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MS Project 2007

End of Level 1 Assessment Exercise

Richard Kanyesigye

1. Open a new blank project file.

2. Adjust Working Time to reflect a 7 hour day and 35 hour week. Ensure that all five
weekdays start at 09:00 and finish at 17:00 with a one hour break for lunch.
3. Enter the following tasks and durations.

4. Edit Task 3 (Site Plan) to give it the name Site Remodelling.

5. Insert a blank task above Get Permits and enter the new task Write Proposal with a
duration of 2 days.
6. Move the task Get Permits below the task Site Remodelling.
7. Attach a note to the Get Permits task reading “Obtaining permits may increase in
duration by as much as 4 weeks”.
8. Link all tasks.
9. Enter a Milestone task for Move Complete at the end of the project.
10. Link Move Warehouse to Move Complete.

11. Insert a new 1 day task, Planning, above the task Locate a New Site.
12. Enter a Milestone task for Board Approval above the task Get Permits.
13. Select the tasks Locate a New Site through to Board Approval and indent them below
14. Change the duration of Move Warehouse to 3 weeks.
15. Insert 2 new tasks, Overall Move and Move Office, above Disconnect Computers.

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MS Project 2007
End of Level 1 Assessment Exercise
Richard Kanyesigye

16. Select the tasks Move Office through to Move Complete and indent them beneath Overall
17. Select the tasks Disconnect Computers through to Reconnect Computers and indent
them beneath Move Office. Break the link between Get Permits and Overall Move.
18. Link the individual task Get Permits to the individual task Disconnect Computers.
19. Break the link between Reconnect Computers and Move Warehouse.
20. Link the individual task Get Permits to the individual task Move Warehouse.

21. There will be a one week pause before Board Approval (following Site Remodelling).
Adjust lag time to reflect this.
22. Disassembly of the furniture can begin 1 day after the start of the Disconnect Computers
task. Adjust the task relationships to reflect this.
23. Add an extra relationship to ensure that all computers must be disconnected before any
furniture is moved.
24. Reconnecting the computers will be completed 1 day after the reassembly of the
furniture is completed. Enter a task relationship to reflect this.
25. Insert a new 3 hour task, Distribute Packing Boxes, above Disconnect Computers.
26. Distribute Boxes will be scheduled according to when the computers are to be
disconnected. Boxes will be distributed 5 days before the first computer is disconnected.
Enter a task relationship to reflect this.
27. The Move Complete milestone should not be scheduled until both phases of the Overall
Move have been completed. Adjust task relationships to reflect this.

Note: There are three different ways of completing question 27.

©RichsoftTM Office Solutions (not to be copied or distributed without permission)

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MS Project 2007
End of Level 1 Assessment Exercise
Richard Kanyesigye


©RichsoftTM Office Solutions (not to be copied or distributed without permission)

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