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type name required relevance

start starttime
end endtime
deviceid deviceid
subscriberid subscriberid
simserial simid
phonenumber devicephonenum
username username
calculate duration
caseid caseid

select_one Contact contact yes

select_one yesno yes_contact yes '1')
select_one no_contact no_contact yes selected(${contact}, '0

note died no selected(${yes_contact

select_one patient_death patient_death yes selected(${yes_contact

text diagnosis yes selected(${yes_contact

note hospitalised no selected(${yes_contact

begin group yescontacted selected(${contact}, '1

select_one Intro consented yes

select_one refusal refusal_reasons yes selected(${consented},

datetime busy yes selected(${refusal_rea

select_one name patient_name yes selected(${consented},

begin group consentedyes selected(${consented},

note behaviour1 no

select_one handwash_options hand_wash yes

note behaviour2 no

select_one bath_option bath yes

select_one frequency_option number_bath yes

note behaviour3 no

select_multiple diet_option healthy_diet yes

text others yes selected(${healthy_die

select_one meal_options discharge_2 yes

integer no_meals yes

select_one diet_change change_pattern yes

select_multiple food_decrease_opti decrease_quantity yes selected(${discharge_2

select_multiple food_decrease_opti increase_quantity yes selected(${discharge_2

select_multiple nochange_diet_opti reasons_nochange yes selected(${change_patt

select_one doctor_restriction water_1 yes

select_one waterintake_options water_2 yes

note IPAQ_tool no

select_one exercise_options ipaq_1 yes

integer ipaq_2 yes selected(${ipaq_1}, '1'

integer timespent_min no selected(${ipaq_1}, '1'

select_one reason timespent_exercise no selected(${ipaq_1}, '1'

select_one moderateexercise_optio ipaq_4 yes selected(${ipaq_1}, '0'

integer moderate_exercise no selected(${ipaq_4}, '1'

integer ipaq_5 no selected(${ipaq_4}, '1'

select_one reasonfor_moderateexerduration_moderateexercno

select_one moderateexercise_optio ipaq_6 yes

integer walk_option no selected(${ipaq_6}, '1'

integer walking_time no selected(${ipaq_6}, '1'

integer ipaq_8 no selected(${ipaq_6}, '0'

select_one sitting_duration sitting_time no selected(${ipaq_6}, '0'

note medication no

select_one medication_option continue_medicine yes

note takingmedicine no selected(${continue_m

select_one medicineremember mars_1 yes selected(${continue_m

select_one medicineremember mars_2 yes selected(${continue_m

select_one medicineremember mars_3 yes selected(${continue_m

select_one medicineremember mars_4 yes selected(${continue_m

select_one medicineremember mars_5 yes selected(${continue_m

select_one discontinuingmed mars_7 yes selected(${mars_3}, '1

note deacddiction no

select_multiple deaddiction_lisy de_addiction yes

end group consentedyes
end group yes_contacted
label:English label:Punjabi

Were you able to contact the family?

Were you able to further
communicate with the family?
Reason for no contact

If died, please say, “I am very sorry

for your loss. I will not disturb you.
Please take care of yourself”.STOP
the survey.

If you don’t mind, I need to ask only

one question. When did the patient
Diagnosis of the deceased to be

We hope that the patient will recover

soon.We will call you after a
week.Thanks for your valuable
time.Take care.
contacted patients

We met you at the hospital and you

agreed to take part in the study. We
will now be asking you a few
questions. This will take about 15
minutes. Can we proceed?
Reasons for Refusal?

Select a different time slot.(In case

busy is selected in refusal_reasons)
I want to reconfirm if the patient’s
name is {Name}.(If consented)

Patient to be informed that the

objective of this survey is to only
understand post-discharge practices
of the patient. There are no right or
wrong answers to this survey and no
potential consequences from
responses. By answering truthfully to
the survey, they would help the
study in correctly understanding
patient behaviours and be able to
design programs that can benefit the
Health-Promoting Behaviours -Hand-

Have you washed your hands with

water and soap in the last 24
hours/today excluding bath?
Have you bathed (including sponge
bath) over the last week?
How often did you bathe over the
last week?

