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Pre-Medical : Biology

Features of photosynthesis :
(a) Endergonic (Endothermic) process :
Reason : Require sunlight as a source of energy.
(b) Anabolic process :
Reason : Synthesise sugar from CO2 and H2O
(c) Redox process :
Reason : Light reaction (splitting of water) is an oxidation and dark reaction (CO2 fixation) is a reduction step.
(d) Physico chemical process :
Reason : Mechanism of photosynthesis convert light energy (physical form) into glucose/starch (chemical form).


Leaf attached Area of leaf

with plant unaffected with
Black paper
Starch test

Areas of leaf
Clip to hold affected with
paper Iodine
Moll's Half leaf experiment Variegated leaf experiment

Early experiments
Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) :
In 1770 he performed a series of experiments that revealed the essentail role of air in the growth of green
plants. He also discovered oxygen in 1774.

Priestley’s observation :

(i) A candle burning in a closed space i.e. a bell jar, soon gets extinguished.

(ii) Similarly, a mouse would soon suffocate in a closed space.

Priestley’s conclusion :

He concluded that a burning candle or an animal that breathe the air, both somehow, damage the air. But when
he placed a mint plant in the same bell jar, he found that the mouse stayed alive and candle continued to burn.

Priestley’s hypothesis :

Plants restore to the air whatever breathing animals and burning candles remove.

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Jan Ingenhousz (1730-1799) :

Using a similar setup as the one used by Priestley but by placing it once in the dark and once in the light, he

showed that sunlight is essential to the plant process (photosynthesis) that somehow purifies the air fouled by
burning candles or breathing animals.

In an another elegant experiment with an aquatic plant showed that in bright sunlight small bubbles were
formed around the green parts, while in the dark they did not.

Conclusion :

It is only the green parts of the plants that could release oxygen in the presence of sunlight.

Julius Von Sachs (1854) :

He provided evidences for production of glucose when plants grow. Glucose is usually stored as starch.

His later studies showed that the green substance in plants is located in special bodies within plant cells. (Today
the green colour substance is known as chlorophyll and special bodies are chloroplasts)

By the middle of nineteenth century the empirical equation representing the total process of
photosynthesis for oxygen evolving organisms was then understood as :

CO2 + H2O ¾¾¾

® [CH2O] + O2

where [CH2O] represented a carbohydrate (eg. Glucose, a six carbon sugar)

Cornelius Van Niel (1891-1985)

A milestone contribution to the understanding of photosynthesis was made by him. He was a microbiologist.
He based upon his studies of purple and green bacteria, demonstrated that

“Photosynthesis is essentially a light dependent reaction in which hydrogen from a suitable oxidisable
compound reduces carbon di-oxide to carbohydrates”

This can be expressed by :

2H2A + CO2 ¾¾¾

® 2A + CH2O + H2O

· In green plants and BGA, H2O is the hydrogen donor and is oxidised to O2.

· In purple and green sulphur bacteria H2S is the hydrogen donor and is oxidised to sulphur or sulphate
depending on the organism.

“He inferred that the O2 evolved by the green plant comes from H2O, not from CO2”
Robert Hill and Bendall :
They are credited for :
· Detailed study of light reaction and proposed Z scheme.

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Ruben, Hasid and Kamen :
They proved that the O2 evolved by the green plant comes from H2O, not from CO2 by using radioisotopic
This can be expressed as :
16 18 16 16 18
6CO 2 +12H2O ¾¾¾¾
® C 6H12O 6 + 6H2O + 6O2

“The correct equation that would represent the overall process of photosynthesis is therefore”

6CO2 + 12 H2O C6 H12 O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2

Q. Can you explain why twelve molecules of water as substrate are used in the following equation ?
6CO2 + 12H2O ¾¾¾ Light
® C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2
Ans. To make one molecule of glucose total six turns of Calvin cycle are required. Per Calvin cycle there is a need of
2 NADPH(H ) and to fulfil this need 2 molecules of H2O splits. Therefore splitting of total 12 molecules of H 2O occur.

Membranous Fluid
system stroma

Grana Stroma Enzymatic reaction incorporate CO2

lamellae lamellae into the plant leading to the synthesis
of sugar, which in turn forms starch.
Responsible for trapping This is not directly light driven but are
the light energy and also the dependent on the products of light
for the synthesis of ATP reactions (ATP and NADPH) and are
and NADPH called, by convention, as dark
(This is directly light driven reactions.
and called light reaction)



* Photosynthetic pigments are special molecules those absorb, transmitt and reflect different colours of light from
the visible spectrum of sunlight. Pigment appears in the colour which it reflect and uses the colour which it
Leaf pigments can be separated from any green plant through paper chromatography, and the picture
obtained is called chromatogram.
Chromatographic separation of the leaf pigments shows that the colour we see in leaves is not due to a single
pigment but due to four pigments :
(i) Chl - a (Bright green or blue green)
(ii) Chl - b (Yellow green)
(iii) Xanthophyll (Yellow)
(iv) Carotene (Yellow orange)
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q Structure of chlorophyll –

* Chlorophylls are magnesium porphyrin compounds. Porphyrin ring consist 4–pyrrol rings (Tetrapyrrol).

