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Everyday Detox Teas for Daily Cleansing

Burdock Root Tea (cicak) is a little-known herb that has a lot of detoxifying benefits. It can has been shown to strengthen the
immune system as well, and has been known to help purify the blood. It helps both the liver and the digestive system, two of the
main detox avenues the body has at its disposal. Basically if your liver is functioning better, you’ll be less toxic, and if you’re
digestive system is keeping things regular, you’ll have less toxic buildup.

Cayenne Pepper Tea– The healing properties of cayenne pepper are just starting to make it into mainstream knowledge, and more and more people
are embracing it not just for its spicy heat. When brewed as a tea you’ll find that it not only has a cleansing effect on the body, but it can also give you
some energy to help you through the day. Most find that drinking it with a slice of lemon helps the palate and cuts down on some of the spicy taste.

Chicory Tea– Not only can this help you detox the body, it’s also been shown to help rev up your metabolism, so you’re getting at least two major
benefits from drinking this. This can also be used to help get your digestive juices going before a meal, so that you’re better able to digest it. To make
the tea it is suggested that you use dried chicory root so that you get the most of its essence, and benefit from all of its flavors and vitamins.

Cilantro Tea– Most of us are familiar with adding cilantro to a dish to give it a strong and identifiable flavor, but did you know that you can make a
detox tea out of it? In recent years cilantro has been growing in popularity as an herb that does more than just flavor up our foods. By helping with the
digestive system, cilantro helps the body process foods, break them down and use their nutrients, and effectively eliminate them. This process is very
cleansing and curative for the body.

Dandelion Tea – Although many gardeners view dandelions as the enemy, they’ve been shown to be very purifying for the body, and science is even
backing it up. What dandelion does is raises levels of an enzyme in the body known for its detoxifying functions. These have been known to help the
body get rid of carcinogens, or cancer-causing toxins in the body, which is definitely worth making this one of your daily rituals. Most people find that
the taste is also pleasant, so the chore is not so bad.

Ginger Tea– Ginger is a very cleansing root, and when you brew it up as a tea it can actually be a satisfying beverage with a tart taste. The nice thing
is that even though it has a sharp taste, it is gentle on the body, so you don’t have to worry about long-term use. This can easily become a daily detox
tea that you can have each morning to start the day, as a midday pick-me-up, or as an warm up before dinner. You can use this as part of a detox
program as well, if they recommend drinking detoxifying teas.
Green Tea– The benefits of green tea have been written about extensively, and there is plenty of scientific support behind it. This means that it isn’t
just a few anecdotal recommendations to drink this, it’s basically proven that at least a cup of green tea should be consumed daily for optimal health.
There are simply too many antioxidants in it that help the body combat free radicals and other toxins to pass this up. The benefit to all of this detoxing?
The body naturally rids itself of excess weight. Bonus!

Milk Thistle Tea–Sikavica (Silybum marianum), gujina trava, šarena badeljka, beli stričak, gospin trn, divji artičok The benefits to the liver make milk
thistle tea worth drinking. The liver is the focal point of your organs, and when it isn’t operating at its best, there is a virtual domino effect on your other
organs. So any detox plan you undergo should have the liver as the main organ worth treating. In addition to that, milk thistle also has digestive
benefits, so you’ll not only be helping the organ that filters the toxins, but helps the system that flushes those toxins out of the body.

Turmeric Tea– Perhaps you only used turmeric to help spice up a recipe, but you can also make a tea from it rather quickly and easily. The good
news is that it can help kickstart your liver and gallbladder into creating more bile, which helps to break down toxins and flush them from the liver and
out of the body. Most American’s don’t produce nearly enough bile, and so this is a great way to try and get things to their correct levels and have your
digestive system functioning normally.

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