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1) Nowell, nowell: Tidings true BURDEN No - well, no - well, mo - - - well, this 10ra* is the sa-lu- ta - ti-on of th'an-gel, Ga - bri - el VERSE 15 y = Ti - dings true there be © come new sent from the Tri - ni - 20 -ty, by Ga - bri-el to Na- za-reth, ci-tyof Ga-li - lee: a 26 clean mai-den and pure vir - gin thoro'’ her = hu ~ mi-li - 30 -ty hath con-cei-véd the per - son se-condin 2. When he first presented was before her fair visage, In the most demure and goodly wise he did to her homage And said: Lady, from heaven so high, that Lordés heritage ‘The which of thee born would be, I am sent on message. 3.Hail, virgin celestial,the meekest that ever was; Hail temple of deity and mirror of all grace; Hail, virgin pure,I thee ensuro, within full little space ‘Thou shalt receive and him conceive that shall bring great solace. 4, Suddenly she, abashed truly, but not all thing dismayed, With mind discreet and meek spirit to the angel she said: With what manner should I child bear, the which ever a maid Have lived chaste all my life past and never man assayed? 5, Then again to her certain answeréd the angel: © lady dear, be of good cheer, and dread thee never a del; Thou shalt conceive in thy body, maiden, very God himself, In whose birth heaven and earth shall joy, called Emmanuel. 6. Not yet,he said, six months past thy cousin Elizabeth, ‘That was barren, conceived Saint John; true it is that I tell. Since she in age, why not in youth mayst thou conceive as well, If God will, whom is possible to have done every del? 7. Then again to the angel she answered womanly; Whatever my Lord command me do I will obey meekly. Ecce, sum humilimma ancilla Domini; Secundum verbum tuum, she said, fiat mihi * Conventional semibreves at the ends of phrases should always be adapted to fit the prevailing metre 1952 by The Musica Britannica Trust Published by Stainer & Bell Ltd, 82 High Road, London N2 9PW

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