Have you eaten any of the following

in the last 24 hours/day ?
Surveyor to read options aloud
Please mention others
Did you increase or decrease meals
in a day after discharge?
How often you have meals in a day
after discharge?
Did you make any changes to the
kind of foods you are eating after

What did you decrease the amount

of?(Multiple option and to be
What did you increase the amount
Reasons for not making any changes
in diet after discharge?
Have you been told by the doctor to
restrict water/ fluid intake?

Over the last 24 hours/ day how

many glasses of water have you had?
Exercise (IPAQ tool)

During the last 7 days, on how many

days did you do vigorous physical
activities like heavy lifting, digging,
aerobics, or fast bicycling?

How many days per week?

How much time did you usually

spend doing vigorous physical
activities on one of those days(in

How much time did you usually

spend doing vigorous physical
activities on one of those days?

During the last 7 days, on how many

days did you do moderate physical
activities like carrying light loads,
bicycling at a regular pace, or
doubles tennis? Do not include
If you do moderate exercise, how
many days per week?
How much time did you usually
spend doing moderate physical
activities on one of those days(in

How much time did you usually

spend doing moderate physical
activities on one of those days?

During the last 7 days, on how many

days did you walk for at least 10
minutes at a time?

If you walked for at least 10 minutes

at a time, then how many days per

How much time did you usually

spend walking on one of those
days(in minutes)?

During the last 7 days, how much

time did you spend sitting on a
weekday(in minutes)?

During the last 7 days, how much

time did you spend sitting on a

Has the doctor asked you to continue

taking any medicines now?

Please think about the medicines

that you have been asked to take by
the doctor. Please answer about
what you feel and have done in the
last 1 week.
Do you sometimes forget to take
your medicines?
Do you take less medicine than what
you have been instructed?
Did you stop taking your medicines
for a while?
Have you decided and then missed
taking a dose?

Do you sometimes alter/change the

dose (how much medicine) of the
medicines by yourself?

Reasons for discontinuing medicines?


Did you consume any of the

following over the last week?

Surveyor to read options aloud

label:Hindi hint:English hint:Punjabi
hint: Hindi appearance calculation default

constraint constraint message disabled required message read only repeat_count

not(regex(.,'^(.*)\d(. Please write a

*)$')) correct diagnosis
Please write in
.>=1 and .<=6 numbers(1-6)
Please write correct
option between 1-
.>=1 and .<=7 7days

Please write in
minutes per day(0-
.>=0 and .<=600 600)

Please write
.>=0 and .<=7 between 0-7
Please write in
minutes between 0-
.>=0 and .<=600 600

