Role of Student Journalist in Preventing The Spread of Covid 19

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Writing in Preventing COVID 19

This coronavirus disease 2019 is dominating the news cycle as deadly virus that is increasing
rapidly aver the world. In Philippines, according to news there are 6, 959 new confirm cases of
COVID 19 on Saturday Department of Health said.
The spread of COVID 19 is preventable. The student journalist has a role in addressing the
people about the issues in society but they can also help in preventing the spread of this virus,
but how?
Write and produce news that covers COVID 19. In a study news can have the power to influence
our thoughts. Writing a news about the danger of COVID 19 and ways to prevent being infected
has an impact to people. This will make them aware in the danger of COVID 19 hence they will
obey COVID 19 measurement.
Student journalist must be a good model. Student journalist are influencers they influenced
people by their news. People are observing them and they might imitate their actions. A
psychologist Albert Bandura explains that through observing humans can learned and tend to
imitate what they observe. Student Journalist must be a good example in obeying health
Remember the mantra, the responsibilities of student journalist are to cover news and not to
become the news. Student journalist must not contribute to further spreading of the COVID 19.
According to WHO protecting ourselves from coronavirus disease is protecting others.
Student journalist are not exempted on COVID 19, to prevent the spread of COVID 19 they must
be safe while doing their role this is a challenge. As a journalist they are more vulnerable to
contracting COVID 19 and they must continue to provide information in height of the pandemic,
this become a hindrance to their role in helping to prevent the spread of COVID 19.
Safety first. Student Journalist plays a vital role in preventing the spread of COVID 19. Just like
the reminder to general public, journalist performing their role must observe COVID 19 health
protocol. This will make them fulfill their role as journalist and also stay safe from COVID 19.
In times of COVID 19 pandemic, our young student journalist plays a crucial role not only in
addressing the people but also in preventing the spread of this novel coronavirus disease 2019.
This is not easy as they write and produce news they are also battling COVID 19. What young
journalist do role is not only for accolades also for the betterment of the country. Jose RIzal once
uttered, “kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan” Student journalist not only hold to this hope they do
much more.

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