* Chlorophyll molecule has a Mg – porphyrin head & phytol tail. Head is hydrophillic & phytol tail is
lipophillic (Hydrophobic).

(measured by O2 release)
Rate of photosynthesis
Chlorophyll b
Absorbance of light by
chloroplast pigments


Chlorophyll a

(a) 400 500 600 700 (b) 400 500 600 700
Wavelength of light in nanometres (nm) Wavelength of light in nanometres (nm)

Rate of photosynthesis
Light absorpbed

(c) 400 500 600 700

Wavelength of light in nanometres (nm)

* Graph (a) showing the ability of pigments to absorb lights of different wavelengths (absorption spectrum).

Chl. – a shows maximum absorption at blue light. It show another absorption peak at red light.

* Figure (b) showing the wavelengths at which photosynthesis occurs in a plant (Action spectrum) . The

wavelengths at which there is maximum absorption by chlorophyll a, i.e., in the blue and the red
regions, also shows higher rate of photosynthesis. Hence, we can conclude that chlorophyll a is the
chief pigment associated with photosynthesis.

* Figure (C), Graphs together, shows that most of the photosynthesis takes place in the red and blue

regions of the spectrum; some photosynthesis does take place at the other wavelengths of the visible
spectrum. It happens because accessory pigment also absorb light of these regions and transfer
the energy to chlorophyll.

* Accessory pigments (mainly carotenes), also protect chlorophyll a (reaction centre) from photo-oxidation.

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* Emerson & Arnold worked on Chlorella and gave concept of two photosystem or two pigment system.The
groups of photosynthetic pigments in thylakoid membranes are known as photosystems.

* The pigments are organised as two discrete photochemical light harvesting complexes (LHC) within the
Photosystem I (PS I) and Photosystem II (PS II).

Photosystem = Reaction centre + LHC

* In every photosystem there is a reaction centre (molecule of chlorophyll a) surrounded by accessory pigments.
The accessory pigments absorb light energy and transfer it to the reaction centre. These pigments
helps to make photosynthesis more efficient by absorbing different wavelengths of light. These
molecules are known as antenna molecules or LHC. The LHC are made up of hundreds (250 - 400 molecules)
of pigment molecules bound to proteins.

* The reaction centre is different in both the photosystems. In PS I the reaction centre chlorophyll a has an
absorption peak at 700 nm, hence is called P700, while in PS II it has absorption peak at 680 nm, and
is called P680. These are named in the sequence of their discovery, and not in the sequence in which
they function during the light reaction.

Primary acceptor

Reaction centre


Pigment molecules
(Antenna or LHC)




H NADP-Reductase
e - H+
e Fe- S/FRS Fd Cyt b6 PQ e e–
– –
e Fd
P700 Cyt f PQ
e Pheophytin Cyt f Fe S/FRS

PC e


+ –
H e
H+ + P680 P700
H+ H+
H +
+ +
+ -
H e
H+ H+
H+ +
F1 H
+ H
F0 F1




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Cyclic photophosphorylation Non–cyclic photophosphorylation

(1) Only PS–I involved in cyclic process. (1) Both PS–II & PS–I works in non–
cyclic process.
(2) First e– acceptor from PS–I is FRS (2) First e– acceptor from PS–II is pheophytin
(3) The e– expelled from chl–700 is (3) The e– expelled from reaction center
cycled back. is not cycled back. Its loss is
compensated by e– from H2O.
(4) Photolysis of water and evolution (4) Photolysis of water and evolution of
of O2 not take place. O2 takes place.
(5) NADP is not reduced.
(5) NADP+ is reduced to NADPH + H+.
(6) It occurs in stroma lamella (6) It occurs in grana thylakoid

q Chemiosmotic Hypothesis –
* Proposed by Peter Mitchell (1961) to explain the mechanism of ATP formation (Phosphorylation) in
chloroplast (During photosynthesis) and in mitochondria (During respiration).

