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This paper is intended to fulfill one of the tasks of the Health Sociology Course

Arranged by:
1.     Aliza Mufida
2.     Hana Aulia Fauziah
3.     Nurhasanah




            Praise be to our gratitude for the presence of God Almighty, because it is with His grace
and grace as well as His guidance and guidance that we can complete this Complementary
Terpai paper in the course of Health Sociology with the knowledge and abilities we have.
            We hope this paper can be useful for readers in order to broaden our insights and
knowledge. We are fully aware that there are flaws in this task. Fortunately, we hope that there
will be criticism and suggestions for improvements in the future, considering that nothing is
better without constructive suggestions.
            Hopefully this paper can be understood by anyone who reads it. If the papers that have
been prepared can be of use to us and others.

Bandung, December 2016     


PREFACE …………………………………………………………………. i
CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………………… ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………… 1
1.1   Background …………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2   Purpose …………………………………………………………………………. 1
DESCRIPTION ………………………………………………………. 2
2.1 Definitions …………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.2 History ……………………………………………………………………………. 2
2.3 How it Works ……………………………………………………………………… 3
2.4 Nursing Implications ... ………………………………………………………… 4
2.5 Mass Benefits ……………………………………………………………… .. 4
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION ………………………………………………………… ... 6
3.1 Criticism Analysis …………………………………………………………………. 6
CHAPTER IV CLOSING …………………………………………………………………. 8
4.1 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. 8
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………… .. 9
1.1   Background
Every individual is inseparable from activities or jobs to make ends meet. Part of the activity
and work requires considerable energy and muscle strength so that it can cause various kinds of
complaints, one of which is low back pain. About 80% of every person in his life has
experienced pain in the waist area due to postural errors regardless of gender, social level and
The incidence of low back pain is almost the same in all populations around the world, both
in developed and developing countries. From the results of the Cropcord Indonesia study showed
that the prevalence of low back pain sufferers in male sex was 18.2% and in women was
13.6%. Meanwhile, from popiulasi never experienced back pain that once and more during his
life between 60% to 90%.
Pain management can be done with pharmacological therapy and non-pharmacological
therapy. Pharmacological therapy using cyclooxygenase inhibitors often causes side effects,
namely gastroimtestinal disturbances. In addition, long-term use can cause gastrointestinal
bleeding, peptic ulcers, perforation and kidney problems.
Cutaneous stimuli are skin stimulations performed to relieve pain. One simple step in
reducing pain by using cutaneous stimuli is massage and touch. Massage and touch are sensory
integration techniques that affect the activity of the autonomic nervous system. When individuals
prepare to touch as a stimulus to relax, a relaxation response will emerge. Relaxation is very
important in helping clients to increase comfort and free themselves from fear and stress due to
illness and endless pain.
In addition, relaxing also helps reduce anxiety, thereby preventing excessive pain stimuli.
1.2   Purpose
1.2.1 To know the Definition
1.2.2 To know History
1.2.3 To know how it works
1.2.4 To know the implications of nursing
1.2.5 To know the Benefits

2.1 Definitions
            Masase comes from the Arabic "mash" which means "to press gently" or from the Greek
word "massien" which means "to massage or knead". However, the most popular term used in
French is "masser" which means "to rub". According to the meaning of massage which comes
from the English language "massage" is massage massage and so on on certain parts of the body
with hands or special tools to improve blood circulation as a treatment method or to relieve
            Massage is a gentle direct manipulation of the body. This manipulation can affect the
nervous system, respiratory muscles, blood and lymph circulation, locally or in general. Massage
produces a stimulus to the body tissues by pressing and stretching. Emphasis causes compression
of the soft tissues and alters the nerve endings which form the receptor tissue, whereas stretching
exerts tension on the soft tissues. (CK Giam, 1993: 172)
            Massage is an instinctive act and its treatment is intuitive. In later developments the
technique of massaging and other techniques developed and had a specific effect on
administration. (Harrold, 1992: 16)
2.2 History
History of Massage Development
            Massage as a way of treatment has been known since prehistoric times by various ethnic
groups in the world. The data show that the mass age is as old as human civilization.
            Historical records show that the Chinese had known a period of approximately 3,000
BC. In the teachings of Kung Fhu Tzu, it is known that massage has been used not only for
health maintenance but also as a way of treatment. Likewise, massage was also known by the
ancient Greeks who used massage as a form of luxury after doing gymnastic exercises to shape
the beauty of the body.
            Massage can strengthen weak joints and relax stiff joints. In practicing massage, massage
towards the heart is called "Anaptripsis", which starts from the feet upwards, while from above,
starts from the head or neck down towards the heart.
            Towards the end of the nineteenth century, massage has really been in a good position in
the world of medicine. One of the famous doctors, Dr. Mezger disseminates massage. Since then
massage has become one of the most popular treatments in Europe and America.
            In 1894 women in England formed the Massseuse association with the aim of raising
massage standards and improving the status of women who chose massage as their
profession. The association then joined The Institute of Massage and Remedial Exercice, which
at that time had 5,000 members. Massage and medical Gimnastyc continues to develop into
Physical Treatment to complement surgical treatment treatments.
Development of Massage in Indonesia
            In Indonesia, massage has been known as the area (massage or massage). People who
practice massage or massage in Indonesia are often referred to as shaman massage. In doing
massage, a massage shaman gains his expertise because of his genetic talent and practical
experience. The older the shaman practice, the more skilled the massage healer is.
            In general, the results of the massage are comfortable and satisfying to the patient, but
some leave pain after the massage because the pressure is too strong. This occurs due to a lack of
understanding and experience about correct massage. In 1960, he taught Swedish massage
systems and techniques in Solo as guidelines for proper massage procedures.
            Massage or massage is a skill that involves elements of instinctive knowledge and the art
of caring for the body which is obtained from frequent practice of massage. A masseuse must
have the strength, agility and work of hands mechanically directed to the heart to produce a
feeling of comfort and refreshment so that the pain of an injury can be reduced.
            Many sports activities can cause minor or severe injuries. So in a masseur sports team
(practitioners of massage practice) are needed. However, if an injury occurs causing a fracture,
the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately for proper treatment.
2.3 How it Works
            Nursing action by providing massage to clients in meeting the needs of comfort in
muscles or bones. This massage procedure only helps reduce the pain caused by poor circulation.
            The objectives of this phase are:
1.       Increase circulation in the area given massage.
2.       Increase body relaxation.

