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UNITE 2030
About UNITE 2030

Dear Changemakers,

Your work as an advocate for change is essential as we work together to expand support for the Global
Goals. You bring knowledge of your community, a spirit of passion, commitment to the values of UNITE
2030, and volunteer leadership skills to our work. On behalf of our community, I thank you for your
willingness to commit to serving as we work together to achieve the SDGs.

The handbook details how members can form an officially recognized chapter of UNITE 2030 and the
requirements a Chapter must follow to remain in good standing with UNITE 2030.

Our goal by creating our local Chapter network is to help you empower other young leaders in our
community to solve grassroots challenges. We are always here to support you in your journey.

The success of our Chapter Network hinges on your engagement and participation so that Chapter
leadership can share knowledge and best practices with one another. Just because you are working
locally does not mean you are working alone. I highly encourage you to work closely with your fellow
Chapter Ambassadors to collaborate on activities, share your resources, and overall strengthen our
network for the better.

I hope that your time as a UNITE 2030 Ambassador be rewarding and fulfilling. Your important
contributions of time, experience, and talent are most appreciated, and we greatly enjoy working with


Alyssa Chassman

Founder of UNITE 2030

Who We Are
Our mission is to empower young leaders to solve poverty, inequality, injustice, and climate change by
the year 2030.

Together as one community, we unite despite our differences to elevate next generation solutions to
the Sustainable Development Goals, build strong networks of resilient and committed Changemakers,
grow in our authenticity to become better and stronger leaders, and work together to solve the biggest
challenges that the world faces.

UNITE 2030 is a global network of Changemakers, and as of January 2021, we support almost 14,000
Changemakers from over 170 countries all over the world in order to solve the world's most pressing
problems. We use the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals as our guiding framework, and
support the UN's mission of achieving the 17 goals by the year 2030. In order to do that, we need every
young person from around the world to remain united in our mission.

Our Story
UNITE 2030 is a grassroots movement of young leaders from around the world who are working to solve
the planet's most critical problems: the United Nations; 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We work to
equip, empower, and inspire young leaders to take action in their communities, and use leadership
training, campaigning, advocacy work, youth engagement, and public events to impact the lives of youth
everywhere so that we can achieve the Global Goals.

Our network consists of young leaders from all backgrounds - students, young professionals, business
leaders, activists, entrepreneurs, educators, etc.

Local Chapters are the driving force behind our grassroots impact, and play a key role in supporting local
change on the ground in their communities.

Our Core Values

Our values are central to our work. We know that without our values, we are nothing. We ask all
members of our community to live up to embodying our core values in all work that they do, both within
UNITE 2030 and outside.

We believe that action is the only true way to create sustainable change. There are enough people in the
world who talk the talk. Instead, we walk the walk. The results of our leadership are not measured by
what we learn, but what we do.
While our community is diverse, we are united in our common goal - to change the world. We come
together, not despite our differences, but because of our differences, to empower one another to solve
the world’s biggest challenges.

To solve the world’s biggest problems, we must think on our feet. We believe that our Changemakers
must be innovative to solve the world’s biggest problems, and we urge our partners to do so as well. We
thread innovation into all of our work.

We all have a leadership role to play. Everyone’s opinion is valuable and we bring all voices to the table.
We give young people the opportunity to succeed and fail, generating leaders through experience. We
lead through action and example.

Changing the world means playing the long game, which means leading with bravery and integrity. If it
was easy, everyone would be doing it. Our Changemakers have courage to fight for a better world for all,
despite the challenges that come with it.

We are generous with our time, our resources, and our tools. We believe in sharing our resources so
that all can access them, and that by doing so, we can create a shared economy of changemakers who
take active responsibility in their role to change the world.

Key Partnerships
UNITE 2030 works closely with many organizations around the world who are working toward our
shared mission. These partnerships are key to our growth as a community, and to helping us achieve the
SDGs by 2030 and empower young people. Our full list of partners can be found on our website.