* According to this hypothesis ATP synthesis is linked to developement of a proton gradient (Difference
of proton (H+) concentration) across a membrane. In chloroplast these are membranes of the

Stroma (low H )
Light FNR
Light Cytochrome Fd
P680 PQ

H2O ½ O2 + H+

of water H

H+ H
High Lumen
Electrochemical H
+ +
(high H )
Thylakoid Gradient

Stroma Low ATP

synthase CF1

ADP + Pi
ATP synthesis through chemiosmosis

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* The steps that cause a proton gradient to develop –
(a) Photolysis of water in the lumen of thylakoid.
(b) Pumping of H+-ion by PQ-pump.
(c) Reduction of NADP+ into NADPH by NADP reductase in the stroma.
Hence, within the chloroplast, protons in the stroma decrease in number, while in the
lumen there is accumulation of protons. This creates a proton gradient across the thylakoid
membrane as well as a measurable decrease in pH in the lumen.
The ATPase enzyme consists of two parts: one called the F0 is embedded in the memebrane and
forms a tarnsmembrane channel that carries out facilitated diffusion of protons across the
membrane. The other portion is called F1 and protrudes on the outer surface of the thylakoid
membrane on the side that faces the stroma.
q WHERE ARE THE ATP AND NADPH USED (Dark Reaction/Biosynthetic phase)
* In this process CO2 reduced to sugar. It is known as dark reaction but it doesn't mean that it occurs in
dark. This process does not directly depend on the presence of light but is dependent on the products
of the light reaction like ATP and NADPH2 so immediately after light becomes unavailable, the
biosynthetic process continues for some time and then stops.
* Biosynthetic phase completes in different plants by 3 different pathways –
1. C3 pathway 2. C4 pathway 3. CAM pathway
q C3 pathway or The Calvin cycle :-
* C3 pathway occurs in stroma of chloroplast of mesophyll cells.
* Ist stable compound of Calvin cycle is 3carbon compound–PGA (Phosphoglyceric acid or
phosphoglycerate) thus Calvin cycle is called C3–cycle. (First compound is unstable, 6C keto acid–
carboxy ketoribitol bisphosphate).
* Calvin studied the dark reaction in green algae Chlorella & Scenedesmus. During his experiment he used
chromatography & radioisotopy (C14 radioisotope) techniques for detecting reactions of C3–cycle.
* RubisCO (Ribulose bis-phosphate carboxylase-oxygenase) is main enzyme in C 3–cycle which is
present in stroma. RubisCO is most abundant enzyme and protein on earth.

CO2 + H2O
ADP + Pi

3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA)
Regeneration 3 Calvin - Cycle
2ATP + 2NADPH + H+

2 Reduction

Triose 2ADP + Pi + 2NADP
phosphate (3C)

Sucrose, Starch
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* 6 turns of Calvin cycle are required for the formation of one glucose or Fructose as 6 CO2 are
required for the synthesis of one hexose.
* 12 NADPH + H+ + 18 ATP are required as assimilatory power to produce one Glucose or Fructose in
dark reaction.
q C4 pathway/CO2 concentrating mechanism/Co-operative photosynthesis/
Dicarboxylic acid cycle (DCA cycle)/Hatch & Slack Pathway
* Hatch & Slack (1967), Studied detail and proposed cyclic pathway for dark reactions in sugarcane & maize leaves.
* First stable product of this reaction is OAA, which is 4C, DCA (Dicarboxylic Acid), thus Hatch & Slack
pathway is called C4 cycle or DCA cycle. E.g. of C4 plants – Sugarcane, Maize, Sorghum.
* Kranz (Wreath) Anatomy – Present in leaves of C4 plants. In these plants special green large cells
found around the vascular bundles in leaves, these are called bundle sheath cells, and the leaves which
have such anatomy are said to have 'Kranz anatomy'. 'Kranz' means 'wreath' and is reflection of the
arrangement of cells.

Detail form of C4 Pathway / Hatch and Slack Pathway

Diagrammatic representation of the Hatch and Slack Pathway

Atmospheric CO2

Mesophyll Plasma membrane

Cell wall

HCO3 Phosphoenolpyruvate
(PEP) (3C)
Fixation 2ATP

OAA (C4 acid)

Plasmodesmata Malic/Aspartic acid(C4 acid) Pyruvic acid ( C3 acid)



Malic/Aspartic acid Fixation by
( C4 acid) Calvin cycle
Decarboxylation Pyruvic acid (C3 acid)


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q Photosynthetic carbon oxidation (PCO) cycle/C 2 Cycle/ Photorespiration/
* In C3 plants some O2 does bind to RuBisCO, and hence CO2 fixation is decreased. Here the RuBP instead of
being converted to 2 molecules of PGA binds with O2 to form one molecule and phosphoglycolate in a pathway
called photorespiration. In the photorespiratory pathway, there is neither synthesis of sugars, nor of ATP.
Rather it results in the release of CO2 with the utilisation of ATP. In the photorespiratory pathway there is no
synthesis of ATP or NADPH. Therefore, photorespiration is a wasteful process.
* High light intensity favours photorespiration.
* It occurs in chloroplast, peroxisomes & mitochondria.
* Law of Limiting Factors (by Blackman) :- When a process is affected by a number of factors, then rate of
process at a time is limited by the factor which is at suboptimal level (less than optimum value).

