Youth Grant Guidelines 2011

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Small Grants Scheme


M.A.D. Youth is about showing initiative, creating positive choices for young people
and influencing future directions in our community.

Who is M.A.D. Youth?

The Making A Difference (M.A.D) Youth committee is responsible for the decision
making process in this granting round. The committee is made up of young people
between the ages of 12 – 25 from diverse geographic, educational and social
experiences. This diversity gives them unique perspectives on youth issues and
projects that will benefit young people in the community. The team is supported by
staff and Board members of the Southern Highlands Foundation.

The M.A.D. Youth small grants scheme will:

- fund projects that benefit disadvantaged young people of Wingecarribee

- support organisations and groups based in the Wingecarribee Shire
- encourage projects that involve young people in all stages

Grants are available for amounts between $250 to $1000

Grants will be available for projects addressing:

Recreation and Lifestyle: projects that support a balanced lifestyle and healthy living
practices. We encourage projects that provide a healthy choice for young people, create
opportunities to reduce social isolation experienced by young people in the Wingecarribee,
reduce anti-social behaviours or unlawful activities among youth and/or provide fun
educational or vocational pursuits for local youth.
For example, MAD Youth has funded concerts for charitable causes that were organised by
young people.

Arts and culture: any projects which benefit young people and the community by
encouraging cultural richness and education and training opportunities within the arts;
including visual arts, theatre, music, writing, film and media. Projects in this category can
also address cultural issues through culturally-specific programs.
For example, MAD Youth has funded a local youth community radio station and
performance workshops.

Environment: improving the natural and built environment. Projects can relate to
environmental issues like climate change or sustainability, or can be about beautifying or
regenerating an area. Projects can be about informing people about the environment or
projects that are taking steps to make improvements to the local environment.
For example, MAD Youth has funded school murals to improve the built environment.

Health and Disability: Any projects that refer to health issues that young people are facing
in the local area. This can be mental or physical health and may include developing new
projects, or adding to or refreshing existing projects, or facilitating knowledge on health
issues and services. Applications that benefit young people with disabilities are encouraged.
For example, MAD Youth has funded a program that addressed dietary issues for young

Target Group

M.A.D. Youth will fund projects (and facilitate ideas) which benefit disadvantaged young
people between the ages of 12 –25 years in the Wingecarribee Shire. If a young person has an
idea for a project, but needs assistance in bringing this idea into being, they will be given the
assistance needed to do so. (See Support Below)

Who Can Apply

Individuals, groups and non-profit organisations from within the Wingecarribee Shire who
have a project (or idea) that is of benefit to young people in the Wingecarribee are able to
apply for grants. Groups of young people are encouraged to apply, but must be supported
by an auspicing body.

Do you have a good idea but don’t know where to start? Contact Meghan on 0400 553 097 and she
will put you in contact with someone who can help.

Projects that include the following aspects will be highly regarded:

a. Are innovative and involve young people in the process;

b. Create long-term positive change for young people in the Wingecarribee Shire;
c. Meet the needs of a large number of young people;
d. Are youth initiated and youth run and led;
e. Meet the needs of young people facing some form of disadvantage.

M.A.D Youth particularly encourages applications from young people between the ages of
12-25, people from indigenous communities, those facing disability or disadvantage and
other marginalised groups.

When you are writing your application, give the Southern Highlands Foundation a call and
Meghan Barrell (Youth Philanthropy Officer) can put you in contact with a MAD Youth
Member who will be assigned to your project. They will help you find a supporting
organisation for your project if required and will be able to answer any questions you have
about writing the application.

Funding will not be provided for the following:

• Ongoing funding
• Loan repayments
• Retrospective payments
• Donations for public appeals
• Salaries/wages
• Commercial money-making or personal profit


M.A.D. Youth
Grant Round 2011
Open: Monday 3rd May
Close: Friday 3rd June
Final decisions on successful applicants will be made by:
Wednesday 15th June 2011

Send completed submissions to:

M.A.D. Youth
C/- Southern Highlands Foundation
P.O. Box 853
Bowral NSW 2576
Or e-mail:

How to Apply

To apply for funding, please complete the Application Form. You will also need to submit
an outline of your proposed initiative, which can be in any of the following formats:
• Detailed Written Outline (One Page)
• Audio Recording
• Visual Display eg. Scrapbook/Photos

Applications will not be accepted without one of the above supporting materials.