In 2020, we partnered with the UN Foundation to become Global Goals Week partners. We are part of a
network of 100+ organizations that support the UN during the UN General Assembly.

In 2020, we partnered with FIA Foundation, Restless Development, and the Global Youth Coalition for
Road Safety to create a youth manifesto that outlines the issues that are most important to youth.

Over the years, we have developed relationships with various youth-led organizations to support the
work of our community members and theirs. Notable partners? Unleash Lab, World Merit, MCN, and
Global Changemakers.
Key Programs

Our new local chapter network empowers grassroots change at the community level, and puts change in
the hands of our young Changemakers who stand at the forefront of making a difference in the world.
Local Chapters mobilize change within the young leaders of their communities and support them to
expand their impact, grow their knowledge, and ultimately, transform their communities toward the
Global Goals.

The Youth Delegate Program

The Youth Delegate Program is a 3-month intensive leadership development and action-oriented
program that supports youth between the ages of 18 and 30 to develop the leadership skills and
competencies required to solve The Global Goals by the year 2030.

Events & Global Goals Week

UNITE 2030 hosts a wide variety of open community events each year that empower young leaders on a
variety of topics, ranging from sustainable development to leadership, to developing more practical
skills such as campaigning, partnerships, or storytelling. Many of our events are open exclusively to
community members, but others are open to the public for any young leader, changemaker, or
supporter to attend. 3 times per year, we host the Youth SDG Summit, a 2-day Summit all about the
Our Chapter Movement
The UNITE 2030 chapter network empowers grassroots change at the community level, and puts change
in the hands of our young Changemakers who stand at the forefront of making a difference in the world.
Local Chapters mobilize change within the young leaders of their communities and support them to
expand their impact, grow their knowledge, and ultimately, transform their communities toward the
Global Goals.

The Role of Local Chapters

Raise Awareness.
Raise awareness about the local problems facing your community on a global scale -- but not just for the
purpose of knowledge, but for the purpose of action.

Reach new Changemakers in your community, inspire them and mobilize them to do good for the Global

Inspire Changemakers in your community to take action to achieve the Global Goals -- not just talk
about them.

We know our communities are stronger together -- so we must mobilize under UNITE 2030's common
mission -- to empower young leaders to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Impact happens when we come together. Our community is built on authenticity and genuine
connection -- not just amongst your local chapter, but on a global scale.

Turn your community into UNITE 2030's biggest advocates by acting as our local representative on the
ground for

Chapter Activities & Requirements

UNITE 2030 chapters consist of active leaders and members from across the United States who are
passionate about taking action for the Global Goals in their local community!

Any person can start a chapter, as long as they comply with following requirements.
Core Requirements
Chapter Membership
Maintain a chapter membership of at least twenty-five members to remain in good standing. These
quotas are reviewed on a quarterly basis. Leadership team members do not count toward the 25
member minimum. There are many resources in this document to support you in membership
recruitment and retention.

Each Chapter must have constant leadership in place of at least 3 people. The way each chapter
structures their leadership team is at the discretion of each chapter. This is reviewed in the annual
impact report.

Annual Impact Report

Chapters are required to complete an annual report before February 1 each year. This report serves as
an assessment for each Chapter's health, providing invaluable information on finances, events,
membership recruitment, retention, changes in chapter leadership, and most importantly, impact.
Reports are then evaluated by UNITE 2030 HQ, and further review may be taken depending on a
chapter's capacity.

Monthly Coordination Call

Chapter Ambassadors are required to attend a coordination call on the first Thursday of each month
from 10 am - 12 pm ET. Ambassadors must attend a minimum of 80% of the meetings in a calendar year.
If an Ambassador is not able to attend, they must send another member of their Leadership team in
their place.

Each Chapter is required to draft a Chapter Charter and bylaws. Bylaws must be submitted to UNITE
2030 Headquarters at the beginning of launching your chapter. Chapter bylaws will be published in the
annual impact report.

