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More Than Just a fects, (2) unpredictable degradation

profiles to match the speed of new
bone formation, and (3) quick loss in
Barrier—Challenges in the structural and mechanical properties
during degradation.

Development of Guided Bone The next challenge is the surface func-

Regeneration Membranes tionalization of GBR membranes. GBR

membranes interface with connective
tissue and bone tissue. On the soft tis-
Xian Cheng1 and Fang Yang1,* sue interface, the primary function of
GBR membranes is a barrier to prevent
the soft tissue down-growth without
A membrane combined with superior mechanical properties, an adequate degra- eliciting any inflammatory responses,
dation rate, effective bacteriostasis, and biocompatibility are essential for the
whereas on the bone side to enhance
application of guided bone regeneration. A multifunctional bilayer nanocompo-
hard tissue growth. Given that most of
site membrane mimicking nacre gives an inspirational message on membrane
the membrane materials are polymers,
which lack osteoconductivity, the incor-
poration of osteoconductive calcium
Bone regeneration, at large defects branes made of polytetrafluoroethy-
phosphate-related materials has been
resulting from trauma, tumor, and lene (PTFE) were first introduced into
vastly investigated in the past decade.
abnormal development, in the clinic is the medical market because of their
This sort of chemical modifications
challenging. Guided bone regenera- excellent mechanical property for
on GBR membranes has been demon-
tion (GBR) was therefore developed, space maintenance. Sequent develop-
strated to enhance osteogenic dif-
by which an occlusive membrane is ment further revealed that titanium
ferentiation of pre-osteoblasts from
applied to cover the defect area to reinforcement of high-density PTFE
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) or peri-
encourage new bone ingrowth while membranes could lead to superior
odontal ligament cells (PDLs).5 Other
preventing the faster-growing connec- regenerative capacity when compared
studies have found that engineering
tive tissue from migrating into the with conventional PTFE membranes.2
the physical cues of the membranes
defect.1 GBR has been a maturing Even today, metallic meshes (e.g., tita-
can also orchestrate the osteogenic be-
technique in clinical dental practice nium and magnesium) are still the
haviors of these cells on the bone inter-
nowadays, especially in the implant preferred choice to be used as GBR
face, including alignment of nanofibers,
and periodontal surgery. After decades membranes for large bone defects
size of pores, superhydrophilicity of
of development, the GBR membrane and with autogenous bone graft, which
surfaces, mechanobiological microen-
is no longer just a simple barrier. often need extra mechanical support,
vironments, and surface electric fields.6
Compared with the original mem- fixation, and deformability.3 Unfortu-
branes used decades ago, present nately, non-degradable membranes
However, when these works are looked
GBR membranes provide more conve- suffer from the disadvantage of the
at from a clinical perspective, we begin
nience on clinical handling and various necessity of additional surgery for their
to introspect if enhancing osteogenic
functions for different clinical demands. removal, which results in not only extra
differentiation of pre-osteoblasts on
Nevertheless, there are still three major pain but also an economic burden for
the bone interfaces is the right direc-
challenges in the development of GBR patients. For this reason, diverse
tion for the functionalization of GBR
membranes (Figure 1). degradable GBR membranes have
membranes. Immediately after implant
been developed over the years. The
placement, blood first comes into con-
The first challenge is the trade-off majority of degradable membranes on
tact with the GBR membranes. Various
between degradability and mechanical the medical market are based on either
performance. An ideal GBR membrane synthetic polyesters (e.g., polylactide)
provides sufficient mechanical support or tissue-derived collagens.4 Never-
1Department of Biomaterials, School of Dentistry,
against the compressive forces ex- theless, the critical disadvantages of Radboud University Medical Center, PO Box
erted by the overlying soft tissue these degradable membranes include 9101, 6500HB Nijmegen, the Netherlands
during the bone regeneration process. (1) insufficient mechanical properties *Correspondence:
The non-degradable polymer mem- to support the space for large bone de-

