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Erika Mae G.

Gas B-4

Reflection Paper

My relationship to my friends, parents,and relatives. In my parents, we have

a good relationship but sometimes I admit that there is a miss understanding and I argue

with them. But they are so caring on me and kind. They always give all there support in

all things that I’m doing, Everyday they make me feel that I'm important on them and

they love me. And I understand them when they get mad on me especially with I'm not

obeying what they say. My mother was like my bestfriend because everytime that I have

a problem she is always there for me to cheer me up and give me advice's. My father is a

kind person but he is so strict and sometimes they don't want me to go outside the house,

they want to discipline me and I understand him because he as he said the generation now

is different unlike in their generation. They only want me to be safe. And as i grow up ill

promise that my relationship with them will be stronger and stronger.In my friends, we

have a good relationship all I can say is that I'm so lucky to have them and being part of

my life, because they are the one that I go with if I have a big problem, they also make

me happy especially when they know that I'm not okay. They also give me advice's and

they are always there to listen to me, they always give there hand to me to help me, and

also to lean on when no one wants to talk to me. We have a relationship like my

relationship to my sister and brother I consider them as my siblings also. And for me

there's is no one like them unlike the other friendship that fake because they are real and
true to me. In my relatives I know that I don't have a good relationship with them because

in my fathers side there is a conflict with them. So that my other cousins and relatives

wasn't close to me and we don't talk since I was 10 years old until now. But I have a

cousin that close to me but the others will never because of there parents. My relationship

with God is okay and very strong, he is the one who can heal me when my broken , he is

the one who strengthening me when I am weak, he is the one who truly loves me and no

one can love me other than him, he is the one who help me to carry and solve all my

problems, and I am thankful for him for all he has done for me and for all the challenges

or trial that I overcome because he never leave me and he knows that I can do it all.

Because through Christ I can do all things and nothing is impossible with him.. That's

why sometimes when I pray I always cry and I will never stop to praise and worship

him .. Because I trust his words and promises. And my relationship with him will became

stronger and never fade away. Because he is the one who truly understand me, who truly

loves me, who truly cares for me, and I know that I am safe with him. And I am going to

give all my trust and love like what he do for me.

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