* CO2 becoming limiting in clear sky but light is limiting in cloudy days and in dense forest or for
plants in shade.
* Atmospheric CO2 is not limiting factor for C4 plants and Submerged hydrophytes.


(1) Light – With increasing light intensity, rate of photosynthesis also increases but upto a limit, after
which other factors become limiting and rate not increase further. At higher light intensity photooxidation
(solarization) of pigments may occur.
* Light saturation occurs at 10% of full sunlight.

* 400 - 700 nm light is used in photosynthesis, so it is known as PAR (Photosynthetic active radiation).
Rate of photosynthesis



Light intensity

(2) Temperature – The dark reactions being enzymatic are temperature controlled. Though the light reactions are
also temperature sensitive they are affected to a much lesser extent.

* The C4 plants respond to higher temperatures (30° – 40° C) and show higher rate of photosynthesis while C3
plants have a much lower temperature optimum (20° – 25° C).

(3) CO2 – Carbon dioxide is the major limiting factor for photosynthesis. The concentration of CO2 is very low
in the atmosphere (between 0.03 and 0.04 percent). Increases in concentration upto 0.05 percent can
cause an increase in CO2 fixation rates, beyond this the levels can become damaging over longer

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* The C3 and C4 plants respond differently to CO2 concentrations. At low light conditions neither group

responds to high CO2 conditions. At high light intensities, both C3 and C4 plants show increase in the rates
of photosynthesis.

* C4–Plants show saturation at about 360 mlL–1 (0.036% or 360 ppm) while C3 responds to increased CO2

concentration and saturation is seen only beyond 450 mlL–1 (0.045% or 450 ppm). Thus, current availability

of CO2 levels is limiting to the C3 plants not for C4 plants.

(4) Water – Less availability of water reduces the rate of photosynthesis (stomata get closed). Besides, water
stress also makes leaves wilt, thus, reducing the surface area of the leaves and their metabolic activity
as well.


(1) Amount of Chlorophyll

(2) Leaf

* Various leaf factors like number, size, leaf age and leaf orientation (leaf angle) affects the photosynthesis.


* Emerson & Arnold worked on Chlorella and gave the concept of two photosystem or two pigment systems.

When they gave only monochromatic red light, longer than 680 nm wavelength, then quantum yield was
suddenly dropped down, this phenomenon was called red drop.

* When Emerson gave light, shorter and greater than 680 nm (combined light) then photosynthetic activity

increases, it became more than the sum total of the photosynthetic yield which obtained separately
in the light of more than 680 nm and less than 680 nm. This was called Emerson enhancement