558 Matter 1, 550–564, September 4, 2019 ª 2019 Elsevier Inc.

Although graphene and its derivatives-
related materials are heralded as 21st
century miracle materials with diverse
applications in various sectors from
energy to environmental science to
electronics, the successful commercial
products are limited due to the high
cost of manufacture. This study ex-
plores a very promising application for
graphene-related materials in medi-
cine, given the fact that the cost con-
cerns are largely relieved considering
the simple and straightforward manu-
facture method used in this study and
the relatively high selling price of the
Figure 1. The Challenges in the Development of GBR Membranes
GBR membranes.

serum proteins are absorbed onto the the release of these drugs and their However, there are still some limita-
membranes, and then immunocytes long-term effects on bacterial resis- tions in this study. Although the mem-
(e.g., macrophages) and osteoclasts tance remains a challenge. Therefore, branes are probably strong enough to
recruited by platelets migrate to the the use of the intrinsic antibacterial ac- maintain the space at bone defects,
surface of the materials. The osteo- tivity of certain (nano)materials is prob- the deformability of these membranes
blasts appear and adhere to the mem- ably more promising. during the surgical operation and the
branes only after several days later, dynamic change of mechanical proper-
and at that moment, the osteoblast- In a recent study by Zhang et al., all the ties during the degradation are still
GBR membrane interface is not the challenges as mentioned above were unclear. On the other hand, the con-
original membrane surface anymore. addressed by a novel material cerns exist because CS has the poten-
The question arises as to whether or approach, ‘‘biomimetic assembly of tial to induce inflammatory responses9
not the osteogenic differentiation of nanoscale building blocks and polymer and GO might bring safety issues.10 In
pre-osteoblasts will indeed be influ- matrices.’’8 Inspired by natural nacre’s addition, in vivo data of these nano-
enced by the functionalized membrane ‘‘brick-and-mortar’’ structure, the au- composite membranes are expected
surfaces directly. The underlying mech- thors fabricated a chitosan (CS) gra- to be revealed in the authors’ future
anism mediating the interactions be- phene oxide (GO) calcium silicate work in order to further confirm the
tween cells and material in vivo is left (CaSi) bilayer nanocomposite mem- application potential of the mem-
for us to explore, which, in reverse, brane by the evaporation-induced branes. Every year, piles of articles on
can guide us toward the design of novel self-assembly and ice-templating tech- novel biomaterials are published,
and efficient GBR membranes in the niques, where GO nanosheets and but only a tiny minority of them can
future. CaSi nanowires were embedded in the finally reach commercialization. With
CS matrix. The highlight of this study no doubt, this work introduces an
The last, but not least, challenge arises is to appropriately utilize the excellent exciting biomaterial development in
when using the membrane to act as a mechanical property of GO and CaSi terms of GBR applications, but for our
reservoir to release therapeutic drugs. and the adjustable biodegradation biomaterial scientists there is still a
One of the major reasons for the failure property of CS to face the first chal- long way to go to translate the funda-
of GBR is bacterial infections caused by lenge of GBR membranes we have dis- mental biomaterial research into clin-
pathogen colonization at wound sites in cussed above. Meanwhile, thanks to ical applications.
the process of bone healing. Many re- the intrinsic antibacterial properties of
searchers have incorporated different GO and CS, the membranes inhibited 1. Yang, F., Both, S.K., Yang, X., Walboomers,
antibacterial agents into the GBR mem- the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, X.F., and Jansen, J.A. (2009). Development of
an electrospun nano-apatite/PCL composite
branes to release these drugs locally to Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus mu- membrane for GTR/GBR application. Acta
replace their systemic usage.7 How- tans. These multifunctional membranes Biomater. 5, 3295–3304.
ever, the commercial products of these were also shown good cytocompatibil- 2. Bottino, M.C., Thomas, V., Schmidt, G.,
Vohra, Y.K., Chu, T.-M.G., Kowolik, M.J., and
drug-loaded GBR membranes are few ity with enhanced cell attachment at Janowski, G.M. (2012). Recent advances in
due to the fact that the fine control of the porous surface. the development of GTR/GBR membranes

