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• The oak tree's durability makes it ideal for

• massive trunks provide nearly unrivalled

• Their bark is also extremely thick in order to
protect them from fire and disease

• reach a height of roughly 80 feet, same as the

size of its canopy.

• This design provides a lot of shade while not

blocking the view from your treehouse.

CONCEPT: Tensile Fabric structure

Treehouse :
• Nylon
• Wood
• Glass
• Bamboo
• wood
• Jute
• rope
• bamboo Inspiration: The Smurfs

Resource: Pinterest
Mixed and matched
structures such as round
windows, conical roofs

The perfect utopian habitat for nature lovers is the hanging tree dwellings. The mushroom-
shaped tree dwellings are made of nylon and wood. Nylon is a material with great tensile
strength ,allowing more flexibility to the structure and it has weather resistive qualities .For the
dwellings, I utilised a monochromatic colourful colour palette to provide a lively and energetic
attitude, and they blended in nicely with the natural colours. Because the tree houses are small
and confined, I built several windows for better ventilation and light passage, as well as a little
chimney. A bamboo, wood, and jute bridge connects each dwelling. The boulders are set in
such a way that they work as stairs in some areas; I'll use bamboo and rope to provide
additional stability. . For the lighting purpose I added dim lights for the night-time and the
houses glow in the dark to guide you through the way
• The circular shape of the buildings gives the
impression that it is a real mushroom. I used a lot
of circular windows to portray people connecting
with nature, and I used round windows to
represent the mushroom fairy rings. I wanted the
focus to be on the house, so I used bright yellows
and reds to achieve that. The door is made of
10’ wood and features unique wood designs. I
wanted the interior of the house to be as simple
as feasible and as near to nature as possible. It
has a mezzanine floor, which are supported by
vertical wooden pillars so that the weight is
distributed evenly throughout the home.
Because it is a hanging house, it requires
additional support. The inside is tastefully
decorated. . The interior is decorated with
natural plants and flowers vines spread across
the house giving a floral vibe. The interior walls
are also painted yellow with red dots on them
and I added a warm brown wooden floor to
neutralize everything.
. I wanted a whole mushroom themed house, so I
added round furniture in it and mushroom shaped
lamps all over the house to keep it well lit. I used
the stones as stairs connecting the ground floor to
the mezzanine floor, the mezzanine floor provided a
beautiful view of the outside as I added numerous
circular windows in it. To add to the whole mood I
added a book shelf and a rug to sit on.

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