Effectiveness of Modular Learning in The Students

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I. Introduction

A. Background Information

Today’s teaching and learning comes in different styles and forms

because of the current situation we are into, the COID-19 Pandemic. It

creates a great impact on the lives of the people all around the globe,

especially in the field of Education where students are still adjusting to the

‘new normal’ type of education. One of the emanating new methods in

teaching and learning today is the use of modular approach where in the

teacher intervention is minimal or limited. This style of teaching and

learning is a student-centered since the student has to learn everything in

the module by his own effort and phase. This method is different from the

traditional classroom setting where in a teacher presents the lesson and

the student learned the concept. Daries (2009) defined module as a unit of

work in a course of instruction that is virtually self-contained and a method

of teaching that is based on the concept of building up skills and

knowledge in discrete units.

B. Objective of the Study

The study is aimed to determine the effectiveness of modular learning in

students’ learning achievement.

C. Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be used to show the effectiveness of the

modular learning in the students’ achievement.

D. Related Literature

Greager and Murray (2001) enumerated the advantages offered to the

teacher who uses the modular approach. These are: it provides the

opportunity for organizing numerous sequences to reflect special interest

of the teacher and students; it allows the teacher to focus on the

deficiencies of students in the subject matter; it serves to eliminate the

necessity of covering subject matter already known to students. With the

use of modules, the progress of students is assessed and the routine

aspect on instruction is reduced giving the teacher a chance to enjoy her

personal contact with the students.

Samonte (2004) developed, evaluated and tried out an

environmental outdoor education module for the use of students of St.

Scholastica College. She found out that majority of the students’

comments and responses to the guide questions and personal insights

were positive. The remarks and suggestions were sufficient reasons for

considering the modules suitable and purposeful. She concluded that the

module was able to a great extent to meet the criteria set in terms of

content, instructional characteristics and effectiveness.

Aquino-Danganan (2001) proposed instructional modules in

developing computational skills in College Algebra. She concluded that the

proposed instructional modules had titles, instruction to the learners,

rationale, objectives, pretest with answer keys, worksheet assignment,

progress check with answer key and post-test with answer key. The format

and language of each were properly organized, clear and simple. The

objectives of each module were specific and were based on the course

syllabus. The topics were properly developed and explained and the

activities and exercises facilitated student learning in College Algebra.

The study of Greager and Murray, Samonte and Aquino –

Danganan are related to the present research paper since they all deal on

assessment of self-instructional materials and their positive effects on

students’ achievement. They are different since they deal on other subject

areas or disciplines. The present study is similar to Aquino-Danganan’s

work in the sense that they made use of pre-service Education students as

subjects of the study , it involves a computational subject and is also a

subject in the teacher education program. This includes mathematical

abilities, reading comprehension, and study habits of the students.

II. Body

Particular educating is another showing system in study hall

settings, for masterminding learning encounters in education and it has

been getting a lot of consideration. The technique of learning modules has

become a piece of all degrees of instructing. A learning module is a self -

learning bundle managing one explicit topic/unit. It can be used in any

setting advantageous to the student and might be finished at the student's

own speed. Adequate theories and rehearses are accessible for the useful

utilization of secluded educating in our homerooms.

Hence an investigation was led to check the viability of measured

instructing. Acquired information was dissected, deciphered what's more,

decisions were drawn. Examination of pretest scores of both the test and

the control bunch by applying measurable examination mirrored that there

existed no huge distinction between the two gatherings and both, the

gatherings were nearly equal concerning organic fundamental information.

Subsequently, the invalid speculation, "there is no huge contrast

between the mean scores of the exploratory and control bunches on the

pretest" were acknowledged at 0.05 level. The test bunch performed

essentially in a way that is better than the benchmark group on the post-

test. The distinction between the post-test means scores of the two

gatherings were critical at 0.05 level. Hence the invalid theory, "there is no

critical distinction between the scholastic accomplishment of the

understudies instructed by secluded training strategy and the understudies

educated by conventional technique for instructing" was dismissed at 0.05

level in the kindness of the tribal gathering.

As Salandanan (2001) clarified, instructional materials offer the best

methods by which an instructor can give guidance in her understudies' day

by day look for new understandings and checks. Indeed, even the best

educators prepared in the most recent showing techniques, very much

educated about realities, and mindful of the objectives of schooling can

come up short in arranging and executing a course if she isn't outfitted

with suitable instructional materials. Information on the best way to build

up a course the prospectus, a training unit, or a straightforward learning

action can without a doubt improve her fitness in imparting to the

understudies the inclusion and groupings of the substance to be taken up.

One such instructional material is the self-instructional module. A self-

instructional module is a self-contained, autonomous unit of guidance

arranged to accomplish characterized instructional destinations. It is

typically self - coordinating since it remembers guidance for how the

different examinations will be sought after.

Study hall guidance utilizing modules is portrayed as self-pacing

where the understudies progress through the learning assignments at their

own rate. On the entire, apparently particular learning bunch perform

essentially in a way that is better than the gathering instructed by

conventional technique for educating. This expanded inspiration was

linked with the setting of the present moment goals and the force of the

educating approach. The Modularization additionally promoted positive

changes in understudy demeanor toward educating and learning. Self-

instructional materials build up the confidence of students and give them a

certainty support. This is conceivable because the students are given the

system inside which to thoroughly consider things for themselves.

All the more critically, the students are given kudos for the recently

procured information. Most self-instructional materials are reason

constructed and are organized to address the students' issues. Race

(2009) further accentuated that the primary guideline hidden the utilization

of self-instructional materials is to make learning responsive, intriguing,

effective and sympathetic.

III. Conclusions

Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. On the whole, modular learning is more effective as teaching learning

process in the students’ learning achievement. Because in modular

learning the students are provided the opportunities of learning at their

own pace, according to their ability level and needs.

2. Modular approach is more effective as compared to traditional method

since the students in the experimental group excel in the post-test

compared to the traditional group.

3. The modular approach is considered to create interest among the students

as they are free to learn at their own pace.


In the light of findings and conclusions of the study, following

recommendations were made.

1. This study proved that modular learning is more effective mode

of instruction as compared to traditional method of teaching. This method

should be applied to others subjects as well as other level of education.

Therefore, the teachers should use modular teaching to improve the

academic achievements of the students.

2. Modular teaching is a new technique in classroom setting,

teachers should be provided training in module writing and teaching.

3. The results of single study are insufficient to decide about the

maximum use of modular approach in our classroom setting. Thus a series

of studies on modular approach in different situations and at different

levels should be carried out.

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