Expressions To Greet and Take Leave!

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Expressions to greet and take leave!

Greeting and leave-taking Responses

Good morning Good morning./Morning.

Good afternoon Good afternoon./Afternoon.

Good evening Good evening./Evening

Good night (leave take) Good night./Night

How are you? Fine./I’m fine/Great/Not bad

How do you do? How do you do?

Hi! Hello./Hi

Hello! Hello./Hi

How’s life? Not bad/great/never better

How are you doing? Not bad/great/never better

See you around! See you!

Good bye! Bye!

See you tomorrow! See you!

I. Fill the blanks using suitable words.

a. Siska : Good morning ma’am,where do you come from?
Mrs.Erika :
b. Mr.Bram : Excuse me, Hi can you show me the way to lake toba?
Dita :
II. Create an example conversation using the greeting example above.
III. Make an example of a conversation with the theme of tourist attractions in
north Sumatra.
Situation: There are 2 people talking about their semester break. Let’s check the
following conversation below!
Lina : Hi, there.
Exa : Hi, girl. How are you doing?
Lina : I’m good. How about you?
Exa : So am I. Thanks.
Lina : Btw, how was your semester break?
Exa : It was so amazing. There were lots of experiences.
Lina : Would you like to share with me?
Exa : Don’t you mind?
Lina : Absolutely not. I’m so curious about what makes you happy.
Exa : You know if Indonesia has so many cultures and tradition in every place.
Exa : The journey was started from North Sumatra.
Lina : Wait… It’s my grandparent’s village.
Exa : Oh… really? I don’t know about it?
Lina : Yeah. They live in Brastagi.
Exa : Wow! It’s such a coincidence
Lina : Oh my gosh! I’m so curious. Tell the story, girl.
Exa : The culture in north Sumatra is very unique, including their greetings. When I
visited one of my father's friend's houses I heard someone say Horass!!!. Horas for batak
people or north Sumatra is the spirit, or rather words of encouragement. And the next day I
went to the karo land, they used greetings like Mejuah-juah.And there are many more
uniqueness that exist in the batak land.
Lina : Wow amazing,I just found out about it from you, Exa.Thanks for the information. I
wanted to go there and see my grandparents in Berastagi there.
Exa : You’re welcome Lina,I hope you can go to North Sumatera soon.
Danau Toba or Toba Lake is one among the foremost popular destinations in
Indonesia, especially in Medan, North Sumatra. Danau Toba is that the largest volcanic lake
in Indonesia, even within the Southeast Asia . Which make it more special is taken from the
Samosir Island, an Island that settled within the middle of the lake.
Lake Toba is a neighborhood of 1,707 km², we will say that this is often 1,000 km²
bigger than Singapore. It formed by a big eruption some 70,000 years ago, it's probably the
most important resurgent caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or Samosir Island, The
island within the middle, was joined to the caldera wall by a narrow isthmus, which
was traverse to enable boats to pass; a road bridge crosses the cutting. Samosir island is that
the cultural centre of the Batak tribe, the indigenous from North Sumatra.

By the eruption of an excellent volcano (Mount Toba) was estimated to

possess caused mass death and extinction of several species of living creatures. The eruption
of Mount Toba has led to changes within the earth’s weather and therefore the start into
the glacial period that affects the planet civilization.

Lake Toba is really more sort of a sea than a lake considering its size. Therefore, the
Lake placed because the largest lake in Southeast Asia and therefore the second largest within
the world after Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba is additionally includes the deepest
lake within the world, which is approximately 450 meters.

1. Tell your opinion about the story of lake toba above!
2. Try to explain the beauty contained in the lake toba tourist attractions!
3. What is the area of lake toba?
4. Try explaining how lake toba formed!
5. Have you ever been to lake toba?if ever oba tell me about your experience!

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