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PHOTOSYNTHESIS INTRODUCTION AND EARLY 9. The path of CO 2 in the dark reactions of
EXPERIMENTS photosynthesis was sucessfully traced by the use of
the following :–
1. Oxygen which is liberated during photosynthesis (1) O218
(2) C O2
comes from - (3) P32 (4) X - rays
(1) Carbon di oxide (2) Water
(3) Chlorophyll (4) Phosphoglyceric acid 10. Discovery of Emerson effect has already shown the
existence of :–
2. In which of the following process, the light energy is (1) Two distinct photosystems
converted into chemical energy? (2) Light and dark reactions of photosynthesis
(1) Digestive action (2) Respiration (3) Photophosphorylation
(3) Photosynthesis (4) Fermentation (4) Photorespiration
3. During photosynthesis the oxygen in glucose comes 11. Name the scientist, who first pointed out that plants
from purify foul air by bell jar experiment?
(1) Water (1) Willstatter (2) Robert Hooke
(2) Carbon di oxide (3) Priestley (4) Jean Senebier
(3) O2 in air
(4) Both from water and CO 2 12. Of the total amount of water absorbed by the plant, its
actual percentage used during photosynthesis is :–
4. The law of limiting factor for photosynthesis was (1) 50% (2) 90%
given by :– (3) 1% (4) 25%
(1) R. Hill (2) Krebs
(3) Calvin (4) Blackman 13. Moll's half leaf experiment explains that
(1) Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis
5. The percentage of light energy utilized by higher (2) Chlorophyll and water are necessary for
plants, in the process of photosynthesis is photosynthesis
(1) 100% (2) 10% (3) 50% (4) 1-2% (3) Light and water are essential for photosynthesis
(4) All the above are correct
6. If the CO2 content of the atmosphere is as high as
300 parts per million - 14. Oxygen during photosynthesis comes from water
(1) All plants would be killed was proved with the help of O18 experiment by:-
(2) The plants would not grow properly (1) Ruben and Kamen (2) Hill
(3) Plants would grow for some time and then die. (3) Warburg (4) Blackman
(4) The plants would thrive well
15. Name of the scientist who pointed out the
7. The isotope of carbon used extensively for studies importance of different wavelengths of light using
in photosynthesis :– a green algae and aerobic bacteria :–
(1) C13 (2) C14 (3) C15 (4) C16 (1) Priestley (2) Ingen-Housz
(3) K.V. Thimann (4) Englemann
8. Which is the evidence to show that oxygen released
in photosynthesis comes from water ? 16. Photosynthesis in C4 plants is relatively less limited
(1) Isotopic oxygen (O18) supplied as H2O appears by atmospheric CO2 levels because :
in the O2 released in photosynthesis. (1) Four carbon acids are the primary initial CO2
(2) Activated chloroplast in water released O2 if fixation products
supplied potassium ferrocyanide or some other (2) The primary fixation of CO2 is mediated via PEP
oxidising agent in the absence of CO2. carboxylase
(3) Photosynthetic bacteria use H2S and CO2 to make (3) Effective pumping of CO2 into bundlesheath cells
carbohydrates, H2O and sulphur. (4) Rubisco in C4 plants has higher affinity for CO2
(4) All of the above.
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17. Photosynthesis is 26. Which colour of light gives maximum absorption
(1) Oxidative, exergonic, catabolic peak by chlorophyll 'a' ?
(2) Redox-reaction, endergonic, anabolic (1) Blue light (2) Green light
(3) Reductive, exergonic, anabolic (3) Violet light (4) Red light
(4) Reductive, endergonic, catabolic
27. Presence of carotenes in chloroplast helps in
18. The significance of light & chlorophyll in (1) ATP synthesis
photosynthesis was discovered by (2) Transferring radiant energy into chemical
(1) Priestley (2) Ingenhousz energy
(3) Englemann (4) Blackman (3) Protecting chlorophyll molecules from
(4) Absorption of longer wavelength of light
28. The number of pigment molecules in quantasome is:
19. The process of photo-phosphorylation take place (1) 250 - 400 (2) 300 - 900
in :- (3) 500 - 600 (4) 50 -100
(1) Chloroplast (2) Ribosomes
(3) Mitochondria (4) Cell-wall 29. Chlorophyll 'a' is found in
(1) All O2 releasing photosynthetic forms
20. PS I occurs in :- (2) Only higher plants.
(1) Appressed part of granal thylakoids (3) Higher plants that photosynthesize
(2) Appressed and non appressed part of grana (4) All photosynthetic eukaryotes.
(3) Stroma 30. In pigment system -I, reaction centre is :-
(4) Stroma thylakoids and non-appressed part of (1) P-600 (2) P-680
grana thylakoids. (3) P-700 (4) P-720

21. Which one of the following pigment does not occur 31. Basic structure of all chlorophyll comprises of :-
in the chloroplast? (1) Cytochrome system (2) Flavoproteins
(1) Carotene (2) Xanthophyll (3) Porphyrin system (4) Plastocyanin
(3) Chlorophyll 'b' (4) Anthocyanin
32. What is the by product of bacterial photosynthesis?
22. Chlorophyll contains :- (1) O2 (2) CO2
(1) Fe (2) Mg (3) S (4) H2S

(3) K (4) Mn
33. In chlorophyll molecule "Mg" is situated in
23. Which pigment is water soluble? (1) Centre of porphyrin ring
(1) Chlorophyll (2) Carotene (2) Corner of porphyrin (3) In phytol tail
(3) Anthocyanin (4) Xanthophyll (4) In isocyclic ring