Quarterly Financial Reports

Each Chapter must provide full financial records of their chapter (including budgets, balance sheets, cash
flow, funding records, gross receipts, other proof of expenses, and bank statements) quarterly.
Required Chapter Activities
Chapter & Community Events
Each Chapter is required to host a minimum of 2 events each months which are open exclusively for
their Chapter members. Each Chapter is also required to host 1 Community event each month, which is
open to all members and the community at large. These events may align with the monthly theme
determined by UNITE 2030 HQ, but don't need to. Chapter events may be held either in person or
online. Community events are required to be hosted online.

Community Programs
Each Chapter must organize a minimum of two community programs each year. These events are open
to the whole community and will be publicized through the UNITE 2030 community as widely as
possible. Please provide timely notice to the other Chapter Ambassadors so that programs and
campaigns do not overlap, and that HQ can help publicize them within our broad global network.

Annual Membership Meeting

Each Chapter must host an annual membership meeting each year which is open to all members of that
Chapter. At the annual meeting, the Ambassador will report on the Chapter's activities and shares the
plan for the upcoming year. Furthermore, this meeting can serve to elect new Leadership Team
members to available positions. The Annual Membership Meeting can be hosted at any time during the
year, however we recommend hosting it at the end of each year, or the beginning of the year prior to
the publishing of your chapter's impact report. The results of your Annual Membership Meeting will be
fully detailed in your chapter's annual impact report.

Chapter Membership
Changemakers between the ages of 18-35 can join a UNITE 2030 chapter in their local area. If there is
not currently a Chapter in that local area, they can become a "Member-at-Large," gaining access to all of
our toolkits and publicly open global events.

Membership is open to any individual who is committed to taking action to change the world, regardless
of whether there is already a chapter in your community or not.

Together, as one united community, we can empower, educate, inspire, and mobilize to take action for
a better world.

Membership Types

$3 USD per month / $25 per year

Chapter Members
$3 USD per month / $25 per year

Over 35s Membership

$50 USD per year

Membership to UNITE 2030 is your insider connection to young Changemakers and influencers from
around the globe. As a member, you’ll receive invitations to exclusive events, special programming
through our local chapters, and exclusive toolkits and content. You’ll connect and collaborate with other
Changemakers across your community and the globe on your shared commitment to achieve the SDGs.
UNITE 2030 members also have access to unique chances to refine their professional and leadership
skills, grow their networks, and build a better world.

Membership Benefits
Access to a network of Changemakers from around the world.

Our community supports over 13,000 leaders worldwide. With the launch of our new online platform,
and the relaunch of our local chapters, we aim to launch over 100 Chapters by the end of 2021,
supporting over 2500 young leaders directly through our exclusive network.

Opportunities, resources and support

Gain access to exclusive members-only toolkits to support you and your efforts in changing the world.
These toolkits, created by both UNITE 2030 and our partner organizations, were created to support you
and your Changemaker journey.

Opportunities to engage with global campaigns

UNITE 2030 hosts a variety of campaigns throughout the year, including around the UN General
Assembly. UNITE 2030 members can engage exclusively with our global campaigns to elevate their
platforms and have their voices heard.

Invitations and early access to exclusive events & programs

Including Camp 2030 in New York, the virtual Youth SDG Summit, and the Youth Delegate Program, as
well as public and private events hosted by local chapters and the community.

Access to Passport, our new online platform

All UNITE 2030 members gain access to Passport, our new online platform for Changemakers. Through
our platform, you can connect with other Changemakers from around the world, access our toolkits,
attend events, and engage in dialogue about the issues you care about the most

Membership Terminology
Membership retention for Chapter members is a critical factor for the success of our Chapter network.
Below are the key terms that we use to designate between Chapter Members.

