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Instruction and Student Outcomes

A Strategy
for Reading
Mary Knight-McKenna

with multisyllabic words. Lacking

strategies for decoding longer words,
these students stop reading and seek
help from an adult or a more accom-
plished peer rather than tackle the mys-
terious words themselves. Confounded
by lack of knowledge and confidence in
their ability, struggling readers typically
do not make attempts to break longer
words apart to determine whether there
are portions they could read by them-
selves. As a result, they freeze at the
Multisyllabic words can stymie strug- Carolyn Borrows, an elementary school
point of encounter with the multisyllab-
TEACHING Exceptional Children, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 18-24. Copyright 2008 CEC.

gling readers. Students rely on others for special educator, sighed when Jeremy
ic word rather than moving forward in
help or feel defeated before even trying looked to her for help during a reading
the text. Each multisyllabic word
to decode a long word. Giving students assignment. She had worked with
becomes a confirmation that reading is
a strategy for figuring out multisyllabic Jeremy since he was in first grade. Now
too hard for them, too complex a puzzle
words promotes fluency and independ- in fourth grade, he could read and
to solve. Word recognition, fluency, and
ent reading. By “chunking” words understand simple text, but automati-
comprehension evade these students,
cally turned to her for help with lengthy leaving them with a negative view of
according to six syllable types, students
words. Carolyn told a colleague she con- reading and themselves as readers.
learn clues to determine whether the
sidered this attitude learned helpless-
vowel is long or short. When students
ness. Explicit Strategy Instruction
master quick and accurate recognition
“Ms. Borrows, what’s that word?” Explicit strategy instruction is often rec-
of the syllable types, they can decode
asked Jeremy, pointing to a three-sylla- ommended for students who have diffi-
long words in a systematic manner. By
ble word in the text. Carolyn said the culty learning to read (National
using context in conjunction with this word for him, and he returned to the Reading Panel, 2000; Taylor, 2007).
decoding strategy, students are support- reading assignment. She was discour- Torgesen (2004) describes explicit
ed in achieving full comprehension. aged that his reliance on her made him instruction as teaching “that does not
Adding this technique to a comprehen- stop reading as soon as he saw a long leave anything to chance and does not
sive literacy program benefits students word. make assumptions about skills and
who lack independence for reading Apprehension is the immediate reac- knowledge that children will acquire on
multisyllabic words. tion of students like Jeremy when faced their own” (p. 5).