please write no. of

.>=0 and .<=7 days between 0-7

Please write in
minutes between 0-
.>=0 and .<=600 600

Please write in
.>=0 and .<=600 minutes
media:image media:video choice_filter
response_note publishable minimum_seconds
list_name value label image
yesno 1 No, because the number belongs to the same family [TT Action: STOP]
yesno 2 No, because family refused / disconnected [TT Action: STOP]
yesno 3 No, because family unavailable [TT Action: RESCHEDULE]
yesno 4 Yes [TT Action: CONTINUE]
yesno 5 Refused as Patient is hospitalised.
yesno 6 Patient died.
no_contact 1 Number invalid / incomplete [TT Action: TRY 2 MORE TIMES]
no_contact 2 Call did not connect (switched off / out of coverage / not reachable) [TT Actio
no_contact 3 Call connected (phone rang), but never picked up [TT Action: TRY 2 MORE TIM
no_contact 4 Call connected, but wrong number [TT Action: STOP]
Contact 1 Yes
Contact 0 No
patient_death 1 Before the Discharge
patient_death 2 After the Discharge
Intro 1 Yes
Intro 0 No
refusal 1 Family refused/Not interested
refusal 2 Sick
refusal 3 Busy
refusal 77 Other
name 1 Yes
name 0 No
handwash 1 Yes
handwash 0 No
handwash 88 Don’t Know/Remember
handwash_options 1 Yes
handwash_options 0 No
handwash_options 88 Don’t Know/Remember
bath_option 1 Yes
bath_option 0 No
bath_option 88 Don’t Know/Remember
frequency_option 1 Every Day
frequency_option 2 Most days (4 days or more)
frequency_option 3 Few Days (3 days or less)
frequency_option 4 Never
frequency_option 88 Don’t Know/Remember
diet_option 1 Fresh Fruits
diet_option 2 Fresh Vegetables/greens/ nuts
diet_option 3 Milk/Curd/Paneer
diet_option 4 Egg/Chicken/Mutton/Fish/
diet_option 5 Dal/Pulses/ Rajma/Channa/Soya
diet_option 6 Roti (Wheat//Jowar/Bajra/ corn or mixed)
diet_option 7 Rice or Suji
diet_option 8 Tea/coffee
diet_option 9 Fried food (oily) like samosa, pakoda
diet_option 10 Spicy food
diet_option 11 Pickle/Papad/ chips
diet_option 12 Added extra salt in food
diet_option 77 Others
meal_options 1 Increase
meal_options 0 Decrease
meal_options 2 Neither
meal_options 88 Don’t Remember
diet_change 1 Yes
diet_change 0 No
diet_change 88 Don’t know /remember
food_decrease_opt1 Food like Rice and Chapati
food_decrease_opt2 Food with high protein like dal,eggs.
food_decrease_opt3 Food with high fat like fried foods, oil/ ghee
food_decrease_opt4 Sugar
food_decrease_opt5 Salt
food_decrease_opt6 Water Intake
food_decrease_opt7 Fruits
food_decrease_opt8 Vegetables
doctor_restriction 1 Yes
doctor_restriction 0 No
waterintake_option1 8 glasses or more (2 litres or more)
waterintake_option2 Less than 8 glasses (2 litres or less)
nochange_diet_opt1 I started feeling hungry with this meal plan.
nochange_diet_opt2 I had nausea or giddiness with the diet
nochange_diet_opt3 I started losing weight.
nochange_diet_opt4 Lack of sleep/Insomnia
nochange_diet_opt5 Having tasty food is important to me
nochange_diet_opt6 I am not losing weight
nochange_diet_opt7 The doctor has not asked me to make any changes
nochange_diet_opt8 I don’t like restrictions on what I eat.
nochange_diet_opt9 Unaffordable
exercise_options 1 Yes
exercise_options 0 No vigorous activities
reason 88 don't know/not sure
moderateexercise_1 Yes
moderateexercise_0 No walking
reasonfor_moderat88 don't know/not sure
moderateexercise_1 Yes
moderateexercise_0 No walking
sitting_duration 88 Don't know/not sure
medication_option 1 Yes
medication_option 0 No
medication_option 88 Don’t Know/Remember
medicineremember1 Always
medicineremember2 Often
medicineremember3 Sometimes
medicineremember4 Rarely
medicineremember5 Never
discontinuingmed 1 Treatment course was complete
discontinuingmed 2 Recovered/Improved
discontinuingmed 3 Medicines got over
discontinuingmed 4 I felt better
discontinuingmed 5 I had side effects
discontinuingmed 6 Difficulty in getting medicines
discontinuingmed 7 Not interested to continue
discontinuingmed 8 Family/Friends told me to stop
discontinuingmed 9 I started taking traditional medicines.
discontinuingmed 10 The medicines were costly
discontinuingmed 11 Too many medicines to handle
discontinuingmed 12 I didn’t understand the instructions well
discontinuingmed 13 Others
deaddiction_lisy 1 Alcohol
deaddiction_lisy 2 Tobacco
deaddiction_lisy 3 Narcotic Drugs
deaddiction_lisy 4 None of the above
y [TT Action: STOP]

/ not reachable) [TT Action: TRY 2 MORE TIMES]

form_title form_id version public_key
Practice practice 2111290348
submission_url default_language
The survey worksheet

This worksheet specifies all of the groups, questions, and other fields in your survey form,
each in its own row. Aside from overall settings and lists of multiple-choice options,
everything about your survey form is specified in this worksheet.

For more help, see the following help topic: How do I design my form?

type name
This column specifies the type of the field or This column specifies the name of the field
group. It has to follow a pre-specified or group. Field names must be unique, and
format, and Excel's conditional formatting they cannot include any spaces or
has been used to auto-highlight rows that punctuation. Example: age
appear to have a valid type column -- so, if
you are using Excel and your row is not
automatically highlighted, re-check that you
have entered the type properly. See below
for an exhaustive list of brief examples.

