Healthcareplan Final

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Health Care Plan

Joshua Rutledge

Delaware Technical Community College



Current health problems that I chose to discuss in my health care plan are my mild plaque

Psoriasis to my scalp and my progressive weight loss from ADHD medication. Negative social

stigmas attached to dandruff make me feel very self-conscious about my image regarding my

hair. I feel that I have exhausted all my available OTC resources and therefore I think the only

solution would be to seek a dermatology consult to have a medical professional assess and

diagnose my current hair issues. My weight loss has been very pivotal in my social wellness and

self-esteem when I was muscular and in shape off medication, I was able to eat enough food to

maintain my physique. Since resuming medication, I have lost my appetite chronically began

losing weight progressively, stopped exercising regularly due to loss of motivation from weight

loss. I feel a sense of hopelessness and have given up on having a body I like in exchange to

pursue a greater goal, my education. The weights will always be there, and the muscles can

easily return but while on medication it seems almost impossible even with strict dieting to

maintain a caloric surplus necessary for anabolic needs. I have two more years of school looming

in my future, and I am currently 23 meaning I can potentially return to my former physique by

the age of 25 but I am fearful that the impact to my mental wellness and self-esteem may

discourage me from my academic pursual.


ADHD weight loss

Transition to a high protein calorie dense diet has been recommended by health

professionals to optimize caloric intake while promoting a well-balanced diet (NHS et al 2019).

Employ the use of a Macronutrient calculator specific to body mass index to calculate

Dietary Reference Intakes of macronutrients such as fats, carbs, and proteins to optimize muscle

growth of 1lb per week to achieve the goal of 15lbs over 3 months. Dietary Reference Intakes

(DRIs) are a set of reference values used to plan and assess nutrient intakes of healthy people

(ODPHP et al, 2020). Dietary Reference Intakes of macronutrients consists of

3,370 Calories/day, 288 grams of protein/day, 382 grams of carbohydrates/day, 86 grams of

fat/day . This was estimated using a macro calculator which considers the type of diet (high

protein), BMI (weight/height), Age (average age metabolic rate), Gender (gender metabolic

rate), and amount of weekly exercise to calculate estimated recommended daily intake and

estimate macronutrients required for different rates of desired weight gain.

Weekly weight monitoring is suggested to track weight progression and account for daily

water weight fluctuations. Taking your weight at the same time on the same day every week

provides better trackable trend able statistics to use in health care plan (Harvard et al, 2015).

Psoriasis treatment

Consult a dermatologist for a patient specific psoriasis treatment plan. Dermatologists

recommend one or more of the following: Topical steroid medications, Medicated shampoos,

Scale softeners, Light treatments, Oral or injected medications that boost the immune system

(UCLA et al, 2021). Evidence based practice currently guides the standard of care for Mild to

moderate psoriasis is to be treated topically with a combination of glucocorticoids, vitamin D

analogues, and phototherapy (Rendon et al, 2019).



Dermatologist- Sunwise Dermatology, Phone- 302-364-2000, Address: 102 Sleepy Hollow Dr

#203, Middletown, DE 19709

Nutritionist- Contemporary Nutrition, Phone- 302-222-1403, Address: 301 Camden Wyoming

Ave, Camden, DE 19934


Interventions for my health care plan are very dependent on referral healthcare services.

This is one major drawback from my current healthcare plan is that it does not apply to

individuals without insurance due to the high costs of these associated consulting providers.

Some things I might do differently is not necessarily pursue a nutritionist for dieting information

but instead pursue a fitness coach who can form a fitness plan for my specific issues and employ

the use of exercise education, nutrition, weight monitoring to help achieve my goals.

Lessons learned from this care plan are that it is important to continually monitor and address

health issues before they decline to the point where healthcare professionals are needed.


NHS. (2019, October 9). NHS Choices. Retrieved from

Harvard. (2015, March). Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day? Should you weigh yourself
every day? Retrieved from

Rendon, A. (2019, March 23). Psoriasis Pathogenesis and Treatment. International journal of
molecular sciences. Retrieved from

ODPHP. (2020, April). Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI).
Retrieved from

UCLA. (2021). Psoriasis. UCLA Dermatology. Retrieved from

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