Description of Syllable Types words with both closed and open sylla-
What the Research Says
Mastering the six types of syllables is bles (fro/zen, ro/bot, pre/tend, ba/con,
• Syllable types help struggling fan/cy).
the goal for students with syllable type
readers to decode long words Vowel–consonant–silent e syllables
(Bhattacharya, 2006; Bhattacharya are familiar to many students. Students
& Ehri, 2004; Moats, 2004; 1. Closed
have experience with this pattern for
Shefelbine, 1990). 2. Open
single-syllable words (mine, bike, late,
• Syllable types belong in a compre- 3. Vowel–consonant–silent e pole), but need instruction to recog-
hensive literacy program for 4. Vowel teams (also called vowel nize this pattern in two- and three-
English Language Learners who pairs) syllable words (com/pose, rep/tile,
are at risk for reading problems 5. R-controlled con/fuse, ro/tate, tex/tile, val/en/tine,
(Vaughn, Mathes, Linan- 6. Final stable com/pen/sate, mi/cro/wave). Students
Thompson, & Francis, 2005). See Table 1 for definitions and exam- can mark this syllable type by crossing
• Knowledge of syllable types is ples of the syllable types. out the silent e and drawing an arrow
included in the expertise needed Closed syllables have a single vowel from the silent e to the vowel to demon-
to effectively teach reading followed by one or more consonants. strate that the vowel becomes long.
(Moats & Foorman, 2003; Spear The vowel is closed in by the consonant Once students learn that the silent e
Swerling & Brucker, 2003, 2004; and is generally short. Most three-letter triggers the long vowel sound, they have
Spear-Swerling, Brucker, & Alfano words (consonant–vowel–consonant, a means of decoding words with this
2005). or CVC words) are closed syllables (for type of syllable.
example, “cat”), but there can be more Vowel team syllables have two adja-
than one consonant following the cent vowels. This syllable type has two
With explicit strategy instruction, major categories. This first has two
vowel (“best”) and there need not be
teachers guide students to gradually an initial consonant (“up”). Many long vowels representing the long vowel
master a means for independently words are made up of two or three sound of the first vowel. The saying,
decoding long words. Several strategies closed syllables (pic/nic, pup/pet, “When two vowels go walking, the first
are useful for this purpose, including wit/ness, fan/tas/tic). Students with one does the talking” is used to teach
chunking word parts by looking for reading difficulties will be excited about this category of vowel teams (rain, say,
affixes (prefixes and suffixes; Archer, decoding long words after learning only boat, meat, slow, rail/road). The second
Gleason, & Vachon, 2003) and phono- one syllable type. category of vowel teams is when two
grams (word families; Johnston, 1999). vowels represent a variant sound, or in
Although these techniques are benefi- “student friendly terms,” a “whiny”
cial, another strategy is powerful for Confounded by lack of knowledge sound (oil, law, now, few, moon).
teaching students to tackle long words Students learn that the consonants w
and confidence in their ability, and y also function as vowels.
on their own. Syllable types instruction
teaches students to attend to patterns in struggling readers typically do not R-controlled syllables have vowel
the English language and, when mas- sounds that are neither long nor short;
make attempts to break longer the letter r changes the vowel sound.
tered, enables them to decode lengthy
words apart to determine whether This syllable type is sometimes called
words unaided. This research-based
“bossy r.” Students need to search for
strategy is part of an effective curricu- there are portions they could the pattern of a vowel preceding the let-
lum for teaching reading (see box
read by themselves. ter r and recognize how this letter influ-
“What the Research Says”).
ences the vowel. When the vowels a, e,
Syllable types, also called syllable
i, o, and u are followed by r, they can all
patterns, are common configurations of
Open syllables end with a single represent the /er/ sound (dollar, her,
letter sound correspondences (Honig, vowel that is usually long. The vowel is first, word, turn). The ar and or letter
Diamond, & Gutlohn, 2000). In this not closed in by a consonant; it is left combinations also represent other r-con-
method, the teacher identifies and open. Several common single syllable trolled sounds (car, mar/ket, tar/get;
describes six syllable type for students. words are open syllables (so, my, be, for, hor/net, pop/corn, in/form).
Each syllable type gives a clue about no). Unfortunately, exceptions to this Final stable syllable types are found
vowel sounds, thereby aiding more pattern include common words. The in multisyllabic words and have several
accurate, independent decoding. Accur- words do and to do not have long vowel different configurations. One set
ate and fluent decoding supports com- sounds and must be learned as sight includes syllables that end with conso-
prehension (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, words. There are not many two- and nant –le (ta/ble, daz/zle, pur/ple); con-
1998). Thus, mastery of syllable types three-syllable words with only open syl- sonant –al (glo/bal, re/gal, den/tal);
has the potential to improve reading lables (ba/by, Ju/ly, po/ta/to); however, and consonant -el (duf/fel, ker/nel,
skills on several levels. students can learn to read two-syllable man/tel). These final stable syllables


