the big toe larger than the rest and gradually decrease in size as you
work your way down to the baby toe. Add creases to each toe with your blending needle Press a nail on each toe with the metal
triangular hook

Still using your metal hook, press a crease above each toe.  This adds a chubby look and helps define the toes from the rest of the
foot. Flip the foot over and use your hook to to define the "undertoes". Finish off the details by using your blending needle once
again to add creases on the foot. 

We are now ready to attach the legs. Start by adding a small amount of liquid sculpy in the socket area. Blend the leg on just as
you did with each arm. After adding both legs you are finished and ready to bake!

Preheat oven to 275 degrees Bake for about 45 min.

Painting Your BabyWhat you will need

*Heat gun*Thinning Medium*Burnt Sienna*Genesis Red*Thick Medium*Small Paint brush
Start by mixing a pea sized amount of Genesis Red, with just a dot of Burnt Sienna. Once you have the color you want, Add
Thinning Medium to create a translucent, not so pasty look. You can work with the consistency by adding Thick Medium as
desired. Paint baby's lips, blush her cheeks and all her wrinkles. I also like to paint the palms and underfeet. The eyebrows are
made from a mixture of burnt Sienna and Thinning Medium. Paint them on with a delicate brush . If your happy with the paint
job, Use your heat gun to blow your baby dry. be sure to use swaying motion

We are Finished! Now you can have fun adding accessories...such as bonnet, booties or pacifier

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