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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Lesson Plan for POP Cycle

Unit Topic: Ancient India

Lesson Title: King Asoka: Vocabulary
Content Standard: Social Studies – History: Understand the importance of individual action and character.
Lesson Objectives: Understand and use vocabulary words related to King Asoka and his influence on Buddhism in Ancient
Vocabulary: empire, conquered, victory, destruction, monk, deeds
Lesson Plan
 Opening
o Briefly review what students learned about King Asoka yesterday. Make sure to review the Big Question of
yesterday’s lesson: how did King Asoka become a better ruler?
 Body
o Say that some of the vocabulary words we read yesterday were trickier than the previous lesson’s. We are
going to do a class activity that will help us understand the words better.
o Have students take out their Social Studies packet and find the page titled “King Asoka: Vocabulary.” Read
each word and check the box to show whether it’s a noun or not a noun.
o Tell students we are going to practice writing sentences with these again now that we know the words a
little better. Pick one word to show the class (probably “deeds” or “empire”). Write a sample sentence and
have them copy it down or write one of their own.
o Then, pick another word to write together as a class. Take suggestions from the class for the sentence.
o After that, have students pick 3 out of the 4 remaining words to create sentences. If they want to do all 4
remaining words, they can. They should write these sentences on their worksheet.
o Then, go to (either share screen using the laptop or connect
using AppleTV if that’s available). Using the sentence that you showed the class how to write, create a post
under that word and show them how to find an image to go with the word. Make sure your name is on that
o Show again to students using the sentence you created as a class.
o If iPads are available, have students use their own iPads to add what they think is their best sentence and
pick an image to go with their sentence. If iPads are not available, then just have the online students do it
and let in-person students watch.
 Closing
o Ask students to look back at their worksheet. If there are words they are still confused by, they should
circle them.
o Have students turn in worksheet so you can assess their understanding.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 1

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