Table 1. Syllable Types end with a blend sound rather than a
Name of Characteristics of Examples of Syllable vowel sound. Another set of final stable
Syllable Type Syllable Type Type syllables includes syllables that can be
taught as recognizable units such as
Closed A syllable with a single vowel cab
-sion (ex/plo/sion, con/clu/sion,
followed by one or more consonants. dog
(The vowel is closed in by the in il/lu/sion); -tion (na/tion, va/ca/tion,
consonant.) The vowel sound is dish con/fed/er/a/tion); -ture (ad/ven/ture,
generally short. letter cul/ture/ rup/ture); -sure (in/sure,
begin com/po/sure, pres/sure); -age (band/
exceptions: find, cold
age, ad/vant/age—another pronuncia-
Open A syllable that ends with a single hi tion is gar/age, mir/age); -cious (gra/
vowel. (The vowel is not closed in me
cious, pre/co/cious, un/con/cious); and
by a consonant; it is left open.) go
The vowel is usually long. sky -tious (ram/bunc/tious, in/fec/tious,
(Note: The letter y acts as a open con/ten/tious).
vowel.) begin Exposure to and experience with the
exceptions: to, do various syllable types allow students to
Vowel-Consonant- A syllable with a single vowel bike become more familiar with them and
Silent e followed by a consonant then the skate more adept at recognizing them in mul-
vowel e. The first vowel is usually note
tisyllabic words. Quick, accurate recog-
long and the final e in the syllable close
is silent. behave nition of all six syllable types aids
compete decoding of longer words.
exceptions: love, give,
explosive Teaching Syllable Types
Vowel Teams A syllable that has two consecutive (1) Long Vowel Teams Although some students learn to recog-
vowels. Vowel teams can be divided meat nize syllable types with wide reading
into two types: (1) Long Vowel road experience, others need to have syllable
Teams: two vowels that make a long mail
types explicitly taught to them. Rather
vowel sound, and (2) Variant Vowel say
Teams: two vowels that make neither contain than teaching syllable types all at once,
a long nor a short vowel sound, but window each type should be introduced,
rather a variant or “whiny” vowel (2) Variant Vowel Teams explained, practiced, and mastered
sound. (Note: The letters w and y act stew before moving on to the next. Blevins
as vowels.) paw (2001) suggests the following instruc-
amount tional sequence: closed, open, vowel-
turmoil consonant-silent e, vowel team, r-con-
exception: bread trolled, and final stable syllables.
(short vowel sound) Following are steps for explicitly
r-controlled A syllable with one or two vowels car teaching syllable types.
followed by the letter r. The vowel is her
neither long nor short. The r fir Step 1: Recognize the
influences or controls the vowel for Characteristics of the
sound. fur Syllable Type
effort When introducing the characteristics of
turmoil each syllable type, use manipulatives,
exceptions: fire, admire such as letter chips. Manipulatives “pro-
Consonant le A syllable that has a consonant table vide support as learners begin to apply
(-al, -el) followed by the letters le, al, or bridle and internalize reading skills and strate-
Also called el. Often this syllable is the uncle gies” (Coyne, Zipoli, & Ruby, 2006, p.
final stable final one of the word. This is local 164). For example, to teach open syllable
the only syllable type without medal
a vowel sound. chapel types contrast them with closed syllables
rebel by taking away a letter chip. The vowel
Other final A syllable that is usually at the tension changes from short to long (hit
stable syllables end of words and can be taught nation –> hi; bed–> be; met–> me; got–>
as a recognizable unit such as culture go). The characteristic of closing in or
sion, tion, ture, sure, age, cious, composure opening up the vowel becomes associat-
tious rampage ed with short and long vowel sounds.
Encourage students to learn this princi-
ple rather than specific words. Put charts


up in the classroom outlining the char-
Figure 1. Sorting Single Syllable Words Into the Three Categories
acteristics of each syllable type as you
introduce them. Students need to be
familiar with the characteristics of each Silent e Closed tape sat pet cape
type in order to identify them quickly.

