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Name: Hannah P.

Aguid Section: RR23

Guide Questions:

1. After you watch the video discussion on Authentic Christian Humanism and Social Spirituality,
What do you think is the relevance of ACH and Social Spirituality in our life? Elaborate.

I believe an improvement of anything in life means to either make it better or make it easier.
Ideally improving should be making things both better and easier. I believe to make a product better
and easier, the product would have to increase in accuracy and usefulness, while in order to make life
better humanity would have to be happier than it was before things were improved. If things are
better and easier than they were before it allows people and society to have increased well-being, be
happier, and be more productive. You can overcome these feelings with a bit of a push, so remember
that now you are working toward your future, so forget about what happened in the past. You want to
increase your learning speed and learning products, which is definitely a possibility but needs some

If we can tap into the positive energy of love, life itself will be more positive. We will be able
to conquer more tasks; we will be able to forgive easier; we will be able to cope easier, we will be
more resilient; we will be able to heal and that is powerful. We should and could live life as a
beautiful experience. I value and encourage others to value honesty, diplomacy, kindness, education,
learning, respect, compassion, and empathy.

2. What is the importance of ACH and Social Spirituality in our Life? Explain.

Awareness is one of the greatest qualities of spiritual life. Awareness is living in the present,
not the past or the future. A person who is aware of life looks around and sees, hears, smells, and
takes in what is happening both on the outside but more importantly on the inside. People all over the
world have their particular beliefs about spirituality. Even within the same religion, many have their
own spiritual views. Some believe that going to church once a week will save them. Other’s views set
a prayer cycle, though good, it may become redundant and lose meaning. But beside the point, it
seems most people blame God and leave His side when He does not help them out in times of

Additionally, some people believe that spirituality is universal in addressing the heart of every
human being and much far than in connection to religion. The contrary to that is that such people only
reflect one side of their covenant since our hearts are belonging to God himself who comes to meet us
with eternal love. As a result, the notion of a description indicating the essence of being spiritual and
not religious is halfway to the connection between the two affiliated factors. Nevertheless, the
reflection of conviction, which people tend to draw on the significant nurture to associate with
religious institutions to grow the faith of connecting with God is imperative than considering each
side of spirituality and religion independently.
3. After our discussion on ACH and Social Spirituality, What is God’s Invitation to you? Or what is
the invitation of these topics to us? Explain.

The challenge we face is keeping the hunger or restlessness directed toward God. We can become
easily sidetracked into choosing lesser goods. We know of cases in which the relentless pursuit of
fame and fortune has led to moral bankruptcy. Whenever we make a created reality our ultimate, we
have placed upon that creation — whether a relationship or a career goal — a burden it cannot

These are more extreme examples of how our desire for "the more" can express itself and cause us to
become less whole in the process. The behavior also is part of the human condition that we all share.
All through salvation history, we humans have demonstrated repeatedly that in our search for the
ultimate, we have wandered far afield, and God just as steadfastly has continued to call us home.

In Jesus, we see the fullest expression of what a person can be in God. Jesus says, "I came that you
may have life and see what it means to have life in the fullest."

Why is it so hard for us to stay the course in our desire for union with God? We struggle with the
feeling of longing, that sense of emptiness. Our societal messaging says we ought to be full, so if we
are not, what is wrong with us? To escape this feeling, we run. We numb ourselves.

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