Ambassador: The President of a local Chapter;

Leadership Team: The support team of the Ambassador for a Chapter. Manage the strategy, execution,
and implementation of each Chapter's activities;

Active Member: A paying member of a local chapter who participates in Chapter activities;

Inactive Member: A paying member of a local chapter who does not participate in Chapter activities.

Lapsed Member: A member whose membership lapsed or they have not renewed their membership;

Legal Status & Tax Requirements

Some chapters may be required to register as a 501(c)3, association, or social enterprise within their
home country. These requirements will vary by country, and it is the role of the Ambassador to do their
due diligence to ensure that they are complying with local rules and regulations.

Typically, if Chapters are not seeking external funding, it may not be necessary to register your Chapter
in your home country.

Each Chapter must comply with all federal laws, rules, and regulations applicable to their home
country's requirements, and maintain all applicable licenses, permits, and other governmental

Chapters also must adhere to their bylaws. Any proposed amendments to your chapter's bylaws must be
submitted to UNITE 2030 HQ before adoption t ensure that the amendments are consistent with the
mission of UNITE 2030.

Each Chapter must also comply with the terms and conditions of this handbook and the signed and
approved Ambassador Agreement and Culture Code.

Tax Information
UNITE 2030 is a social enterprise based in the United States. In the United States, there is no separate
legal classification for social enterprises, but instead we operate both a non-profit and for-profit
organization. As of March 2021, our tax-deductible status is still pending with the Internal Revenue
Service in the United States. Once received, this determination exempts UNITE 2030 from federal
income tax on all forms of income derived from our exempt purposes. This exemption does not
automatically extend to local UNITE 2030 Chapters.

You may be subject to paying local taxes depending on your legal status in the country of which you
operate. Ambassdaors are responsible for filing and paying these taxes accordingly, and UNITE 2030 HQ
accepts no responsibility for tax requirements in the country of which you operate. Under no
circumstances can a UNITE 2030 Chapter use UNITE 2030's HQ EIN Number for tax purposes.
Chapter's Financial Responsibilities
Chapter Budgets
The Treasurer will work with the Ambassador to prepare the financial section of the chapter's annual
report, which includes an annual budget. The budget will inlude an accurate projection of the costs and
revenue for the year, as well as line items for the Chapter's activities. The preparation of the annual
budget is important for the long-term strategic planning of your Chapter activities. All planning should
be by measurable, with agreed upon goals. Long-term planning will create a sense of common purpose
and maximize time available for the important work of your chapter.

Be realistic in your budgeting. In some circumstances, your Chapter might not need large amounts of
funding in order to operate, particularly if you are doing many of your events online.

Chapter Bank Account

Chapters maintain their own bank accounts. Precise accounting records must be kept to ensure the
most efficient use of Chapter resources and to demonstrate your impact. Accurate record keeping will
also help to determine future budgets by illustrating how much cost or benefit is associated with the
program. Any misuse of Chapter funds will result in the revocation of your Chapter status immediately.
Under no circumstances should any member of Chapter leadership use their own personal bank account
for Chapter funds.

Each Chapter must provide full financial records of their chapter (including budgets, balance sheets, cash
flow, funding records, gross receipts, other proof of expenses, and bank statements) quarterly.

January, February, and March (Q1)

April, May, and June (Q2)

July, August, and September (Q3)

October, November, and December (Q4)

Record Keeping
Each Chapter is responsible for its own Record Keeping, and ensuring that their financial statements are
up to date. This is essential for funding purposes.

Remaining in Good Standing

UNITE 2030 supports our Chapters by providing them with opportunities and resources to build their
Chapter. Ultimately, the success of each Chapter hinges on the work put in by the Leadership Team.
Chapter success is reviewed on a Quarterly Basis. There are:
Chapter Status
In good standing with UNITE 2030 HQ, meets all their Chapter requirements

Chapter status is under review for the following quarter. If Chapter is not meeting requirements after 3
months, Chapter status will be revoked, or passed on to a new Ambassador

Chapters on Probation can go Inactive while we seek a new Ambassador to take over operations of the

Chapters that do not meet their requirements, did not meet their requirements after their probation
period, and did not transition to a new Leadership Team.