Step 2: Read Numerous Single-

Syllable Words With the Syllable Open go hi make like
Students need to demonstrate mastery
at the single syllable level before mov-
are learning. Again, they can contrast Step 4: Read Two, Then Three,
ing onto multisyllabic words. By prac-
syllable types after they have learned Syllable Words of Mixed Syllable
ticing with single syllable words, stu-
two or more. For example, students can Types in Lists and Then in
dents gain confidence in applying the Connected Text
principles for decoding words exempli- use letter chips to show how the closed
syllable word cap becomes the vowel- After each syllable type is mastered, stu-
fying the syllable type. This practice
dents should read multisyllabic words
need not be boring. An enjoyable way consonant-silent e syllable word cape by
that combine the syllable types they
to practice is to have students sort sin- adding an e to the word. A list of words
know. For example, after students have
gle syllable words by types. Word sorts that can be changed from closed sylla- learned closed, open, and vowel-conso-
help students to improve both their bles to vowel-consonant-silent e sylla- nant-silent e syllable types, they can
spelling and reading skills (Bear,
bles is listed in Figure 2. read words such as: frozen (fro/zen:
Invernizzi, Templeton, & Johnston,
Have students review which syllable open/closed), secret (se/cret: open/
2008; Joseph & Orlins, 2005). Once stu-
type has a short vowel sound and which closed), complete (com/plete: open/
dents have learned closed, open, and
has a long vowel sound. Learning pat- silent e), confuse (con/fuse: close/silent
vowel-consonant-silent e syllable types,
terns rather than individual words is e), and humane (hu/mane: open/silent
have them sort single syllable words
e). This has enormous appeal for strug-
into the three categories. Materials for central to mastering the syllable type
gling readers who fear reading longer
this activity are shown in Figure 1. strategy.
words. Knowing syllable types gives
Step 3: Read Two-, Then Three- them a strategy for chunking parts of
Syllable Words of the Syllable words and determining the vowel sound
An enjoyable way to practice Type in Lists and Then in for each syllable. They are then able to
Connected Text blend the syllables in a word and decide
is to have students sort single if it is a meaningful word. When reading
syllable words by types. Having students read two-, then three- connected text, they can use context to
syllable words made up of a familiar syl- help them determine the actual word.
lable type allows them to gain mastery
for decoding longer words. After learn- Varying Practice of Syllable Types
After students sort, have them point
out that the silent e words all have the ing to decode closed syllables in single Students enjoy playing games involving
vowel-consonant-silent e pattern, and syllable words, for example, older strug- syllable types, but it is important not to
they all have a long vowel sound. gling readers should read words that are limit instruction to the word level. As
Students need to note that open sylla- students learn to recognize more pat-
two or three syllables in length contain-
bles have a long vowel sound and terns and read more multisyllabic
ing closed syllables (ab/sent, ran/som,
closed syllables have a short vowel words, they should read stories, news-
sat/in, mag/net, bas/ket/ball, es/tab/lish, papers, magazines, and textbooks. In
sound. Instruction should include
pun/ish/ment). Learning to decode this way, students learn not only to
opportunities for students to demon-
strate this knowledge in writing as well. words of this length in connected text is decode words, but to construct meaning
Have students work at their desks or a critical step because students need to as they read. If they have age-appropri-
tables with letter chips or cards to spell focus on the construction of meaning ate vocabulary skills, the syllable type
and read words of the syllable type they while decoding fluently. technique will help them to decode
many words they know and contribute
Figure 2. Changing Closed Syllables to Vowel-Consonant-Silent e
to their fluency and comprehension.
Students who have low-level vocabular-
ies need to learn word meanings as they
can, cane tap, tape bit, bite hat, hate pin, pine mad, made decode longer words. It is best to have
rip, ripe kit, kite hid, hide dim, dime cub, cube tub, tube them learn to decode words they will
mop, mope hop, hope pan, pane not, note see in connected text during the lesson.
In this way, decoding, vocabulary, flu-


