The Psychology Behind Video Games During COVID-19 Pandemic A Case Study of Animal Crossing New Horizons

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Received: 16 July 2020 Revised: 25 July 2020 Accepted: 3 August 2020

DOI: 10.1002/hbe2.221


The psychology behind video games during COVID-19

pandemic: A case study of Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Lin Zhu

Department of Educational and Counseling

Psychology, University at Albany, Albany, Abstract
New York With the emerging outbreak of a novel coronavirus, millions of people have been
Correspondence followed social distancing rules to self-quarantine at home. Given the continuation of
Lin Zhu, Division of Educational Psychology this pandemic trend, people who have suffered from the anxiety of coronavirus and
and Methodology, University at Albany, State
University of New York, 1400 Washington experienced social isolation their psychological well-being started to be concerned.
Avenue, Albany 12222, NY. During this time, one popular video game called “Animal Crossing: New Horizons”
successfully get everyone's attention and led us to explore the psychology behind
Peer Review video games. On the one hand, New Horizons provides a dreamland for the players
The peer review history for this article is
available at to temporally escape from the cruel reality with a risk of losing in escapism. On the
1002/hbe2.221. other hand, the New Horizons world becomes a perfect social platform to keep social
interaction with others to get rid of the loneliness.


Animal Crossing, coronavirus, COVID-19, escapism, loneliness, New Horizons, psychological

well-being, social isolation, video game

1 | OVERVIEW OF PHENOMENON fashion, growing flowers, participating in annual events, and much
more. The game proceeds in an open-ended fashion and develops it
In the past several months, many of us are either experiencing lock- into a community of anthropomorphic animals. Players can also have
down or voluntarily following the social distancing rules to minimize social interaction with other players online, which is one of the most
our time spent outside due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. attractive parts of the game.
Fighting the epidemic is a serious matter. Comparing with the impor- New Horizons have received massively popularity and acclaim
tance that people attached to the epidemic trend and healthcare, the from game players and critics all over the world. It sold five million
release of a video game seems trivial to notice. However, Animal digital copies in its first month, breaking the console game record for
Crossing: New Horizons, a life simulation video game, brought unex- most digital units sold in a single month. It became the best-selling
pected magic to get the public attention and let us rethink the psy- game in the Animal Crossing series after 6 weeks with 13.41 million
chology behind the game. units sold (Wikipedia, 2020). At press time, the Nintendo Switch has
New Horizons is the fifth main series title in the Animal Crossing been sold out almost everywhere online and in-store at many popular
series. It is developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo retailers.
Switch, released in all regions on March 20, 2020. As in previous
installments in the Animal Crossing series, Animal Crossing: New Hori-
zons is a nonlinear life simulation game played in real-time. In New 2 | T H E P S Y C H O L O G Y B E H I ND
Horizons, a player assumes the role of a customizable character who T H E “G A M E ”
moves to a deserted island to build and expand their home by granting
a loan, exploring their surroundings, interacting with a cast of adorable Many critics attribute its popularity to the “right timing.” As
animal villagers, catching bugs, collecting fish, designing their own Khan (2020) stated in The New York Times, the success has been

Hum Behav & Emerg Tech. 2021;3:157–159. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC 157
158 ZHU

partially attributed to its release during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 4 | “O N L Y ” B U T N O T L O N EL Y