Remaining in Good Standing

In order for your Chapter to remain in Good Standing, you must meet the minimum Chapter
requirements each month. These are reviewed every quarter:

January, February, and March (Q1) - Reports submitted in early April

April, May, and June (Q2) - Reports submitted in early July

July, August, and September (Q3) - Reports submitted in early October

October, November, and December (Q4) - Reports submitted in January

To remain in Good Standing, each Chapter must:

- Meet their Membership Minimum requirements (25 members);

- Meet the event requirements;

- Submit financial reports each Quarter.

Dues Sharing
UNITE 2030 chapters in good standing receive financial support each quarter from UNITE 2030 HQ
through the membership dues sharing program. When a chapter member pays their membership dues,
a percentage of the dues are paid out to the Chapter each quarter. This percentage is based on Chapter
activity and membership retention and is on a sliding scale. There are 3 designations for each Chapter's
Emerging Chapters
Have at least 3 Board Members, and between 25-50 active members. Receive 25% of membership dues
each quarter.

Experienced Chapters
Have at least 4-5 Board Members, and between 50-150 active members. Receive 30% of membership
dues each quarter.

Established Chapters
Top tier of Chapters, and have more than 5 Board Members, and over 150 active Chapter members at
any given time. Receive 35% of Chapter dues each quarter.

Chapters who have under 25 Active Members do not receive funding from the Dues Share. Dues share
kicks in above 25 members.

Membership dues payments may not be deposited directly into the Chapter bank account. They must be
formally processed through UNITE 2030 HQ. Traditionally, Chapter members sign up to join their
Chapter online, however in some circumstances, your Chapter may receive funding for Chapter
membership. All payments MUST be sent to UNITE 2030, 340 W 42nd Street, Fl 2, New York, New York
10036-9998, USA. Your chapters percentage will then be paid out to your chapter at the end of that

Chapter Governance
Each Chapter is required to maintain a Leadership Team of at least 3 members at all times, including the
Ambassador, who is the primary point of contact between UNITE 2030 HQ and your Chapter. It is at the
discretion of each Ambassador how they choose to structure their Leadership Team. Later in this
Handbook you will find information on best practices that your Chapter can use to maintain a
Leadership Team that works toward our common goals.

Freesponsibility & Crowdsourcing

Best Practices

While we are here to support your Chapter and your work, we ultimately are putting our trust in you as
an Ambassador and your Leadership Team to lead your chapter to success. Your every day events and
activities do not need approval by UNITE 2030 HQ, and so long as you are meeting your requirements
and leading your Chapter in a way that aligns with our values, we put faith in you as an advocate for
your community to represent UNITE 2030 in your local area. We call this the principle of freesponsibility.
Being an Ambassador or on the chapter Leadership Team is an extremely rewarding experience for you
and your surrounding community, and your contributions are essential as we work together to expand
support for the Global Goals.
Your Ambassador community is the best place to start in sourcing ideas and best practices. By the end of
2020, we aim to build our Ambassador network to over 100 Ambassadors around the world, which will
be a lifeline and resource for you to collaborate on new ideas and Chapter activities.
Creating Strong Foundations
Leadership in Action! Leadership strategies for effective Chapter
Being a Chapter Leader is not easy, but it will be extremely rewarding and inspiring if you put in the
work within your Chapter. You bring your own knowledge of your community, the issues your
community is facing, a spirit of servant leadership, and commitment to UNITE 2030's values. This is your
chance to bring these ideals to live by empowering other people in your local community to take
ACTION toward the Global Goals!

In this section, you will find strategies that will be useful for your Chapter's development, growth, and

General Leadership Structure

Your Leadership Team must consist of at least three UNITE 2030 members in good standing who have
expressed intent on forming a new UNITE 2030 Chapter. Besides a Chapter Ambassador, you should
recruit for other specific roles within your Leadership Team. While there are no specific requirements of
what roles these team members should take on, here are some suggestions.

