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Facilities/Tools and
Training Activity Learners Venue Date and Time Remarks
 Prepare the 1. Alpasan, Rodrigo CHECKING OF FACILITIES, TOOLS, AND MATERIALS  Area and facilities
area /Assemble P. were prepared.
Facilities and 2. Burgos, Anna U. Good Morning!
Equipment/Tools 3. Demaisip, Alvin I.
 Prayer 4. Gumala, Rose T. To start the day, may I request everybody to please stand for a prayer to be lead to  An old learner
 Checking of 5. Palmes, us by the assigned learner, Rodrigo. was assigned to
Attendance Esmeralda G. lead the prayer.
 Recap on the 6. Planas, Lilia H. Amen! Both the old and
previous learning 7. Reyes, Joseph O. new learners
content 8. Torillo, Mario R. Based on the seat plan, everybody is present. were assigned
 Motivation/Rejoind 9. Yasay, Rogelio E. By the way, let me introduce myself to our new learners who just came in today. I and distributed to
er 10. Salmo, Andres F. am Allan Alimodian, your learning facilitator on Organic Agriculture Production NC II their respective
 Distribution of 11. Santos, Alberto and they are Andres Salmo and Alberto Santos. work stations.
learners to their
respective work
A. Welcome!
Our lesson yesterday is all about clean raw materials for various concoctions such
as Fermented Plant Juice, Fermented Fruit Juice, Oriental Herbal Nutrient, Calcium
Phosphate, Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum, Indigenous Micro Organisms and Fish
Amino Acid.

For today’s lesson, our learning content will focus on Tools, Materials and
Equipment; Clean and Sanitize Work and Storage Areas.

To our 2 new learners please stay here at contextual learning area for a brief
orientation about CBT and your Qualification.

While, the group of Rodrigo, the 9 of you, will proceed to LEARNING RESOURCE
AREA, read INFORMATION SHEET 4.1-2 on, Tools, Materials and Equipment and
answer SELF-CHECK 4.1-2 then compare your answer to ANSWER KEY 4.1-2 of
the CBLM on Organic Agriculture Production NC II. You are given 1 hr. to
accomplish the task.
Any questions, clarification?

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If none, Rodrigo and the group you can now proceed.
 RPL  Salmo, Andres F. Based on the documents you have submitted. No one of you possess any current  The learners were
 TNA  Santos, Alberto competencies related to Organic Agriculture Production NC II. given orientation
 Briefing / A. about CBT and
Orientation on It means, you are required to take all the competencies from basic to Core including their qualification
CBT Delivery and and were
the Electives of Organic Agriculture Production NC II.
Qualification instructed to come
. back the next day
Do you understand? for the start of their
The LGPC Vision, Mission and Core Values are aligned with the Vision, Mission and
Core Values of TESDA.

Your qualification is Organic Agriculture Production NC II. It has 4 groups of

competencies: the BASIC, COMMON, CORE and ELECTIVE.

Basic with 4 Unit of competencies

Common with 5 Unit of Competencies
Core with 4 unit of competencies
Elective with 2 unit of competencies
The nominal duration is 232 hours or 29 Days equivalent to 8 hours per day.

(proceed to CBT orientation)

CBT is training delivery approach that focuses on the competencies of learners.

Next, let us compare the Traditional from CBT.

In CBT, trainees acquire knowledge and skill at own pace while in the traditional
trainees acquire knowledge at the same time.

Role of trainees

In the implementation of Organic Agriculture Production NC II we see to it to adhere

to the 10 principles of CBT.
1. Learning is based on the Competency-based curriculum
-The CBC of OAP NCII is derived from the competency standards which are
identified by the industry workers and promulgated by TESDA

2. Learning is competency-based or modular in structure

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- The qualification of OAP NCII is composed of a set of competencies a
worker should have
- Each of you should learn theses competencies one after another until
you attained all the competencies of the qualification

3. Training delivery is individualized

and self-paced

I should provide activities that will allow each of you to advance on his own
without waiting for the other trainees in this class to finish

4. Learning is based on the actual industry practice

5. Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the

-Oftentimes, learning materials or CBLM are directly related to these

standards (CBC&CS)
- The CBC is my guide to plan for both Training and Assessment

6. Assessment of learners is based in the collection of evidences of work


7. Training is based both on and off the job components

8. The system allows Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

_CBT focuses on competencies that are not yet acquired by the learner in
any learning situation

9. The system allows learners to enter and exit programs at different times and
levels and to receive an award for competencies attained at any point.

