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Họ và tên: Lâm Tuyết Nhi MSSV: 2011116504

Môn học: Quản trị học Ngày kiểm tra: 25/11/1021

Điểm số Mã lớp 82

Câu hỏi Trà lời Câu hỏi Trả lời Câu hỏi Trả lời Câu hỏi Trả lời
1 A 6 A 11 A 16 B
2 C 7 D 12 B 17 D
3 D 8 A 13 C 18 B
4 A 9 A 14 D 19 A
5 C 10 B 15 A 20 B

Question 1:
Everything has two sides, good and bad, challenge and reward. The same goes for being a
Being a manager in today's fast-paced workplace has several obstacles. It may be a difficult
and thankless profession. You may have to cope with a wide range of personalities and, at
times, work with limited resources. Motivating the unmotivated in the face of uncertainty and
upheaval may be difficult. Managers may also find it challenging to properly integrate a
broad collection of employees' knowledge, abilities, objectives, and experiences. Finally, as a
manager, you do not have complete control over your fate. Typically, your success is
determined by the performance of others at work.
Despite these obstacles, becoming a manager may be extremely rewarding. You are in charge
of establishing a work environment in which organizational members may accomplish their
jobs to the best of their abilities and contribute to the organization's success. Furthermore, as
a manager, you frequently have the opportunity to think creatively and imaginatively. You
assist people in discovering purpose and satisfaction in their job. You get to encourage,
coach, and develop people while also assisting them in making sound judgments. You will
have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with a wide range of individuals, both inside
and outside the company. Other benefits of being a manager include getting recognition and
standing within the firm and in the community, having a say in organizational results, and
receiving attractive pay in the form of wages, bonuses, and stock options.
PART 3: I will apply the decision-making process including 8 steps to get around this
Because i have just won a place in the university so I decided to buy a motorcycle to commute to my
university everyday, but I just have the budget of 15 million Vietnam (suppose that this is my own
money and my family do not financially support me).
STEP 2: IDENTIFY Decision Criteria
- Warranty
- Energy-saving motorcycle
- Nice design
- Has a capacity of 100 cc
STEP 3: Allocate Weights to the Criteria
I will mark the criteria above follow the scale of 10
- Has a capacity of 100 cc (10)
- Energy-saving motorcycle (9)
- Warranty (7)
- Nice design (7)
STEP 4: Develop Alternatives
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