Examples (scroll right for appearance styles)

text fieldname
text fieldname
integer fieldname
decimal fieldname
select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_one listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

select_multiple listname fieldname

geopoint fieldname
geoshape fieldname
geotrace fieldname

barcode fieldname
date fieldname
date fieldname
datetime fieldname
datetime fieldname
image fieldname
image fieldname

image fieldname

image fieldname

audio fieldname
video fieldname
file fieldname

note fieldname
start fieldname
end fieldname
deviceid fieldname
subscriberid fieldname
simserial fieldname
caseid fieldname
phonenumber fieldname
comments fieldname
calculate fieldname
calculate_here fieldname
text audit fieldname
audio audit fieldname
audio audit fieldname
audio audit fieldname
begin group groupname

end group groupname
begin repeat repeatname

end repeat repeatname
begin repeat repeatname

end repeat repeatname
speed violations count fieldname
speed violations list fieldname
speed violations audit fieldname
sensor_stream movement fieldname
sensor_statistic pct_movement_between fieldname

Quick reference for relevance, constraint, and calculation expressions

Operation Operator
Addition +
Subtraction -
Multiplication *
Division div
Modulus mod
Equal =
Not equal !=
Greater-than >
>-or-equal >=
Less-than <
<-or-equal <=
Or or
And and
Not not()

pulldata(csvname, colname,
lookupcolname, lookupval)
selected(field, value)
selected-at(field, number)

jr:choice-name(value, 'field')

concat(fieldorstring, fieldorstring, ...)

join(string, repeatedfield)
indexed-repeat(repeatedfield, repeatgroup,
substr(fieldorstring, startindex, endindex)
coalesce(field1, field2)
round(field, digits)

regex(field, expression)

if(expression, valueiftrue, valueiffalse)



format-date-time(field, format)

hash(fieldorvalue, …)
rank-index(index, repeatedfield)

rank-value(fieldorvalue, fieldorlist)
de-duplicate(string, field)

pow(base, exponent)
atan2(x, y)
label label:languagename
For those field types that present a user Any label:languagename column (e.g.,
interface, this column is where you put the label:tamil) may be added in order to
primary text for the question or field. You provide labels in an alternative language.
can include line-breaks in your label text by
pressing Alt+Enter on Windows or
Control+Option+Enter on a Mac.

Standard text field:

Text field which uses the numeric keypad:
Standard integer field:
Standard decimal field:
Standard multiple-choice field (allows one
selection, shown as series of radio buttons):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

shown horizontally along likert-type scale):
Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,
shown horizontally along likert-type scale,
labels only at ends of the scale):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

shown horizontally along likert-type scale,
labels only at ends and middle of scale):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

auto-advances to next question as soon as
an option is selected):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

shown as a drop-down selector):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

shown as a compact table of options):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

shown as a compact table of options with
exactly three columns):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

shown as a compact table of options, auto-
advances to next question as soon as an
option is selected):

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

shown as a compact table of options with
exactly three columns, auto-advances to
next question as soon as an option is

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

loads options from pre-loaded .csv file,
includes options based on a "contains"

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

loads options from pre-loaded .csv file,
includes options based on a "starts with"
Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,
loads options from pre-loaded .csv file,
includes options based on an "ends with"

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

loads options from pre-loaded .csv file,
includes options based on an "exact match"

Multiple-choice field (allows one selection,

loads options from pre-loaded .csv file,
includes options based on both a "contains"
comparison and an "exact match" filter):

Standard multiple-choice field (allows

multiple selections, shown as series of radio

Multiple-choice field (allows multiple

selections, shown as a pop-up selector):
Multiple-choice field (allows multiple
selections, shown as a compact table of

Multiple-choice field (allows multiple

selections, shown as a compact table of
options with exactly three columns):

Multiple-choice field (allows multiple

selections, loads options from pre-loaded
.csv file, includes options based on a
"contains" comparison):

Multiple-choice field (allows multiple

selections, loads options from pre-loaded
.csv file, includes options based on a "starts
with" comparison):

Multiple-choice field (allows multiple

selections, loads options from pre-loaded
.csv file, includes options based on an "ends
with" comparison):
Multiple-choice field (allows multiple
selections, loads options from pre-loaded
.csv file, includes options based on an "exact
match" comparison):