24. The site for dark reaction of photosynthesis is :- 34. The photosynthetic pigment "chlorophylls" are
(1) Stroma soluble in
(2) Grana (1) Water
(3) Intergrana (2) Inorganic solvent
(4) Mitochondria (3) Organic solvent
(4) Water & organic solvent
25. Chlorophyll is present :–
(1) In the grana of chloroplasts 35. Which of the following protein is most abundant on
(2) On the surface of chloroplasts the earth?
(3) Dispersed through out the chloroplasts (1) Catalase (2) Rubisco
(4) In the stroma of chloroplasts (3) Amylase (4) None of these
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36. Universal photosynthetic chlorophyll is 44. ADP + iP = ATP in grana is called :–
(1) Chl-'a' (2) Chl 'b' (1) Phosphorylation
(3) Chl - 'c' (4) Chl - 'e' (2) Oxidative phosphorylation
(3) Photophosphorylation
37. Which of the following is the site of photolysis of
(4) Photolysis
water ?
(1) Stroma of chloroplast 45. Which of the following is excited molecule during
(2) Cristae of chloroplast photosynthesis :–
(3) Ribosome of chloroplast (1) Chlorophyll (2) Oxygen
(4) Lumen surface of thylakoid membrane (3) Carbondioxide (4) Water

LIGHT REACTIONS OR 46. NADPH(H+) is also called

(2) Oxidising agent
38. The first step in photosynthesis is
(3) Power house of energy
(1) Joining of three carbon atoms to from glucose
(4) Reducing power
(2) Formation of ATP
(3) Ionization of water 47. During splitting of H2O, H+ is ultimately captured
(4) Excitement of an electron of chlorophyll by a by
photon of light. (1) Chlorophyll (2) NADP
(3) O2 (4) Cytochrome
39. The gain of light reaction is :-
(1) ATP & NADPH(H+) (2) NADPH(H+) & glucose 48. At the time of splitting of H2O, which initially
(3) Only ATP (4) O2 & glucose captures the electron
(1) Chlorophyll (2) NADP
40. Which one of the following concerns with
(3) OH –
(4) Cytochrome
photophosphorylation :-
(1) ADP + AMP ¾¾¾¾¾ 49. In cyclic photophosphorylation which one of the
following is formed
(2) ADP + Inorganic PO4 ¾¾¾¾¾
¾ (1) NADP & ATP
(3) ADP + Inorganic PO4 ¾¾¾¾® ATP (2) ATP
(4) AMP + Inorganic PO4 ¾¾¾¾® ATP (3) NADH + H+ and O2
(4) NADPH + H+, ATP and O2
41. The function of ATP in photosynthesis is the
50. Fixation of 1 CO2 requires :–
transfer of energy from the
(1) Dark reaction to the light reaction (1) 6NADPH(H+) & 3ATP
(2) Light reaction to the dark reaction (2) 2NADPH(H+) & 3ATP
(3) Chloroplasts to mitochondria (3) 4NADPH(H+) & 3ATP
(4) Mitochondria to chloroplasts (4) 5NADPH(H+) & 3ATP

42. In photosynthesis, hydrogen is transferred from the 51. Photooxidation of water in photosynthesis is in
light reactions to dark reactions by :– association of
(1) DPN (2) DNA (3) ATP (4) NADP (1) Cytochrome b6
(2) Pigment system - I
43. During photochemical reaction of photosynthesis – (3) Pigment system - II
(1) liberation of O2 takes place (4) Plastocyanin
(2) Formation of ATP and NADPH2 take place
(3) Liberation of O2, formation of ATP, and NADPH2 52. During ATP synthesis electron pass through
takes place (1) Water (2) Cytochromes
(4) Assimilation of CO2 takes place (3) O2 (4) CO2

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53. Which pigment system immediately donates e– for 63. Connecting link between light phase and dark phase
the reduction of NADP. of photosynthesis.
(1) PS II (2) PS I (1) Only ATP
(3) CO2 (4) Plastoquinone (2) Only NADPH(H+)
(3) Only NADH + H+
54. Photosynthesis is an oxidation reduction process,
(4) ATP & NADPH(H+)
the materials that is oxidised is
(1) CO2 (2) NADP 64. Hill reaction occurs in :–
(3) H2O (4) PGA (1) High altitude plants
(2) Total darkness
55. Photo - oxidation of chlorophyll is called
(3) Presence of ferricyanide
(1) Intensification (2) Chlorosis
(4) Absence of water
(3) Solarization (4) Defoliation
56. The electron ejected by P680 in light reaction is
initially accepted by
(1) Plastoquinone (2) ATP 65. In photosynthesis CO2 combines with
(3) Ferredoxin (4) P-700 (1) RUBP (2) ATP
(3) ADP (4) PGA
57. Which element are presents in OEC (Oxygen
evolving complex) 66. During the dark reactions of photosynthesis :–
(1) Water splits
(1) Mn++ (2) Cl–
(2) CO2 is reduced to organic compounds
(3) Ca++ (4) All
(3) Chlorophyll is activated
58. Which one is Cu++ containing protein complex :- (4) Stable C6-sugar is broken into three carbon sugars
(1) Ferridoxin (2) Plastocyanin
67. Carbohydrates, the most abundant biomolecules on
(3) Plastoquinone (4) Cytochrome
earth, are produced by :
59. Only pigment system-I is concerned with (1) all bacteria, fungi and algae
(1) Photolysis of H2O (2) fungi, algae and green plant cells
(2) Cyclic photophosphorylation (3) some bacteria, algae and green plants cells
(3) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation (4) viruses, fungi and bacteria
(4) Oxidative phosphorylation
68. The enzyme that fixes atmospheric CO2 in C4 plants