The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining all financial records for the Chapter and provides oversight
for all banking, events, and fundraising activities. The treasurer ensures financial compliance with all
applicable laws in the country of operation, and provides information to the Ambassador and to UNITE
2030 HQ each quarter on all financial matters relating to the Chapter. They work with the Ambassador
to prepare the financial section of the Chapter's annual impact report.

The secretary keeps records of all events and meetings of the Chapter and works with the Ambassador
to prepare the Chapter's annual impact report.

Membership Chair
The Membership Chair is be responsible for managing chapter's membership and developing and
implementing a membership growth strategy. Specific responsibilities include contacting current,
lapsed, and prospective members as well as welcoming new members. Each chapter should have a
Membership committee to assist the Membership Chair with membership development.

Events & Programs Chair

The Events & Programs Chair is responsible for planning and executing all events hosted by your Chapter
(minimum of 2 per month, & 2 community programs).
Communications Chair
The Communications Chair will oversee all aspects of communication with Chapter Members and
propective members, as well as maintaining an online and social media presence as well as
communicating with the general public. The Communications Chair will work closely with the Events &
Programs chair to market and advertise their events within the community.

A Leadership Team member may announce his or her resignation. The resignation becomes effective
after the approval of the Ambassador.

A Leadership Team member may be removed by the Ambassador with 10 days’ notice.

Removal of Ambassador
UNITE 2030 HQ reserves the right to remove an Ambassador from their position effective immediately.

Culture Code
All Leadership Team Members are subject to the terms of the Culture Code during their affiliation with
UNITE 2030. Failure to comply with these terms could result in removal of the affiliated person from
their UNITE 2030 Chapter or for their further affiliation with UNITE 2030.

Meeting with your Leadership Team and Chapter Members

Before Your Meeting

Come with a Plan Make sure that members always know when and where your meeting will take place.
Ensure that you keep it consistent so that new members can join.

Create an Agenda It will make your meetings run a lot more smoothly.

Put People in Charge Chapter Members want to feel like they have ownership over the success of the
Chapter. Assign members to tasks, or designate committees and hold them accountable for their
responsibilities during meetings.

During the Meeting

Take Attendance It's important to know who of your Chapter members are active. Make sure you take
attendance at every event or meeting.

Plan Ahead Events can take a long time to plan. Your Chapter should create a calendar of all activities for
the year.

Next Steps Always end your meetings with concrete actions.

After Your Meeting

Send Meeting Notes with Action Points Make sure that the minutes are sent to members after,
especially those who may have missed the meeting.

Reminders You might have to send reminders to your members.

The Importance of Partnerships

Partnerships are key to making your work as a Chapter effective through teamwork and collaboration.
Working alongside other Community organizations who are sympathetic to our cause allows us to cast a
wider net and build relationships that last far beyond your time as Ambassador. Ultimately, this will
allow you to increase your membership, raise more awareness about the issues facing your community,
fundraise, and reach a wider audience.

Types of Partnerships
Informal Partnerships Usually no MOU involved, based on relationships and knowledge/resource
sharing. Often equally valuable as formal partnerships.

Formal Partnerships Often more long-term, or collaborating together on a specific project with a
deadline. Funding can but does not need to be exchanged.

Tips for Effective Partnerships

Relationship First: Think of building a partnership like building a friendship. Always follow up and check
in with your partners to give them an update on your chapter activities in order to seek new
opportunities for partnerships.

Engage with the Organization on Social Media: If an organization is promoting social impact or the SDGs
in your community, recognize them and their work! Social media is now the primary platform for
recognition. By helping to promote their activities, they might promote yours too!