Multiple-choice field (allows multiple

selections, loads options from pre-loaded
.csv file, includes options based on both a
"contains" comparison and an "exact
match" filter):

Standard GPS location-capture field:

Boundary-capture field (GPS polygon):
Boundary- or path-capture field (GPS
polyline or polygon):
Standard scan-barcode field:
Standard date field:
Date field (but for smaller screens):
Standard date+time field:
Date+time field (but for smaller screens):
Standard image-capture field:
Image-capture field which allows user to
annotate image:
Image-capture field which allows user to
draw image:
Image-capture field which collects a
signature as the image:
Standard audio-capture field:
Standard video-capture field:
Attach text, image, video, audio, PDF, ZIP, or
MS Office file (Excel or Word):
Standard note field (read-only).
Standard group

Standard repeated group

Group repeated exactly three times

Example Example answer

1+1 2
3-2 1
3*2 6
10 div 2 5
9 mod 2 1
${fieldname} = 3 true or false
${fieldname} != 3 true or false
${fieldname} > 3 true or false
${fieldname} >= 3 true or false
${fieldname} < 3 true or false
${fieldname} <= 3 true or false
${fieldname} = 3 or ${fieldname} = 4 true or false
${fieldname} > 3 and ${fieldname} < 5 true or false
not(${fieldname} > 3 and ${fieldname} < 5) false or true

pulldata('hhplotdata', 'plot1size', 'hhid_key',
string-length(.) > 3
count-selected(.) >= 1
selected(${fieldname}, 'Male')
selected-at(${fieldname}, 0) = 'Shona'

{selectmultfield}, 0), '${selectmultfield}')

concat(${firstname}, ' ', ${lastname})

join(' ,', ${hh_member_name})

indexed-repeat(${name}, ${names}, 1)

substr(${phone}, 0, 3)
coalesce(${id}, ${id2})
round(${interest_rate}, 2)
regex(., '[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+.

if(selected(${country}, 'South Africa') or

selected(${country}, 'Zimbabwe'), 'SADC',
number('34.8') = 34.8
int('39') = 39
string(34.8) = '34.8'
${fieldname} > date('2013-01-31')

${fieldname} > date('2013-01-31 16:42:00')

format-date-time(${fieldname}, '%Y-%b-%e
format-date-time(today(), '%Y-%b-%e')
once(format-date-time(now(), '%Y-%b-%e
hash(${name}, ${birthdate})
rank-index(1, ${random_draw})
rank-value(${random_draw}, $
de-duplicate(' ', join(' ', ${repeatedfield}))

distance-between(${start_gps}, ${end_gps})
pow(1+${annual_interest_rate}, $
atan2(${fieldx}, ${fieldy})
hint hint:languagename
Text in this column, if any, will appear Any hint:languagename column (e.g.,
italicized beneath the field's label. You can hint:tamil) may be added in order to
include line-breaks in your hint text by provide hints in an alternative language.
pressing Alt+Enter on Windows or
Control+Option+Enter on a Mac.
default appearance
If you want to default the user's entry or For field types that allow multiple
selection for a given field, you can specify a appearances, you can specify the
number or some text in this column. appearance style in this column (e.g., quick
or minimal for select_one fields). See the
Alternatively, you can specify an expression individual examples below.
for dynamically calculating the field's
default entry or selection, in the calculation
column. See the following help topic for
more details: How can I provide default
entries or selections for users filling out my










search('hhplotdata', 'contains', 'respondentname', ${nametofind})

search('hhplotdata', 'startswith', 'respondentname', ${nameprefix})

search('hhplotdata', 'endswith', 'respondentname', ${namesuffix})

search('hhplotdata', 'matches', 'respondentname', ${nametofind})

search('hhplotdata', 'contains', 'respondentname', ${nametofind}, 'vill




search('hhplotdata', 'contains', 'respondentname', ${nametofind})

search('hhplotdata', 'startswith', 'respondentname', ${nameprefix})

search('hhplotdata', 'endswith', 'respondentname', ${namesuffix})

search('hhplotdata', 'matches', 'respondentname', ${nametofind})