The first electron carrier molecule for e– excited is :–

from P700 is (1) PEP carboxylase (2) Hexokinase
(1) Cytochrome (3) RUBP oxygenase (4) Hydrogenase
(2) Cu protein/Plastocyanin
69. During photosynthesis when PGA is changed into
(3) FeS protein/Ferredoxin
phosphoglyceraldehyde which of the following
(4) Fe-Mg protein
reaction occur :–
61. Pigment system–II occurs in (1) Oxidation (2) Reduction
(1) Grana (2) Stroma (3) Electrolysis (4) Hydrolysis
(3) Matrix (4) Oxysomes
70. Carbon refixation in C4 plants occurs in chloroplasts
62. During photosynthesis of :–
(1) Water is reduced & CO2 is oxidized (1) Palisade tissue
(2) CO2 is reduced & water is oxidized (2) Spongy Mesophyll
(3) Both CO2 & water get reduced (3) Bundle sheath cells
(4) Both CO2 & water get oxidized (4) Gaurd cells

E 217
Pre-Medical : Biology
71. Tropical plants like sugarcane show high efficiency 80. Isotopes employed to study the process of
of CO2 fixation because of :– photosynthesis reaction.
(1) Calvin cycle (1) S35 and P32 (2) C14 and O18
(2) Hatch - Slack cycle (3) N14 and Co60 (4) N14 and O18
(3) Cyclic photophosphorylation
81. Chloroplast is present in bundle sheath cells of
(4) TCA Cycle
(1) C3 - plants
72. "Kranz" type of Anatomy is found in :– (2) C4 plants
(1) C4 plant (3) CAM plants
(2) C3 plant (4) Photorespiring plants
(3) Succulent plants
82. CO2 is accepted by RUBP in C4 plants in
(4) None of the above
(1) Mesophyll cells (2) Bundle sheath cells
73. Ribulosediphosphate carboxylase enzyme, catalyse (3) Stomatal gaurd cells (4) Epidermal cells
the carboxylation reaction between
83. Bundle sheath chloroplast of C4 plant are :–
(1) CO2 and ribulose-1, 5-diphosphate
(1) Large & agranal
(2) Oxaloacetic acid and acetyl Co–A
(2) Large & granal
(3) PGA and dihydroxyacetone phosphate
(3) Small & agranal
(4)Ribulosediphosphate and phosphate
(4) Small & granal
84. Most efficient photosynthesis & presence of bundle
74. Which of the following is C-4 plants
sheath chloroplast are characteristics of
(1) Maize (2) Atriplex
(1) C3 - plants (2) C2 plants
(3) Sugarcane (4) All of the above
(3) C4 plants (4) CAM plants
75. C4 plants are adapted to
85. In C4 pathway the fixation of CO2 (by PEPCase)
(1) Hot and dry climate
occurs in
(2) Temperate climate
(1) Palisade tissue (2) Mesophyll
(3) Cold and dry climate
(3) Bundle sheath (4) Gaurd cell
(4) Hot and Humid climate
86. Synthesis of fructose in C4 pathway occurs in the
76. C4 plants are found among
chloroplast of
(1) Only gramineae
(1) Spongy mesophyll
(2) Only monocot
(2) Bundle sheath cells
(3) Only dicot
(3) Gaurd cells
(4) Monocots as well as dicots
(4) Palisade tissue
77. In case of C4 pathway, the first step is :-
87. In addition to the 12 molecules of NADPH(H +) the
(1) CO2 combines with RUDP
energy required for the synthesis of one mole of
(2) CO2 combines with PGA
hexose by C3 and C4 pathway is
(3) CO2 combines with PEP
(1) 18 molecules of ATP
(4) CO2 combines with RMP
(2) 30 molecules of ATP
78. In dark reaction, first reaction is the (3) 18 & 30 molecules of ATP respectively
(1) Carboxylation (2) Decarboxylation (4) 30 & 18 molecules of ATP respectively
(3) Dehydrogenation (4) Deamination
88. How many molecules of water are needed by a green
79. Number of ATP molecules requried for regeneration plant to produce one molecule of hexose/reduce
phase of RUBP during synthesis of 1 glucose 6 molecules of CO2
molecule. (1) 6 (2) 12
(1) 6 (2) 12 (3) 18 (4) 30 (3) 24 (4) Only one

