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Name : __Ribaya, Ren-Ren S.

__________________________________ Section:___III-
CINS___________ Date:__11-22-21________

Linux Activity No. 12

Managing Network Interfaces and Virtual Machines

1. List the ip address in Windows host.

Command(s) : __ipconfig_______
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):

2. List the ip address in your ubuntu machine.

Command(s) : ___ifconfig_____
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):

3. Configure your ubuntu machine so that you can connect to the internet.
Command(s) : ____ifconfig eth0 netmask
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):

4. Your ubuntu machine should be able to ping both the ip address and hostname.
Command(s) : __ping and ping google.com___________
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):

5. List the ip address in Windows host.

Command(s) : __ipconfig___________________
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):
6. Configure your VMware in such a way that you could share at least two folders from your
windows machine to your ubuntu.
Command(s) : ___Go to virtual machine settings click option then shared folders the add the
folder you want to add.___
Name of folders or directories to share :__Folder 1 and Folder 2______
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):

7. Verify if the shared folders have been mounted in ubuntu.

Command(s) : ________________________________________________
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):
8. Make the shared directories available upon start-up of ubuntu.
Command(s) : __sudo vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs –o allow_other –o uid=1000______
Screenshot(s) of command(s) and output(s):

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