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Tagalos is used in manila

Poor children of inigranrs

Different district

Tends to reflect general am en


Filipinos were first introduced to English when the British invaded Manila and
Cavite in 1762. A national variety called Philippine English evolved eventually, as a
result of the American colonization. In 1935 English was used universally in the
elementary-school system set up by the colonial government, which brought in
American teachers. Since 2015 Filipino and English are the official languages of
the country.

1. Generally, majority of the speakers follow the rising-falling intonation pattern

where the voice of the speaker begins with the normal tune and ends by raising
it to high on the last stressed syllable or word of the sentence before making it
fall to low at the end. By this intonation pattern they express statements as in the
following example:

2. Requesting for informationes filipinos use the high tune at the end of the
question, as in the cases below

All the 3. In the case of yes-no question, findings reveal that majority of the
respondents raised their voice at the end in the following instances:

1. menu . carton

Some speakers followed gae and pronounced carton w the 1 syllable stressed, though not everyone

Of the two-syllable words with GAE stress on the first syllable, only one, carton, rеceived the initial
word stress from the majority of the speakers. The primary stress was plaсed on the seсond syllable of
the word, menu.

2. talented, seventy, broccoli, persentage

the group diverged from the GAE pattern in the case of talented and broccoli.

However, majority of the speakers placed the primary stress on the first syllable of the word seventy in
accord with GAE рattern.

However, with the word, percentage, the group diverged from the GAE рattern by placing the stress on
the initial syllable.

seven four-syllable words here the initial syllable receives the primary stress in the GAЕ pattem,
majority of the words геceived primarу stress on the second syllable honorable, сеmetery, comfortable,
categoгу and ceremoпy где начальный слог получает первичное ударение в шаблоне GAЕ,
большинство слов получают первичное ударение на втором слоге

2 слога

Ae carton pe carton

Ae pe

seventy percentage


4 в амер 1 у этих 2 honorable, сеmetery, comfortable, categoгу and ceremoпy

Obviously because we have our own languages and when we speak in English we tend to pronounce
English words with the intonations of our own languages, thus creating our own English accents… it’s
just the same when Americans try to speak Tagalog/Filipino, they also generally tend to put stress on
the "wrong syllables."

Another fact is that most Filipinos have not left the Philippines, so English in the country had evolved
into something “unique”… it kinda became its own thing.

I think that the question seems to make things sound more complicated but we are just simply talking
about 'intonations' and ‘accents’.

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