only one consonant, the syllable will
Figure 3. Manipulating Syllables on Individual Cards to Arrange
likely be divided before the consonant.
Them Into Words
However, if pronouncing the word this
way does not result in a real word, the
un der neath syllable will be divided after the conso-
nant. A chart outlining these steps
(Figure 4) will help students to learn the
dif fer ent “spot and dot” syllable division strategy.
It is not advisable to spend a signifi-
cant amount of instructional time on
teaching syllable division rules
ab so lute ly (Venezky, 1999). The goal is to have
students quickly and accurately identify
syllable patterns so that word recogni-
tion becomes more fluent (Carreker,
grad u a tion
2005). Instead of repeating rules, spend
time having students look for recogniz-
able parts of longer words. Dividing syl-
ad min is tra tion lables between two consonants (provid-
ed the consonants are not a digraph),
needs to become a habitual response in
students’ word attack repertoire. Speed
ency, and comprehension can all be types, they need to learn how to put this and accuracy in identifying syllable
addressed in the lesson. skill to use when decoding multisyllab- types should be emphasized.
Blevins (2001) recommends that stu- ic words. When faced with a multisyl-
dents practice syllable speed drills. labic word, they need to divide it into
These are timed drills of common sylla- syllables. There are several syllable divi-
bles in random order. The teacher times sion rules, but two are the most produc- Instead of repeating rules, spend
the student for 1 minute while he or she tive for students to learn. time having students look for
reads a set of syllables such as re, der,
bout, gle, tion, un, dis, num, ture, age, 1. When two consonants are between recognizable parts of longer words.
pro, ment, ex, im, sub, est, ack, ness, lo, two vowels (VCCV), generally the
sion. Speed drill should only take about syllables are divided between the
2 to 3 minutes of a lesson. If students consonants (for example, the word
“napkin” is divided: nap/kin). The Schwa Sound
respond positively to the drills, it offers
them another opportunity to practice 2. When there is only one consonant As students begin to read more multi-
syllable types. Should this practice between vowels (VCV), the conso- syllabic words, they need to learn about
cause a student anxiety, it can be nant generally is part of the syllable the schwa sound. This is a neutral
dropped from the lesson plan. to the right (for example, the word sound often used to replace a vowel
Gillingham and Stillman (1997) pro- “paper” is divided: pa/per). If this sound in an unaccented syllable of a
pose that students manipulate syllables does not produce a recognizable multisyllabic word. The schwa is similar
on individual cards to arrange them into word, then the student would try the to the short /u/ sound as heard in the
words. Students read the word parts on consonant as part of the syllable on word /pup/. It can replace any of the
the cards and move them around until the left (e.g., the word “cabin” is vowel sounds. For example, in each of
they have a real word (Figure 3) divided: cab/in). the following words the schwa sound
A variety of kinds of practice will replaces a vowel sound:
help students to become proficient in Cheyney and Cohen (1999) recom-
the a in company
recognizing syllable types. Wide reading mend a “spot and dot” syllabication
the e in synthesis
is the most important kind of practice. strategy. Students look for the vowels in
the i in politics
The greater ease students gain with words; that is, they “spot” them, and
the o in eloquent
word recognition, the better their fluen- then put a dot on top of each vowel.
The dots are then connected with a line. the u in support
cy and the more likely they are to build
Students are instructed to look below the y in syringe
comprehension (Snow, et al., 1998).
the line to see the number of conso- Sometimes the short i sound is used
Syllable Division nants between the vowels. If there are as a way of reducing vowels. This is a
After students have gained proficiency two consonants, the syllable will likely variation of the schwa sound (Moats,
in recognizing a variety of syllable be divided between them. If there is 2000). Examples of this include:


Figure 4. Spot and Dot Syllable Division

1. Spot and dot the vowels. • • • • • •

trumpet pupil river

2. Connect the dots.

• • • • • •
trumpet pupil river

3. Look under the line. How many

2 1 1
consonants do you see?

4. If there are two consonants, divide • •

between them. trum/pet

5. If there is one consonant, divide before it.

If this does not sound right, divide after
• • • •
pu/pil riv/er
the consonant.
Note. From Focus on Phonics: Assessment and Instruction (p. 40), by W. Cheyney and E. J. Cohen, 1999, Bothell, WA: The McGraw-
Hill Companies. Copyright 1999 by W. Cheyney and E. J. Cohen. Adapted with permission.

