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Transformation Management

COURSE NAME: Change Management


YOUR FULL NAME Muhammad Ashfaq

ID: 39303




Elayne Coakes
The purpose of the paper is analyses the merger of 2 trust. What kind of management
problem new trust will face. Discuss the HR issues, trust culture, management issues, what
we can do to make it successful organisation. The Chief Executive and director will joined
the company no more than 4 and 5 week. The board is in place but structure is not
completed. The both organisation is working as they work before. But CE wants that HR and
finance department will organise fast because they can help other part of new merger. The
main difference between these trusts is culture and structure. And line manager and HR
manager for both trust don’t want to merge because they happy to work as they are doing.


Change Management: Managing the process of structural, technical, staff, and cultural
change within an organisation. (Chaffey 2004) (Teacher Lesson)

The NHS is currently undergoing a period of intensive change - technological, social and
economic - so there is a real need for all managers to facilitate this change within their
organisations and the wider NHS environment.

There are two hospital or trust merge recently month in West Yorkshire. The new HR
director recently appoint in West Yorkshire Hospital. He like to change the Hr policy because
they are difference in the culture and structure in the newly merged hospital and that
difference also effect the trust HR policy. The main issue that trust line manager, supervisor
and employee like the policy that is present and they don’t want to change they preferred
that they way they are working they can continue like this without any change.
The trust B person need to move to trust A. That might be away from home or where they
are working. They would prefer to work in same trust with same designation and as well
same salary. Because they need to work to colleague from other trust, difference from other
trust like holiday, pay and more work load.

Literature Review

In literature review I will discuss the company that name is Fuji film ltd. In October 1 the
Fujifilm Company become the holding company. These change made Fujifilm Company to
change their management structure as well. Photography is directly linking with the human
emotion happiness, joy, and sadness capture it in future reference.”Fujifilm remains firmly
committed to its belief that its mission is to preserve and nurture the culture of photography,
and make contributions for the further progress of that culture by fusing it with digital
technologies. “Fujifilm Corporation.
Fujifilm also advance its technology toward protective film for polarizing film used in LCDs.
that can be used in medical sciences, and life science business. They are increasing grow
well due to be pioneer of these technology. Fujifilm also enter in hardware section as well
because technology day by day change and now a day people don’t like to go out and print
their memories, so Fujifilm also launch printer.
The corporate governance system for management of the entire corporate group will
undergo change with the transition to the holding company structure. Under the new
structure, FUJIFILM Holdings will provide strategic management functions for the entire
Fujifilm Group and firmly promote "effective management of resource allocation," "increased
areas of synergy among Fujifilm Group companies," "cultivation and effective utilization of
personnel," as well as "improved efficiency of common operations." The Board of Directors
of FUJIFILM Holdings will be comprised of individuals selected from both companies of the
current Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. and Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. in order to facilitate smooth
implementation of such functions. FUJIFILM Holdings will incorporate management sections
to support decisions made at Board of Directors meetings. These sections include Group
Business Planning, Accounting, Personnel, Legal Affairs, General Affairs, and IT. 

Model: I am explain the seven lever model

1. Values and culture: there are two kind of culture in NHS and our assign trust one
where medical staff and manager are working separately and 2nd where medical staff
and manager work together. Both culture are based in different values because
manager think that they are superior in trust A but on the other hand they should
have difficulty to solve the issue in other trust B where manager work with staff
definably they have good atmosphere and working environment.
2. Processes and systems: Decentralized structure. Two big and largely autonomous
directorates (surgery and medicine) each with its own operational director.
Centralized structure. Many small departments led by general managers who report
directly to the CE.
3. Competences: Develop capabilities, skills and behaviours; Both trust believe about
growth but trust A have internal training system that mean they save money to send
their employee to other organisation and pay for that and also HR department have
less work to do just only build relation and more time to think about employee benefit
but trust B hr department have lot of Burdon to find a solution to provide training,
employee personal information and also make plan for employee development one
think that I should appreciate that they are centralise everyone know who is manager
and who solved their problem but trust a you need to find out to whom to talk to solve
their issues. That make angry and employee didn’t work with hearts.
4. Leadership: Line managers hold personnel files in operational departments. HR
holds personnel files centrally
5. Job design: The HR department employs a small group of staff who tend to stay
within their own department and act as professional advisers to the operational
managers. Operational managers are responsible for much of the HR management
within their own departments. The HR department is 'staff rich'. HR staff work closely
with operational managers, accompany them to meetings, take notes for them, and
assume responsibility for much of the day-to-day HR activity.
6. Rewards: A reward always in a job is promotion, increase salary. Usually it’s good if
you line manager make you appraisal sheet because he work with you and he know
how you are working but again its depend on line manager, other hand HR
department manager who have all the data from all the employee they will get all
information, regarding their holiday, lateness, sickness and other issues, they can
also make good judgement .at the end motivation factor is reward and it’s also
directly effect for the behaviours of employee.
7. Management: manager have duties to make plan and implement it, in these days of
recession every one try to save their job special in Govt department. HR manager
also try to make a relationship between 2 trusts. In all kind of organisation
management is key role over there because they make the policy and implement