search('hhplotdata', 'contains', 'respondentname', ${nametofind}, 'vill






constraint constraint message
Enter an expression into this column to If the user tries to move forward but the
validate entered or selected values. The constraint expression is false, a generic
user will only be allowed to proceed to the "That entry is invalid" message will appear;
next question when the expression to override this message on a field-by-field
evaluates to true. Use the constraint builder basis, enter another message into this
to build new constraint expressions. (Also column.
see the expression quick-reference
following the examples below.) Example: . <
espondentname', ${nametofind})

respondentname', ${nameprefix})
espondentname', ${namesuffix})

espondentname', ${nametofind})

espondentname', ${nametofind}, 'villageid', ${villageid})

espondentname', ${nametofind})

respondentname', ${nameprefix})

espondentname', ${namesuffix})
espondentname', ${nametofind})

espondentname', ${nametofind}, 'villageid', ${villageid})

constraint message:languagename relevance
Any constraint message:languagename Enter an expression into this column to
column (e.g., constraint message:tamil) may control when a field or group displays to the
be added in order to provide constraint user (i.e., to control when it is "relevant").
messages in an alternative language. The field or group will only show up to users
when the expression in this column
evaluates to true; otherwise, it will remain
hidden. Use the relevance builder to build
new relevance expressions. (Also see the
expression quick-reference following the
examples below.) Example: ${age} < 18
disabled required
Enter yes into this column to temporarily Enter yes into this column to require that
disable a field. (Rarely used.) users enter or select a value before
required message required message:languagename
If the user tries to move forward without Any required message:languagename
entering or selecting a value for a required column (e.g., required message:tamil) may
field, a generic "Sorry, this response is be added in order to provide required
required" message will appear; to override messages in an alternative language.
this message on a field-by-field basis, enter
another message into this column.
read only calculation
Enter yes into this column to make it read- This column specifies the expression to use
only (a user can see the field, but cannot for a calculate field, or the expression to use
enter or select a value). (Rarely used, for calculating the default entry or selection
because note fields, which are by nature for a visible form field. Use the calculation
read-only, are automatically read-only builder to build new calculation expressions.
regardless of what is specified here.) (Also see the expression quick-reference
following the examples below.)
(${age1}+${age2}+${age3}) div 3
once(format-date-time(now(), '%Y-%b-%e %H:%M:%S'))
repeat_count media:image
For a begin repeat row, this column can To include an image to display for a field (in
specify the number of times to repeat the addition to or in lieu of its label), its
group of questions. (Can be a fixed count filename should be specified here (and the
like 3 or a reference to an earlier field like $ file should be uploaded with this form
{numhh_members}.) defintion). Which media file formats are
supported will depend on your Android
device, but all devices support common
image formats like .jpg or .png. Example:
Y-%b-%e %H:%M:%S'))

media:audio media:video
To include a sound clip that can be played at To include a video clip that can be played at
a field, its filename should be specified here a field, its filename should be specified here
(and the file should be uploaded with this (and the file should be uploaded with this
form defintion). Which media file formats form defintion). Which media file formats
are supported will depend on your Android are supported will depend on your Android
device. Example: explanation.3gpp device. Example: demonstration.mp4
media:image:languagename media:audio:languagename
Any media:image:languagename column Any media:audio:languagename column
(e.g., media:image:tamil) may be added in (e.g., media:audio:tamil) may be added in
order to provide images for an alternative order to provide audio clips for an
language. alternative language.
media:video:languagename choice_filter
Any media:video:languagename column When filtering lists of multiple-choice
(e.g., media:video:tamil) may be added in options, this column specifies, for each field,
order to provide video clips for an which prior field should be used when
alternative language. filtering the list of options. For more details,
see the following help topic: How can I filter
the list of multiple-choice options presented
to users? Example: filter=${survey_region}
note response_note
This column can specify an optional note to This column can specify optional text or
appear with the field in printable versions of symbols to appear in the response area to
the survey form, in order to explain when the right of questions in printable versions
groups or fields will appear (i.e., when they of the survey form. For a text field, for
are relevant), what restrictions there are on example, you might put something like |
user entries (i.e., what constraints apply), ___|___| if you are looking for two letters
etc. or numbers; or, for a checkbox, you might
put a hollow square like □ (this is a special
HTML character: enter "&#9633;", without
quotes, into this column); finally, for a radio
button, you might simply enter a capital O.
publishable minimum_seconds
Enter yes into this column to indicate that a Enter a number of seconds that represents
field in an encrypted form should be left the minimum time enumerators should
unencrypted so that it can be published to spend the first time they view the field. This
one or more datasets. Use only for non- represents a "speed limit" that can be
sensitive fields that can be left unencrypted enforced by Collect (with the Enforce
without compromising data security. (This minimum times for fields option within
field is ignored for unencrypted forms.) Collect's Admin Settings); alternatively, you
can track violations with the following field
types: "speed violations count", "speed
violations list", and "speed violations audit"
(see examples for these field types below).
The choices worksheet