Invite Partners or Potential Partners to Attend Your Events: A great way to engage with potential
partners is by inviting them to your Chapter's events. This can showcase the work of your Chapter and
open the door for new partnership opportunities.
Making an Impact
Events & Community Programs
As part of your Chapter requirements, each Chapter will host 2 events per month that are open
exclusively to Chapter members, and 1 event per month that is open to all Chapter members.

On top of these events, each local Chapter can host 1 recruitment event per quarter that is open to the
public. The aim of these events is to showcase your Chapter's work and attract new members to your
Chapter's activities.

Types of Events
Each Chapter can choose the types of events that work best for them and their chapters. Events should
be engaging and in alignment with your mission as a Chapter and our mission as UNITE 2030. Events that
relate to the SDGs and leadership often do the best. They can be about building your members'
competencies to be better Changemakers by helping them acquire practical skills, or they can be
theoretical in nature.

Chapter events can be either hosted online or in person. Community Events must be hosted online.








Fireside Chats

We recommend choosing a bit of all the event types in order to keep your Chapter members excited and

Creating an Event Calendar

One of the first activities that your Chapter should do is begin working on your Event calendar for the
year. Events require preparation and hard work! The sooner you can plan your events in advance, the
earlier you can begin preparing for them.
Event Best Practices

- Make sure you understand your goals and objectives for each event. What is it that you actually want
to achieve? Is it a recruitment event? Do you want to share knowledge with your members? Inspire
action? Build networks? This will help you know where to start.

- Identify your needs: do you need to source speakers? Toolkits? Snacks for in person events? The earlier
you can prepare, the better.

- Publicize early: the earlier you can start marketing your event, the more likely your event will be a

- Follow up: follow up with your attendees and speakers after the event is over.

Communication & Branding

Social Media Tips & Tricks

Social Media will be crucial to your Chapter's success. It can be extremely useful for spreading chapter
information across a community. Here are some staple social media guidelines that can help you boost
your Chapter's recognition.

Register your Handles: All social media handles should follow this format: @unite2030CHAPTERNAME
(i.e. @unite2030mexico @unite2030tokyo, @unite2030casablanca.

Post often: If someone sees a chapter has not posted in weeks or months, they might assume that the
organization is no longer active. Let the community know what the chapter is doing without posting two
often. Posting once a day is a good amount.

Use photos of real people! Stock photos are fine, but photos of real Chapter members can be way more
powerful. Feature Chapter members, their work, and their stories.

Engage with followers: Ensure that all active members are following the Chapter accounts and support
posts with shares, likes, and comments. Encourage members to post on their accounts and tag your

Get creative! Have fun with your social media presence! Find new ways to be creative with your content.
Use stories to create quizzes, host Instagram/Facebook lives, and play games!

Use of UNITE 2030's Logo & Colors

UNITE 2030's logo represents the colors from the first 16 of the 17 SDGs. We use the color of SDG 17 as
our primary color for branding and marketing purposes. The rainbow UNITE 2030 logo should not be
used by local Chapters as their Chapter logo. Each Chapter can select a solitary colored logo to be their

Incorrect Logo Usage

Do not separate logo elements.

Do not remix, delete, or introduce new design elements.

Do not distort the logo in any way.

Do not place the logo against a background that would result in low contrast.

Do not combine multiple colors.

Do not introduce new colors within the logo.

Color Usage

HEX codes for all UNITE 2030 colors and colors for the SDG logos can be found here.

Aside from Dues Sharing, Chapters are encouraged to fundraise for their Chapter operations, however it
is not required. During your initial chapter establishment, your Chapter should create a budget for the
year, as well as a fundraising strategy. Consider many different strategies.

Create a Budget
How much is needed to achieve chapter goals? Determine the amount needed to execute events,
projects, community programs etc.

Set a Fundraising Goal

Establish a fundraising goal. Decide upon a realistic amount that the chapter can reasonably raise and
that has the capacity to support chapter endeavors. What expenses are anticipated, and might any
unforeseen expenses arise?