10. Training programs are registered within UTPRAS

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Rest assure you learners that our program of Organic Agriculture Production NC II is
a registered program under UTPRAS.

Learners if you have noticed, our facility is divided into nine areas according to CBT
1. Practical Work Area
2. Institutional Work Area
3. Contextual Learning Laboratory
4. Trainer’s Resource Area
5. Distance Learning
6. Computer Area
7. Quality Control Area
8. Support Area
9. Learning Resource Center

Lastly, we have CBLM this is a well develop learning material to give clear
instruction and guide the learner throughout the training.

The CBLM have a different sections: the Learning Experience, Information Sheet,
Self-check , Answer Key, Operation/Task/Job Sheet and Performance Criteria

Any questions or clarification?

If none, see you tomorrow before 7:30 AM for the start of your training on Basic
competency 1-Participate in workplace communication.

Have a nice day!

Unit of Competency 1. Alpasan, Rodrigo  The learners
4: P. How are you learners? read the
2. Burgos, Anna U. Are you done reading the information sheet 4.1-2 and answer the Self Check 4.1-2 INFORMATION
Produce organic SHEET 1.1-2,
3. Demaisip, Alvin I. and compare your answer to answer key 4.1-2?
concoctions and answered SELF-
4. Gumala, Rose T.
extracts CHECK 1.1-2
5. Palmes, Please pass your answer sheets. and compared
Esmeralda G. Very Good! answers on
LO1: Prepare for 6. Planas, Lilia H. Everybody got the correct answers. ANSWER KEY
the production of 7. Reyes, Joseph O. 1.1-2. Learners
various concoctions 8. Torillo, Mario R. Therefore, it is time to proceed to Computer area for a video presentation. answered all
9. Yasay, Rogelio E questions
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Learning (Tools,
materials and

 Video Learner’s please take your seat. You are going to view video 4.1-2A on Clean and  The learners
Presentation sanitize work and storage areas for 30 minutes. watched VIDEO
4.1-2A on Clean
Watch attentively to the video. and Sanitize work
and storage Areas
After this, an oral questioning will follow.
and answer oral
Based on the video, what are the tools, materials and equipment used to clean and
sanitize work storage areas?

Yes, Mr. Torillo, very good! You answered it correctly.

It is time to proceed to the practical work area. For I will demonstrate on how to
Clean and Sanitize Work and Storage areas.

Given here the necessary supplies, materials, tools and equipment, I am now going
to perform TASK SHEET 4.1-2A Clean and Sanitize work and storage areas.

(Perform Step 1-10)

And that is all about cleaning and sanitizing work and storage areas.
 Learners observed
 Demonstration Any questions, clarification? the learning
demonstration of
SHEET 1.1-2 on
It is almost 11:30AM; it is time to have a lunch break. Come back before 1 pm here Take Table of
at the practical work area for your practice of TASK SHEET 4.1-2A clean and reservation.
Sanitize work and Storage areas.

Have a nice lunch everyone.


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 Clean and 1.Alpasan, Rodrigo P. Good afternoon!  The learners
Sanitize Work 2.Burgos, Anna U. practiced TASK
and Storage 3.Demaisip, Alvin I. Good to see that everybody is already here! SHEET 4.1-2A on
Areas 4.Gumala, Rose T. As I have mentioned before the break, you are going to perform TASK SHEET 4.1- clean and Sanitize
5.Palmes, Esmeralda work and Storage
2A on Clean and Sanitize work and storage Areas. Each of you is given the
G. Areas and
6.Planas, Lilia H. necessary supplies, materials, tools and equipment for the practice. While compared their
7.Reyes, Joseph O. performing your practice, please be reminded of the safety precautionary measures. performance to
8.Torillo, Mario R. Wear your PPE. After which compare your performance to PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE
9.Yasay, Rogelio E CRITERIA CHECKLIST 4.1-2A. You are given 1 hour ½ for the practice. I’ll be back CRITERIA
at 2:30PM to check on you. CHECKLIST 4.1-
2A. They all got
Any questions, clarifications? If none you may now proceed to practice at your satisfactory
assigned area. performance.
They are now
ready to move to
I am back. Time is up. How was your performance of TASK SHEET 4.1-2A? 2B on Clean used
Material and their
May I see the PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CHECKLIST? Good to know that all of achievement
you performed TASK SHEET 4.1-2A satisfactorily. reflected on the
With that you are now all ready for an Institutional Assessment on L.O 1 Prepare for Chart.
the production of various concoctions.