218 E
Pre-Medical : Biology
89. How many Calvin cycles would generate one 97. As compared to a C3-plant how many additional
molecules of glucose/hexose molecules of ATP are needed for net production of
(1) One cycle (2) Three cycles one molecule of hexose sugar by C4-plants :
(3) Six cycles (4) Twelve cycles (1) two (2) six
(3) zero (4) twelve
90. The first stable product of Calvin cycle and HSK-
cycle are 98. First stable product of Photorespiration is :-
(1) 4-C and 3-C compounds (1) PGAL (2) Glycerate
(2) 4-C and 6-C compounds (3) Glycine (4) Phosphoglycolate
(3) 3-C and 4-C compounds
(4) 5-C and 4 - C compounds 99. During day light hours, the rate of photosynthesis is
higher than that of respiration and the ratio of
91. Which of the following was used during discovery of
oxygen produced to that of consumed is
Calvin cycle :
(1) 10 : 1 (2) 5 : 1
(1) Spirogyra (2) Volvox
(3) 1 : 1 (4) 50 : 1
(3) Chlamydomonas (4) Chlorella
100. Generally atmospheric CO 2 is not limiting for
92. In sugarcane plant 14CO2 is fixed in malic acid, in
which the enzyme that fixes CO2 is
(1) Mesophytes plants fix H2S in their photosynthesis
(1) Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase
(2) These plants obtain CO2 from water in the form of
(2) Phosphoenol pyruvic acid carboxylase (PEP-case)
(3) Ribulose phosphate kinase
(3) Glucose is not required for their respiration
(4) Fructose phosphatase
(4) All the above
PHOTOSYNTHESIS & FACTORS SPECIAL MODE 101. Photorespiration is favoured by
OF NUTRITION IN PLANTS (1) Low light intensity
(2) Low O2 and high CO2
93. The rate of photosynthesis does not depend upon (3) Low temperature
(1) Light duration (4) High O2 and Low CO2
(2) Light intensity
(3) Light quality (colour) 102. What is C2 - Cycle
(4) Temperature (1) Glycolate cycle (2) Calvin cycle
(3) Kreb's cycle (4) TCA - cycle

94. Which one of the following have high CO 2

compensation point :– 103. What does not occur in photorespiration
(1) C2 plants (2) C3 plants (1) Utilization of O2 (2) Production of CO2
(3) C4 plants (4) Alpine herbs (3) Synthesis of ATP (4) All the above

95. Solarisation is a process in which :– 104. Main factor which limits the rate of photosynthesis
(1) Sugar are formed with the help of solar energy on a clear day is
(2) Chlorophyll is formed (1) Chlorophyll (2) Light
(3) Destruction of chlorophyll (3) CO2 (4) Water
(4) Mobilization of light energy. 105. Which one of the following is wrong in relation to
96. Accumulation of food in assimilatory cells results in photorespiration :-
(1) Increase in the rate of photosynthesis (1) It occurs in chloroplasts
(2) Decrease in the rate of photosynthesis (2) It occurs in daytime only
(3) No effect (3) It is a characterisitic of C4 plants
(4) May increase or decrease (4) It is a characteristic of C3 plants

E 219
Pre-Medical : Biology
106. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) represents 109. In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the :-
the following range of wavelength :- (1) Stroma (2) Outer membrane
(1) 400–700 nm (2) 500–600 nm (3) Inner membrane (4) Thylakoids
(3) 450–950 nm (4) 340–450 nm
110. Which pair is wrong :-
107. In C3 plants, the first stable product of photosynthesis (1) C3 plant-maize
during the dark reaction is :- (2) Calvin cycle-PGA
(1) Phosphoglycereldehyde (3) Hatch and Slack cycle - Maize
(2) Malic acid (4) C4-plant- Kranz
(3) Oxaloacetic acid
(4) 3–phosphoglyceric acid

108. Plants adapted to low light intensity have :-

(1) Leaves modified to spines
(2) Large photosynthetic unit size than the sun plants
(3) Higher rate of CO2 fixation than the sun plants
(4) More extended root system

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 2 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 1 3 3 1 1 4
Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 3 2 2 1 4 4 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 3 3 1 3 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 4 3 3 1
Que. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 4 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 3
Que. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Ans. 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 4 1
Que. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans. 4 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 3
Que. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
Ans. 4 2 1 2 3 2 4 4 1 2 4 1 3 3 3
Que. 106 107 108 109 110
Ans. 1 4 2 4 1
220 E

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