the a in human ing longer words. If their pronunciation and more independent in their reading.
the e in blanket is close to the actual word, and they Rather than facing multisyllabic words
the o in apron learn to use context to help them with apprehension and inadequacy, stu-
the u in voluntary decode, they can determine the correct dents who learn this strategy have a
word. (See Figure 5 discussing Jeremy’s means for breaking apart the word,
It is useful to teach the schwa,
use of syllable types and context to identifying the parts, blending them,
because it is the most common vowel
decode a word.) and reading the word. As students read
sound and accounts for 20% of all
longer words with greater ease, they
vowel sounds (Yule, 1996). Have stu-
Conclusion grow in confidence and, hopefully,
dents try the schwa or its variant when
improve fluency and comprehension.
short and long vowel sounds do not Syllable types is one technique, among
This strategy can supplement a well-
produce a recognizable word. This gives several, that has the potential to help
designed comprehensive reading pro-
students greater flexibility when decod- struggling readers become more fluent
gram that includes vocabulary develop-
ment, comprehension strategies, and
Figure 5. Jeremy's Use of Syllable Types and Context to Decode the practice of wide reading. Students
a Word who learn to quickly and accurately rec-
ognize syllable types can break the
A few weeks ago, Jeremy would have looked up as soon as he came across a long
habit of turning to an adult to decode a
word he did not recognize and immediately ask for help. As Jeremy learned about
longer word for them. If they recognize
syllable types, he began making attempts to decode longer words himself.
known syllable patterns within a word
For example, while reading a short novel, Jeremy came across the word
and make use of context, it is likely that
“expensive.” He used the “spot and dot” strategy for syllable division (see Figure
effective independent reading and the
4) to determine that the first syllable was /ex/—a closed syllable with a short
enjoyment of reading are considerably
vowel sound. He quickly figured out that the next syllable was /pen/. He found
this closed syllable easy to decode. Jeremy had some difficulty with the final syl-
lable /sive/. Even though he had been taught that consonant -ive is an exception
to the silent e syllable type; he did not recall this information. Jeremy read the last
Archer, A. L., Gleason, M. M., & Vachon, V. L.
syllable with a long /i/ vowel sound. (2003). Decoding and fluency: Foundation
Jeremy blended the syllables and said the word “expensive” with a long i sound, skills for struggling older readers. Learning
which he realized was not a real word. He thought the word sounded like “expen- Disability Quarterly, 26(2), 89–101.
sive.” Looking back at the sentence in the novel, he read, “Jen could not afford the Bear, D. R., Invernizzi, M., Templeton, S., &
Johnston, F. (2008). Words their way:
expensive ring.” Jeremy was able to use the context to confirm that the word was
Word study for phonics, vocabulary, and
“expensive.” spelling instruction (4th ed.). Upper
Jeremy’s special education teacher, Carolyn Borrows, watched and listened to Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
him throughout the process of decoding the word using syllable types. She made a Bhattacharya, A. (2006). Syllable-base read-
note to have Jeremy review the -ove and -ive exceptions to the silent e syllable type ing strategy for mastery of scientific infor-
mation. Remedial and Special Education,
the next day during word study time. She also congratulated Jeremy on success-
27(2), 116–123.
fully reading a word he would have asked for help decoding only a few weeks ago.


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invites applicants for its outstanding awards. Summer Fellowships for Inno-
Moats, L. C. (2000). Speech to print: Langu-
age essentials for teachers. Baltimore: doctoral program in Special Education. vative Teachers (no residence required).
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Moats, L. C. (2004). Efficacy of a structured, nized faculty assure in-depth study of new classroom strategy. March 31, 2007
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Measuring teachers’ content knowledge of approaches appropriate to the investiga-
language and reading. Annals of Dyslexia, tion of those issues. Miami's cultural, Ad Placement
53, 23–45. linguistic, and ethnic diversity provides Information
National Reading Panel. (2000). The report opportunities for doctoral candidates to
of the national reading panel— teaching Rates:
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Shefelbine, J. (1990). A syllabi-unit approach
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(1998). Preventing reading difficulties in
should contact: Dr. Wendy Cavendish, 1110 North Glebe Road Suite 300
young children. Washington, DC: National
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Research Council/National Academy
Press. or by phone at (305)284- TEL: 703/264-9454
Spear-Swerling, L., & Brucker, P. O. (2003). 5192. The School of Education website is FAX: 703/264-1637
Teachers’ acquisition of knowledge about


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