Let me reflect your achievement on the ACHIEVEMENT CHART.

Rodrigo …. check!

See you at the CONTEXTUAL LEARNING AREA for the

ASSESSMENT  The learner
As we agreed, you are going to take an INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT on Unit of undergone
Core Competency 4- Core Competency No. 4- Produce Organic Concoctions and Extracts specifically on institutional
Produce Organic assessment on
LEARNING OUTCOME No. 1 on Prepare for the production of various concoctions.
Concoctions and Learning
Extracts Outcome 1 –
Nag tuon kag nag prepare man ikaw, LEONARDO? Prepare for the
 Learning 1. Barcelona, Would you like us to start now? production of
Outcome 1- Leonardo C. various
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Prepare for the Institutional assessment consists of 3 parts: concoctions
production of satisfactory. He is
various 1. Written test (20 minutes) now ready to
concoctions 2. Demonstration (1 hour) proceed to the
next Learning
3. Oral questioning (10 minutes)
Outcome 2-
concoctions. His
Written Test compose of 10 items multiple choice and 10 items True or False. progress is
You are given 20 minutes to answer the test. Write your answers in the answer reflected on the
sheet provided for that purpose. Passing score is 80% equivalent to 16 correct progress chart.

Given the necessary supplies, materials, tools and equipment, you are required to
Prepare for the production of various concoctions .
(Allotted time: 1 hour).
During the Demonstration/Performance Test, I will be observing you while you are
performing the Task. You will be rated using the Demonstration Criteria Checklist.
After which, oral questions may be asked to verify evidences that are not clearly
demonstrated in the Demonstration/Performance Test. It will be followed by a
Feedback/ Result. Assessment result is either COMPETENT OR NOT YET
In order to prepare for the production of various concoctions, you need to:
1. Clean, sanitize and secure work and storage areas.
2. Clean and free from synthetic chemicals the raw materials used.
3. Clean, free from contaminations tools, materials and equipment used and
must be of food grade quality.
4. Observe personal hygiene according to OHS procedures.

Any questions?
If none, let us start with the written test.
Time is up!

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Finished or unfinished, pass your paper.

You may now proceed to your cubicle and start the performance test.
Checking of the demonstration using a PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CHECKLIST)

Time is up for the performance!

Are you now ready for the oral questioning?
Have a seat. Question 1.
Name at least three raw materials in preparing a particular organic concoctions?

That is all!
Leonardo, just give me a minute to finish my recordings.
Leonardo, here is the result of your institutional assessment.

Leonardo in your written test, your score was SATISFACTORY 18 out of 20.
While in the demonstration you also got SATISFACTORY performance.
In oral questioning, you satisfactorily answered all the questions.
CONGRATULATIONS for being COMPETENT in LO1 Prepare for the production of
various concoctions.
Let me update the Progress Chart.

With that, you are now ready to proceed to LEARNING OUTCOME 2 – Process
See you at the CONTEXTUAL LEARNING AREA for the Session Evaluation!
▪ Session 1. Alpasan, Rodrigo Hello everyone! Congratulations for the JOB well done!  The learners
Evaluation P. evaluated the
2. Barcelona, We are down to the last activity for the day, the SESSION EVALUATION. session they
Leonardo C participated
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3. Burgos, Anna U. Please read the instructions carefully. Then, get one and pass! actively in.
4. Demaisip, Alvin I.
5. Gumala, Rose T. Its time please pass it forward!
6. Palmes, Esmeralda
See you tomorrow for another skillful and exciting activity!
7. Planas, Lilia H.
8. Reyes, Joseph O.
9. Torillo, Mario R.  Keep safe everyone!
10. Yasay, Rogelio E.

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