SAQ 5 - Print Media

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SAQ 5: Print Media

1. Briefly discuss in your own words the different print media discussed in this
lesson. Cite real-life examples in each item. (5 pts.)

Newspapers - a printed journal that is released on a regular basis and at regular

intervals, such as daily or weekly, and contains news, analysis, features, and

Magazine- a periodical magazine, generally with a paper cover, that contains

articles, tales, poetry, and other works by a large number of writers, as well as
photos and drawings, and that frequently specializes on a single subject or area,
such as hobbies, news, or sports.

Weeklies- A newspaper or periodical issued every week.

Outdoor Billboards-.Any type of outdoor advertisement that promotes a

company's products and services. Outdoor advertising includes billboards, bus
benches, and the interiors and exteriors of buses, taxis, and commercial

Transit Posters- is a sort of out-of-home advertising in which advertisements are

shown on the interior or exterior of vehicles. For example, on the side of or above
the seats of a bus or tram.

Yellow Pages- The term "yellow pages" refers to any telephone directory of
businesses that is sorted by category rather than alphabetically by business
name and offers advertising. Originally, instead of white pages for non-
commercial items, the directories were printed on yellow paper.

Direct mail- is marketing material or a product that is sent directly to customers'

homes or the offices of firm purchasers. Postcards with offers, catalogs with
items on display, discounts, nonprofit fundraising letters, and free samples
provided by corporations are all examples.

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