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Opción Justificación Mi Justificación Nivel

Luna must recognize their abilities, strengths, and

weaknesses in the domain of the class and the
Great. Luna must
language, through educational research that allows
Luna identifies her identify her teaching
clarifying the different aspects of the teaching-
teaching strengths and strengths, weaknesses,
learning process, making the teacher can
weaknesses by self- language proficiency
disseminate new teaching methods, materials, or
reflecting upon her and foster educational
educational resources responding to the needs that
language proficiency, research, since all of
improve their teaching process. According to
engaging in these aspects are
Stenhouse (1987), "he affirms that research is 1
educational research, involved in the
considered educational depending on the degree to
and considering improvement of her
which its approaches are related to teaching
current pedagogic teaching process. If you
practice, it is contextualized within an educational
strategies, didactics want to expand the
project." Carrying out educational research helps to
techniques, and information about the
make decisions more appropriately through the
development areas. topic, read (Resource
diagnoses and conclusions of the process, allowing
the teacher to also reflect on their process and can
improve it.
In this case, the teacher Luna must use the step-by-
step action research that determines the strategies
that the teacher implements throughout the class
She will be able to
and also what the teacher wants to do to achieve
identify a problem or Perfect. Luna must be
proposed goals and improve their skills in the
an area to focus, able to follow the steps
process. This is developed through effective actions
select instruments to of educational action
that allow self-criticism, change and educational
collect data and research to develop
improvement. The teacher analyzes, reflects on
understand the causes effective action plans,
their own teaching process and applies different
of the problem, that benefit students'
methods that allow the benefit of the student's 2
analyze and interpret learning process.
learning process and the teacher in her professional
them and develop an Complement the
practical process. Lewin, like John Elliot, L.
action plan to solve information related to
Stenhouse, Stephen Kemmis, and Wilfred Carr
the problem, the problem-solving
considers that "action research cannot be
discussing the situation by reading
understood as a process of transformation of the
possible causes and (Resource No.18)
individual practices of teachers, but as a process of
social change that is undertaken collectively and
which implies a methodology oriented towards
educational change ".
Yes, for the teacher Luna it is necessary to carry
She will be able to out teamwork that allows obtaining better results,
choose a common It is right. Teachers' observation in peers is a great example of how
area or areas to focus collaborative work useful it is for the teaching process because it
on: collaborative allows getting effective allows the teacher to observe the visible and non-
group work, results and professional visible things of the classroom, such as the
exchanging teaching learning communities development, problems, activities, synchronization,
knowledge and best aim to improve and use of the language, which is beneficial for 3
practices, setting students' learning both teachers because they have the opportunity to
goals and outcomes. processes. If you interact, share ideas from experience, clarify
Finally, she will make require more doubts, carrying out this implementation allows to
decisions about action information, see improve the teaching and learning processes that
plans, new strategies, (Resource No. 13) are being applied in the classroom, making the
and innovating. institution more clear about the teaching process
that is being carried out.

Opción Justificación Mi Justificación Nivel

Ruta del estudiante LAURA NATALIA TORRES

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