Think of The Person Who Sits Down To Play The Piano

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Think of the person who sits down to play the piano.

As he plays, there is no harmony, no

balance and no real tune because he keeps hitting all the wrong notes. The player eventually
gets fed up with the disharmony, lack of pleasure and lack of enjoyment in his music and
decides to go a teacher. The teacher says, "You have the ability to play, but you need to
understand music." Each one of us has the ability to play the game of life with balance, harmony
and joy, but we need to know the rules and the principles.The starting point of making
permanent and lasting changes in your life begins with understanding the difference between
“positive” Thoughts , “negative” thoughts and “right” thoughts.The "divinity that shapes our ends"
is in ourselves; it is our very Self. Man is manacled only by himself. Thought and action are the
jailers of Fate - they imprison the mental peace and also lead us to do the unintended deeds ;
they are also the angels of Freedom - they liberate, being noble. The thoughts rattling in our
mind can be a key for us to succeed or their pollution can be the root cause of all ills.label game
for example we label some people as intelligent and then we shower them with such praise
every time like “ you are so smart “ , “ you seem to know everything about what to do “ and
unfortunately others we label as dumb And it happens like these groups prove our expectations
correct. Is it that we are good predictors of human behavior? Or is our labeling actually helping
in developing their behavior

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