This case is very sample but complicated as well because HR department is heart of the
organisation. In any organisation when management change happened they react different
way because they don’t accept that change and they are avoid that change and delay as
well. In our case they take one director for trust B and CE for other trust. But they did well
make a board but structure of the organisation is still there. CE think that HR and finance
department help to make its merger successful but these department person are the one
that against this merger or don’t want to move or work other colleague from other trust. The
main concept to review that case is to understand batter the obstacle in this case. That I
already define about few of them.
The analysis of the 7 lever model:
Analysis show that it’s all about the behaviour of the employee and manager. In my case
where two trusts are merging and they have problem with HR and financial problem because
of these trust have culture issue, working issues. One trust employee work indivial mean
they know their duties and they doing their duty. No team work as well communication Gap
between employee and manager. Everyone have responsibility no centralise system in trust.
But good thing is they have internal training system and HR department free to do some
batter stuff for them like they work hard in term of employee benefit, no high workload as
well opportunity is more toward promotion. But in this kind of organisation have behaviour
problem because of seniority issues. Where in trust b where everything is centralise and
every one give answer to one department and that is HR department. All information stores
in HR department where you can get batter report regarding employee and also appraisal
system is much batter. But hr department have allotted of work to do. Management is batter
and efficient. Employee have their duties as well and manager as well but they help each
other and make a family, work as team.

Stake Holder:
There are 2 type of stake holder in any organisation. Internal stakeholder is manager,
director, and team member in our case. External stakeholder have not directly link with the
implementation of the project so we don’t discuss these kind of stake holder. In our case HR
manager is appointed in nearly new merger. He tries to implement new strategy but He has
two main issues (1) HR workload problem, Where HR need to allocate resources to
managing its own internal merger, (2) it has to respond to new demand for client department.
Manager across the new trust have different expectation regarding the support of HR.

They main constraint to implement and merger is the employee from both side. They don’t
accept or want change. Because they need to work with other manager and other
environment special the culture and structure of the organisation will change. I think medical
staff have no problem because they might be work in same place but problem with line
manager and HR manager. They try to avoid these changes.


Manager and medical staff work together. HR department have all right to have employee
information, (attendance, holiday, leave), appraisal system and also make policy and
implement them. Every department work in their own and have communication between
departments. Company have centralised structure so HR department know to whom he will
solve the problem because it’s not good every person will come to HR department.
Management know what is good and bad for their work based on this they make policy and
implement that. In all cases you have batter environment and new trust will achieve their
objective to merge.

When the change occur in any organisation its must be change its management strategy. In
our case hospital or NHS have problem in 2 departments, in HR and Finance. In HR
department they hire new manager. There are differences between two trusts like they have
culture difference; one is work as team and 2nd work as individual. Trust B is batter then
trust A because they have centralised system. Everything in proper place HR department
doing his work and medical staff and manager are doing their work. They are not interfering
each other work but in trust and everyone have opportunity to interfere each other work.
The conclusion is sample that they need to make a centralise data that have in HR manager
department. Medical staff and manager work as team. Training must be internal like nursing
provide training in this case you save money that might be give in sense of bounces. Its give
batter services to patients and also batter environment to work in workplace.
 Work as a team.
 Reduce the workload on HR department.
 Always think about internal training it’s save money and as well time.
 Department work in effective way and don’t interfere each other but always have best
communication in inter department.
 HR makes health and safety (Example) and other policy and all managers help them
to implement in proper way.



 Assignment paper

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