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is the study of past events. People know what happened in the past by looking
at things from the past including sources (like books, newspapers, and letters)
and artifacts (like pottery, tools, and human or animal remains.). History is the study of change
over time, and it covers all aspects of human society. Political, social, economic, scientific,
technological, medical, cultural, intellectual, religious and military developments are all part of

History is important to study because it is essential for all of us in

understanding ourselves and the world around us. History gives us a
very clear picture of how the various aspects of society-such as
technology, governmental systems, and even society as a whole-worked
in the past so we understand how it came to work the way it is now.

The history gives us so much information about the summary and

clearly explanation of the Philippine history, culture and identity of it.
History lays the groundwork for understanding previous events and
preparing for future ones. It aids in the knowledge of society’s origins,
as well as our own. This is important because we have to enhance our
knowledge or understanding about the things that happened in the
past, and in that way, we can appreciate our country, either present or
future. All people and cultures are living histories. The languages we
speak are inherited from the past. Our cultures, traditions, and religions
are all inherited from the past. History helps us to understand our
culture, the things our ancestors used to do, our unique talents, the
identity of every places and situations that occurred in the past and
others. History provided us with a sense of identity and people must
develop a sense of their shared history. Based on my personal opinion,
we are what we are today as a result of past events. Like for example,
before, our ancestors was using “po” and “opo” when they were alive
and young, and now, we are using it too as a sign of respect to the
elders or even to anyone. Every culture before is still our culture until
now. In history, we get to know what our country looked like in the
past, we get to know the people who fought for our freedom and who
showed their bravery just to save our country. Our history shaped our
society, culture and identity.

So The role of history in our country is important because by learning

our history, we would know our origin. This would give us an
understanding of our own identity. History gives us the key to our
culture. In that way, we would know how to preserve it. History also is
the foundation of our society. By having our own understanding on the
things that happened in the past, we would know what to do in case the
same thing may happen in the future.

All people and cultures are living histories. The languages we speak are
inherited from the past. Our cultures, traditions, and religions are all
inherited from the past.

It aids in the knowledge of society’s origins, as well as our own.

In short history has the most important role because this where all the
things begin

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