Seek Sponsors
Seek sponsorship opportunities. Be proactive in reaching out to potential sponsors. Consider what
connections you share. Events with large crowds have particular appeal to external funders.

Any single sponsorship over $5,000 USD must reported to UNITE 2030 HQ.

Membership Recruitment and Retention

Membership Recruitment is the responsibility of each individual Chapter. Chapters should develop a
robust recruitment strategy, with plans to reach new audiences, find young people who are passionate
about UNITE 2030's mission, and who have the potential to help your Chapter achieve its goals.

When building your recruitment strategy, Chapters should keep in mind:

- Target Audience: Chapter members should be between. 18-35 years old, and live in the local area
where your Chapter exists.

- Diversity: Chapters should be diverse groups that represent the community where you live. When we
refer to diversity, we don't only refer to racial diversity, but gender, ethnic, and diversity of viewpoint
and perspective.

- Where to find your Members: What spaces are your potential members already in? Universities?
Clubs? Organizations? Map out how you can find and attract potential new members..

Your Chapter's Membership Retention rate reveals how well you're engaging and providing value for
your Chapter members. If Chapter members feel included, like they're learning, that they have built
friendships, and that they can make an impact through your Chapter, then Chapter members should
stay. If Chapters feel disengaged, they won't stay.

Each quarter, we will review your Chapter retention rate. If your Chapter has. a high drop off rate, we
will work with you to help increase your membership retention.

Engaging Your Chapter

There are many ways that you can engage with your Chapter members online to ensure that they are up
to date and included in all Chapter activities. Some options include WhatsApp, Facebook, Slack, etc. Each
Chapter has a page on Passport, our new online platform, where they can engage in discussions, share
opportunities, and chat with their Chapter members.

Chapters should each create a Member engagement strategy to ensure their Members feel included in
all Chapter activities throughout the year.
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
Is UNITE 2030 part of the United Nations?

While we support the work of the United Nations, and align our mission with the Sustainable
Development Goals, UNITE 2030 is not part of the UN or the UN System. We are supported by the UN
Foundation, but are not affiliated with the United Nations itself.

How can I start a UNITE 2030 Chapter if there is not one in my area?

Find two leadership team members, submit your application, and register your chapter online!

What sort of programming does UNITE 2030 do?

UNITE 2030 supports young leaders from all over the world to solve the Global Goals by 2030. We do
this in several ways - primarily through leadership training, community engagement, and empowering
youth through grassroots activism. Our main programs are the Youth Delegate Program, Local Chapters.
the Youth SDG Summit, and Camp 2030.

Can UNITE 2030 help me gain access to UN meetings/jobs/internships/events?

UNITE 2030 is dedicated to connecting young leaders to the UN, and UN aligned events/opportunities.
Become a member to receive more information about these unique opportunities.

Is UNITE 2030 a non-profit organization?

UNITE 2030 is a social enterprise, with both non-profit and for-profit status. We are a mission-driven
organization that focuses on solving the world's most critical challenges by the year 2030.

Becoming a Member
Can I join UNITE 2030 from anywhere?

UNITE 2030 membership is for. young people who are committed to the SDGs. You can be located
anywhere in the world to become a member, even if there is no chapter in your area!

Why do I have to pay for my UNITE 2030 Membership?

UNITE 2030 membership gives you access to exclusive events and resources to help you solve problems
in your community. If you don't want to pay, you can join our online Facebook community, which is
always free! In our Facebook community, we occasionally share some resources there, but the highest
level of involvement in our community is through our membership network. The funds from
Membership fees go toward supporting local chapters and their work, and helps us grow our Chapter
network to reach new corners of the world.
Can I have a scholarship to join a Chapter?

We offer a very small number of yearly scholarships each year to Changemakers. The call for those
applications opens twice per year - once in January, and once in June.

How do I join?

You can join online!

Can I join if there is no local chapter near me?

YES! Members with no local chapter or choose not to be affiliated with one can become a Member-at-

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