For further information please contact
Meghan Barrell - Youth Philanthropy Officer
Phone: 0400 553 097


• Contact details for two referees, including telephone numbers, must be included with
the application. Individuals under 18 years will need a written letter of support from
a parent or guardian. Organisations will need to include a written letter of support
from the management committee.
• A young person applying must have support from a professional body or
• Applicants who are short-listed may be invited to attend an informal interview with
the committee to discuss their project or idea.
• One progress and one final report must be submitted to M.A.D. Youth, providing
feedback on the progress / success of the project.
• The applicant must understand that it is essential that the committee regularly
monitor the progress of the funded project. The project may require at least two on-
site visits during the project term.
• The committee will need written evidence of capital expenditure such as receipts.
Funding may be made available in stages, according to the progress and needs of the
project. Allocation of funds may be used only for the purposes for which they were
granted, based on information that is supplied in the application.
• The funds must be spent within 12 months of receipt of funding.
• The provision of funding does not imply that funding will be provided in successive
• Where applicants have applied for grants from multiple sources, they are obliged to
inform M.A.D. Youth if they have been successful in obtaining a grant from another

M.A.D. Youth are supported by:
The Southern Highlands Foundation The Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal
The Berrima District Credit Union The Empire Cinema
Wingecarribee Shire Council Southern Highland News
2ST Radio The Springett Family Trust

The SHF M.A.D. Youth Grants Program is funded by Ted Springett and The Springett
Family Trust and made possible with support from the Foundation’s Board and by the
M.A.D Youth Committee.

Small Grants Scheme
Application Form

Applications may also be made via e-mail.

Contact for an online form.

Name of Applicant/Organisation:

Contact Person (only applicable for organisations):

Age (If under 25):


Telephone: Mobile:


What area/s are you applying under?

 Recreation and Lifestyle

 Arts and Culture
 Environment
 Health and Disability

Please provide a description of your proposal for your project and attach one of the
following: video, detailed outline, audio recording or visual display.

Will it benefit disadvantaged young people in the local community? How many
young people do you estimate will benefit from your project?

How do you feel your project will benefit these people?

What towns or villages in the Wingecarribee shire will benefit from your project?

Are you applying as an individual, group or organisation? Please give details.

If you are applying as an individual, you will need a supporting group or

organisation to assist you with your project. You can contact MAD Youth
Coordinator Meghan on 0400 553 097 at any time to have a young person assigned to
help you find a supporting body.

Please provide details of who will be involved in the project and how?

Who are the young people involved in the project? Is this project youth initiated?

Please provide a detailed budget for the project. See attached.

When will the project commence?

What is the anticipated duration?

Please list the contact details or two referees.

Referee 1:
Name: Phone:

Email: Organisation:

Referee 2:
Name: Phone:

Email: Organisation:

Got any questions? Find this confusing?

Please contact Meghan who is willing and ready to help you.

If you are applying as an individual and are under 18 years, please provide a letter
of support from a parent or legal guardian.

If you are applying as an organisation, please provide a letter of support from the
management committee.

If you are applying as an individual or group please provide a letter of support

from your supporting orginisation.

How did you find out about the M.A.D. Youth Grant Scheme?
 Southern Highlands News  School
 2ST Radio  Flyers / Poster
 Word of mouth
 Power FM  Internet
 Other (Please specify):

The information that I have provided is true and correct.


Signed: Date:

Please fill out the BUDGET table below in regard to your expected costs and
income for your proposed project.

Expected Costs Description (where applicable) TOTAL $

Total Expected Expenses

Expected Income Description of Item Total $

S.H.F M.A.D. Youth Grant
Other expected income
Expected donations of in kind*

Total Income

* “in kind” support refers to any donations or access to equipment, facilities or

resources, for example, free use of computers, sporting equipment, hours from a
volunteer, free photocopying etc. This can be budgeted as income because you no
longer have to purchase this equipment, resource or service.

Check List

 Have you contacted Meghan (0400 553 097) to have a chat about your
project and seek support (if needed) to assist you with your application?
 Is your project outline attached? This can be in any of the forms listed in
the guidelines?
 Have you provided details of two referees?
 Have you completed the attached budget outline?
 If you are applying as an organisation, have you provided a letter of
support from your management committee?
 If you are applying as a young person, have you got support from an
 If under 18 years, have you provided a letter of support from a parent or
legal guardian?

Please include all completed check list items with your application from and send

M.A.D. Youth
C/- Southern Highlands Foundation
P.O. Box 853
Bowral, NSW, 2576

Phone: 02 4862 1466

Fax: 02 4862 1477



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