Matter 1, 550–564, September 4, 2019 559

for periodontal regeneration–a materials characteristics of PLGA-based electrospun B., et al. (2019). Multifunctional bilayer
perspective. Dent. Mater. 28, 703–721. nanofibrous scaffolds with nanoapatite nanocomposite guided bone regeneration
incorporation. Biomaterials 33, 6604–6614. membrane. Matter 1, this issue,
3. Rakhmatia, Y.D., Ayukawa, Y., Furuhashi, A., 770–781.
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membranes: titanium mesh and other and Deng, X. (2013). Lower extent but similar 9. Shao, J., Yu, N., Kolwijck, E., Wang, B., Tan,
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dental applications. J. Prosthodont. Res. 57, cultured on nanofibrous scaffolds versus Yang, F. (2017). Biological evaluation of silver
3–14. induced with osteogenic supplement. ACS nanoparticles incorporated into chitosan-
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4. Elgali, I., Omar, O., Dahlin, C., and
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mechanisms revisited. Eur. J. Oral Sci. 125, nanofibrous silk fibroin membranes 10. Fadeel, B., Bussy, C., Merino, S., Vázquez, E.,
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5. Ji, W., Yang, F., Seyednejad, H., Chen, Z., Healthc. Mater. 6, 1700014. (2018). Safety assessment of graphene-
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Biocompatibility and degradation Xing, X., Xu, R., Pan, Z., Wang, S., Zhu, Y., Hu, 10620.

Nanowires Pin Neurons: a tween neurons and their interactions.
Neurons are nerve cells in the brain.
The human brain contains about 86
Nano ’’Moon Landing‘‘ billion neurons that are wired into
complex circuits to process informa-
tion conveyed by electrical signals.
Xingcai Zhang1,* Neurons are electrically excitable and
use electrical currents to function and
Recently, Harvard University scientists initiated a nano ‘‘moon landing.’’ They signal to one another. As such, reading
developed hairpin-like nanowires to land and pin neurons to study their inner electrical activities from neurons is the
signals without cellular damage, decoding the communication within and be- basis of understanding of the brain.
tween neuron networks and providing tools for future brain disease studies. Decoding the communication between
neurons helps us to understand brain
functions. Translating the brain activ-
From nanowires to neurons, our under- nanoscale and measure properties and
ities into control signals for devices,
standing of the physical and biological behaviors. However, the understanding
such as artificial limbs, assists people
world advances with the efforts of of the biological world, especially the
with paralysis. Most of the tools devel-
bold innovators. Charles Lieber, a brain, is still in its infant stage. It is diffi-
oped today read brain activities by
University Professor at Harvard Univer- cult to poke and probe such ‘‘living’’ ma-
picking up signals that are leaked
sity, is one of the most eminent nano- terials—they tend to change rapidly and
outside of the neurons2—like listening
scientists in the world. His pioneering produce very complex signals, like radio
to voices behind a closed door. To
work on nanowires and nanodevices channels with static and distortion. The
achieve the most accurate functional
has led us to a flourishing world of development of hairpin-like nanowires
readings and the finest control of
nanoscience and nanotechnology, to cross the neuron membranes and
neural activities, direct access to the
bridging the fields of chemistry, mate- pin neurons to study their inner signals
interior of neurons is critical3—we
rials, electronics, and biology. His is an important advancement, as
want to be in the same room! The
progress in neuron studies is similar described by Zhao et al. from the Lieber
most conventional method for intracel-
to the ambitions of the moon landing: group recently in Nature Nanotech-
lular recording is the patch-clamp
the exploring of a new and fantastic nology.1 We can now directly read
(nano-)world. from neurons. Let us shuttle through
the nano-pin to explore this new
1John A. Paulson School of Engineering and
Since the emergence of nanotechnol- ‘‘moon’’ of possibilities. Applied Sciences, Harvard University,
ogies, our understanding of the physical Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA
world has advanced rapidly. We can This recent study improves our ability *Correspondence:
poke and probe many materials at the to physically tap into messages be-

560 Matter 1, 550–564, September 4, 2019 ª 2019 Elsevier Inc.

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