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Nama : R.

Akbar Abinaya Bastomy

Kelas : X MIPA 5
No. Absen : 29

Erico : Hi, Risqi, how are you ?, long time no see

Risqi : Hi, Erico, I’m fine
Erico : Where have you been during this holiday ?
Risqi : During the holidays my family and I went to visit my grandmother's house in Jakarta.
What about you where have you been during this holiday ?
Erico : During holiday I don’t go anywhere
Risqi : don’t you have any travel plans ?
Erico : No, I don’t have any travel plans. By the way what event made you go to Jakarta ?
Risqi : Nothing, I just want to visit my grandma and also go to tourist attractrions in Jakarta.
Erico : It looks like a lot of fun there ?
Risqi : Of course, I went to various places there
Erico : How are things in Jakarta ?, I want to know the current state of Jakarta.
Risqi : Jakarta has made a lot of progress
Erico : Then, where have you been while in Jakarta ?
Risqi : After I arrived at my grandma house, the next morning my family and I went to the old
city tour.
Erico : After that where dou you go ?
Risqi : After from the old city my family and I went to the mangga dua mall, I was so happy in
there because my mother bought me clothes and watches.
Erico : So, the watch you’re were right now is the watch you bought at mangga dua mall ?
Risqi : Yes, you are right. The watch I’m wearing right now is the watch my mother bought at
the mangga dua mall.
Erico : That’s why you looking very happy today, but Risqi do you know University of
Indonesia ?
Risqi : Yes, I know University of Indonesia
Erico : University of Indonesia located in Jakarta, don’t you want to continue your education
there ?
Risqi : Of course I want.
Erico : During your vacation in Jakarta did you visit University of Indonesia ?
Risqi : Of course I visit University of Indonesia, the day after tomorrow my family and I visited
the University of Indonesia. I am very happy in there the reason is the University of Indonesia is
my dream to continue my education and at the University of Indonesia the place is very
beautiful, clean and has lots of facilities.
Erico : And that’s why for this reason you study hard.
Risqi : Of course I really want to continue my education in University of Indonesia.
Erico : That’s why your grades are all good, Risqi do you go to Dufan ?
Risqi : Yes, after from University of Indonesia my family and I went to Ancol Dufan. But after
I got there I was sad.
Erico : Why are you sad ?
Risqi : Beacause when I got there the playground that I liked was still under repair.
Erico : But you can still play on other rides, right ?
Risqi : Yes, then I played other rides.
Erico : Are there any tourist spots that you visit ?
Risqi : Of course, the next day my family and I went to the top of Bogor.
Erico : It must be so much fun in there.
Risqi : Yes of course, but what’s not good is the journey there.
Erico : Why the journey ?
Risqi : Since it was weekday, the street were very busy so it took a long time to get there as a
result we got there in the afternoon
Erico : What are you doing there ?
Risqi : First, I rode a horse for the first time, I was so scared but thanks to companion then I’m
not afraid anymore.
Erico : After that what do you do ?
Risqi : After that I went to souvenir center then I brought gift for my friends.
Erico : That’s why you this morning give us a souvenir.
Risqi : Yes, the next day my family and I went back home.

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