This worksheet is for the configuration of option lists for your multiple-choice questions.
For regular option lists, all possible options will be listed here, one option per row. For
option lists that will be dynamically loaded from a pre-loaded .csv file, there will be a
single row that indicates from which .csv columns to load the option values, labels, and
images (see the following help topic: How do I dynamically load multiple-choice options
from pre-loaded data?).

list_name value
This column specifies the name of a This column specifies the internal value
multiple-choice question type (without any stored for a given choice. (It should really be
spaces or punctuation). A given list of called "value" rather than "name".)
options will involve multiple rows, each with Example: 1
the same list_name. Example: yesno
If dynamically loading from a pre-loaded
.csv file, this should instead be the .csv
column name from which to load option
label label:languagename
This column specifies the label to use for a Any label:languagename column (e.g.,
given choice, in the form's default language. label:tamil) may be added in order to
Example: Yes provide labels in an alternative language.

If dynamically loading from a pre-loaded

.csv file, this should instead be the .csv
column name -- or comma-separated list of
column names -- from which to load option
labels for the default language.
image image:languagename
To include an image to display for an option, Any label:languagename column (e.g.,
its filename should be specified here (and label:tamil) may be added in order to
the file should be uploaded with this form provide images in an alternative language.
defintion). Which media file formats are
supported will depend on your Android
device, but all devices support common
image formats like .jpg or .png. Example:

If dynamically loading from a pre-loaded

.csv file, this should instead be the .csv
column name from which to load image
To filter the list of options displayed, a filter
value can be specified here, along with a
filter expression in the choice_filter column
of the survey worksheet. For example, you
might have filter values like LAC and a
choice_filter like filter=${survey_region}.
For more details, see the following help
topic: How can I filter the list of multiple-
choice options presented to users?
The settings worksheet

This worksheet contains overall settings for your form, all specified in the second row of
the worksheet. When you download a form template from your SurveyCTO server, these
settings will be pre-filled for you.

form_title form_id
This is the title of your form. If you begin This is the unique ID that will identify the
this title with TEST - (as in "TEST - form. While the form title can have spaces
Household listing survey"), it will not appear and can be changed from time to time, the
by default to users (see the following help form ID must not contain spaces and must
topic: How can I prevent forms from remain fixed for the life of the form. The
appearing until after I am finished testing form ID must also begin with a letter, and it
them?). can only include letters, numbers,
underscores, and hyphens (no other
punctuation or special characters). Example:
version public_key
This is the version number of the form, This is the public key with which to encrypt
which you must increase each time you all form submissions. See the following help
modify an existing form. If you started with topic for details: How do I encrypt my data?
a form template or with one of the sample
forms, then this is automatic: the version is
set to a formula that automatically
increments every minute. (Otherwise, you
need to increment the version number
yourself, taking care to keep the number of
digits fixed; the version has to be a single
whole number, and its number of digits has
to stay the same from one version to the
next. The convention is to always use a ten-
digit number that represents the current
date and time, e.g., 1401130917 for 9:17AM
on January 13, 2014. Alternatively, you can
use 10-digit numbers like 0000000001 and
0000000024 or 3-digit numbers like 001 and
submission_url default_language
This is the submission URL to use when This is the name of the language associated
submitting encrypted forms. See the with labels, images, and other content when
following help topic for details: How do I no other language is specified. For example,
encrypt my data? the label:french column is clearly in French,
but the label column, which will display by
default, is in an unknown language. Put the
name of that default language here. See the
following help topic for details: How do I
translate my form into multiple languages?

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