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Kode Mata Kuliah : PDGK 4304

Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk guru SD
Pokok Bahasan : Modul 6, 7 dan 8
Nama Tutor : Insan Utama Sinuraya, S.Pd., M.Hum
Jumlah Soal :6
Skor Maksimal : 100

1. Translate these sentences by using Gerund! (Point 20)

A. Mereka sedang menikmati nyanyian wanita tua itu.
B. Dia (pr) benci melakukan sesuatu yang tidak dia suka.
C. Guru-guru kami mulai mengajari kami untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris.
D. Pria-pria tua itu suka menonton film komedi sebulan sekali.
E. Dia (lk) akui mengambil sebuah pulpen dari tasku kemarin sore.

2. Arrange the jumbled words into correct order! (Point 20)

a. have – box – lifted – they – the – heavy
b. mustn’t – to – school – bring – student – money
c. must – they – the information – the fish – know – about
d. the TV – you – before – go – switch off – to bed
e. The athlete – has to – the competition – to win – more quickly – run

3. Make a conversation based on the illustration below (min 10 lines)! (Point 15)
Illustration: you’re standing at Bond Street as the picture shows, then someone asks your help
to give the direction to Café.

4. Write down two sentences of your activity with these tenses below! (Point 20)
a. Past Activity
b. Present Activity
c. Future Activity
d. Perfect Activity

5. Translate this text “WHY EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT” below! (10 pint)

Education provides people with the tools and knowledge to understand and participate in
today’s world. It helps to sustain the human values and gives contribution to individual and
collective well-beings. It is the basis for life-long learning. It inspires confidence and provides the
skills to participate in public affairs.
Education enhances the ability of households to manage health problems, improve nutrition
and childcare, and plan for a better future. It is essential for economic development. It eradicates
poverty and allows people to earn a better living. It also provides people with the knowledge and
awareness to promote tolerance and understanding among people. And most of all, it makes
people more self-reliant an aware of their duties and rights.

6. Complete the sentences below with suitable words! (15 point)

Example: These shoes are (too big). I need smaller ones.
These shoes are too small. I need (bigger ones).

a. This belt is too short. I need a __________.

b. This jacket is ____________. I need a cheaper one.
c. The sock is too tight. I need ___________.
d. The color is ____________. I need a darker one.
e. The bag is too bad. I need a ___________.

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