players seeking a sense of escapism in their self-quarantine at home.
Indeed, New Horizons could not have come at a better time. Or rather, Social interaction is another highlight of the game's success, and it is
we can just consider the game world as the “La-la land,” a sort of highly related to ones' psychological well-being to get rid of the
escape that has captivated in our fantasies with the world in the grip loneliness. Even being the only human on the island in the game
of the epidemic; or, it plays an unexpected role to provide comfort does not mean that you have to live alone there. The most fascinat-
and social connection in a time of isolation and struggle. Therefore, it ing part of the game is that the players can continue to socialize vir-
is not hard to discover the two main psychological success behind this tually even they remain in physical isolation for long periods during
phenomenon: first, it captures people's instinctive to escape from the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know, social isolation has
realistic difficulties and their yearning to chase a peaceful and harmo- significant implications for mental and physical health. There is one
nious life; then, it satisfies people's unwillingness to be lonely and meta-analysis estimates that loneliness and social isolation can
their deep inner desire for the social interaction to get rid of the be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day
loneliness. (Edwards, 2013). Research has shown that people who experienced
socially isolated may get a greater risk of becoming lonely and that
being surrounded by a social network of meaningful personal rela-
3 | A D R EA M LA N D OR A TE M P O RA R Y tionships is crucial for feeling socially embedded and for the allevia-
ESCAPE? tion of loneliness (De Jong Gierveld, Van Tilburg, & Dykstra, 2006).
The benefits of playing games with others online have been
If there is a dreamland to escape from the coronavirus, video game highlighted in research by Cole and Griffiths (2007). They found that
must be one. In New Horizons, players take the role of the only 75% of the participants made appropriate pals due to taking part in
human being who lives on an island surrounded by pudgy anthropo- online games and 30% met a romantic associate via a game. These
morphic animals. Inside the game world, there are no mountains of friendships are often of excessive-quality, with over one in three
work and demanding bosses; you do not have to worry about that people pointing out that they talk to their online friends about prob-
tomorrow might be the day to hand in your homework; of course, lems that they would not speak to their offline friends
there is also no exact date on which you should pay back what you (Platinum, 2020). New Horizons provides a perfect social platform to
owe; most importantly, there is no disaster and disease exists, it is expand personal relationships with others no matter for the intro-
like a haven that keeps you away from COVID-19. The game is verts or extraverts. The gamers not only can invite others to their
played at a relaxed pace, in which the player can choose what they islands to trade items but also can talk and hang out virtually. There
want to do on any given day. “There's no nastiness and violence that are even real stories of people having weddings on the game after
exists. They get absorbed into the day-to-day things without the their ceremonies had been canceled in real life. It is a thoughtful
real-world consequences,” said Romana Ramzan, a lecturer at Glas- way to make memories and have some laughs during the time they
gow Caledonian University in Scotland. “It's like you've been trans- cannot in person. New Horizons fulfills the players' desire to con-
ported to a parallel universe where you've always wanted but hard tinue social contact with each other during the COVID-19 epidemic
to reach out” (Khan, 2020). Compare to the everyday pressure you and further reducing their feelings of loneliness.
have to face from reality, who would not want to live in this
However, from the other point of view, this dreamland only pro- 5 | CONC LU SION
vides a virtual world over the cloud that allowing you to escape from
the cruel reality temporarily, eventually, this escapism could not last The coronavirus outbreak has put a heavy stone onto everyone's
long after all. This delicate relationship represents a microcosm of shoulder and everyone is trying their best to cope with it in their own
the psychological problems that people experience in real life. way. As a global epidemic, it has brought too many painful memories.
According to Hussain and Griffiths (2009), over one-third of gamers The pressure and anxiety caused by the fear of viruses in real life
claimed that relaxation and escape was a key function of playing. In make people pay more attention to mental health problems.
another study of online gaming, the best predictor of a high score on Video games have always appeared to the public with a relatively
Young (1998) for Internet addiction was escapism, indicating that negative image. However, in this crisis, their players in some ways are
players use online games to avoid thinking about real-life problems. benefited. New Horizons has opened the door to a parallel world,
Players who have the motivation to escape from life problems may bought spiritual comfort and sustenance to their fans. People can eas-
experience more negative outcomes from their online gaming ily find calm and peace in the game and escape from the suffering of
(Kardefelt-Winther, 2014). In our case, New Horizons may temporar- reality to alleviate psychological anxiety and depression. However, at
ily play a “shelter” role to provide a simple happy life to the players; the same time, the negative outcomes of escapism that affect people's
however, the negative outcomes of escapism that may affect peo- psychological well-being should be concerned in future studies. In the
ple's psychological well-being should be concerned in future studies game, continuing social interaction with old friends or making new fri-
as well. ends could be a relaxing and fun way to stay connected with loved
ZHU 159

ones and helps people to get rid of the loneliness caused by social iso- AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
lation. Overall, during the COVID-19 pandemic, no matter the experi-
ences of anxiety and escapism, or the social isolation and loneliness, Lin Zhu is a graduate student in Educational
New Horizons made us realize the psychology behind video games has and Methodology Psychology at University at
far more than we have already known. In front, more treasures are Albany. She holds her two Bachelor's degrees
waiting to be explored for future studies. in Management and Informatics Sciences
from both Dalian University of Foreign Lan-
ORCID guages, China, and Josai International Univer-
Lin Zhu sity, Japan. Lin Zhu is fluent in English,
Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese. Prior to her study at University
RE FE R ENC E S at Albany, she used to work in the marketing department in sev-
Cole, H., & Griffiths, M. D. (2007). Social interactions in massively multiplayer eral companies in East Asia and the Middle East. Lin Zhu's current
online role-playing gamers. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(4), 575–583.
research interests include cross-cultural and gender differences in
De Jong Gierveld, J., Van Tilburg, T., & Dykstra, P. A. (2006). Loneliness
and social isolation. In Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships human development studies. Recently, her research mainly
(pp. 485–500). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. focuses on the complex relationship between video games and
Edwards, S. (2013). Forum focus-All the lonely people. Nursing Older Peo- psychological well-being. For the future research direction, she
ple, 25(10), 10.
may continue to expand the research field from video games to a
Hussain, M., & Griffiths, M. (2009). The attitudes, feelings, and experiences
of online gamers: A qualitative analysis. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, variety of emerging technologies, from a psychological perspec-
12(6), 747–753. tive to strategies of mediating the conflict between technology
Kardefelt-Winther, D. (2014). The moderating role of psychosocial well- use and human development. Ultimately, her research would aim
being on the relationship between escapism and excessive online gam-
to use the positive side of technologies to help people gain knowl-
ing. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 68–74.
Khan, I. (2020, April 7). Why animal crossing is the game for the coronavi-
edge, overcome psychological difficulties, and have a better
rus moment. The New York Times. Retrieved from. https://www. understanding of themselves.
Platinum (2020, April 9). The psychology of animal crossing. In Psychology
and Video Games. Retrieved from.
psychology-of-animal-crossing/ How to cite this article: Zhu L. The psychology behind video
Wikipedia Contributors. (2020, July 7). Animal Crossing: New Horizons. games during COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Animal
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from Crossing: New Horizons. Hum Behav & Emerg Tech. 2021;3:
Young, K. (1998). Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical dis-
order. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 1, 237–244.

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