The tools and materials used in massaging are:

1.       Olive oil or any oil of the like.
2.       Towel, to dry the body from oil.
The working procedure of massage is as follows:
1.       Explain to the client what procedures will be carried out.
2.       Wash your hands first to maintain cleanliness.
3.       Doing massage on the area that is felt pain for 5-10 minutes.
4.       Do massage using your palms and fingers with gentle pressure. The following are the
techniques found in massage:
a.        Massage technique with short, fast, alternating pressure using the palms of the hands and
fingers by applying light pressure. This technique is commonly used in patients with low back
b.       Squeeze technique can be used if pain occurs in the area around the shoulder.
c.        Massage technique by rubbing the thumb in a circular motion, performed when the pain is in
the back and waist area.
d.       Efficiency technique with both hands, can be done if the pain occurs in the back or waist.
e.        Petrisasi technique, pressing the back horizontally.
f.        Technique brushing pressure with fingertips, performed at the end of massage area of the
5.       Wash hands after doing the massage procedure.
6.       Record the patient's response after the massage procedure.
2.4 Nursing Implications
1.       Anxiety
2.       Inflammation
3.       Back pain
4.       Chronic pain
5.       Difficulty defecating
6.       Depression
7.       Headache
8.       High blood pressure
9.       Insomnia
2.5 Benefits of Massage
           Apart from relieving pain in certain parts of the pain, this massage also has several other
benefits, namely:
1.       Reduces pressure on muscles
2.       Reducing Stress Hormones
3.       Improve blood circulation
4.       Stimulates the lymphatic system
5.       Increase joint mobility and flexibility
6.       Refreshes the surface of the skin
7.       Accelerate recovery of injuries to soft tissues
8.       Increase mental alertness
9.       Reduce anxiety and depression

3.1 Critical Analysis
            This massage or massage seen from the practical procedure has almost no side effects if
the person doing the massage understands and has sufficiently mature knowledge in this
field. Besides that, in practice, it does not use drugs or other chemicals. So that it is safe to
practice for all ages, even babies. Besides being able to reduce the pain, this massage can also
help improve circulation.
Besides being able to reduce pain in certain parts, modern research has shown that massage can
also be used to treat various kinds of disorders such as:
a.        Anxiety
b.       Inflammation
c.        Back pain
d.       Difficulty defecating
e.        Chronic pain
f.        Headache
g.       Depression
h.       High blood pressure, even up
i.         Insomnia
Complete relaxation can be felt immediately after receiving this massage treatment, this can
happen because massage can trigger the release of endrofin which results in a feeling of
comfort. High levels of stress hormones can lower the immune system in the body. As for some
of the benefits or advantages of this massage, including:
1.       Reduces pressure on muscles
2.       Improve blood circulation
3.       Stimulate the lymphatic system
4.       Reducing stress hormones
5.       Increases joint mobility and flexibility
6.       Refreshes the surface of the skin
7.       Accelerate recovery of injuries to soft tissues
8.       Increase mental alertness
9.       Reducing anxiety and depression
Therefore this supplementary massage therapy is highly recommended to help speed up
recovery of muscle injuries and also as a relaxing indulgence after working so hard. However,
there are several things that must be considered before doing massage. Make sure that the
masseur or the person doing the massage is truly an expert in this field and also has sufficient
knowledge and experience. Because, if an amateur masseur will cause serious side effects such
as worsening pain or injury to the muscles. In addition, ensure the cleanliness of the masseur and
check the ingredients used by the masseur, such as what type of oil is used for massage to avoid
irritation or allergies to the skin.

4.1 Conclusion
            Massage which means pressing gently or massaging has been known in various parts of
the world including in Indonesia from ancient times. In Indonesia, massage is known as massage,
and people who can do this massage are called shaman massage.
            This massage or massage is performed on patients who have suffered injuries to certain
muscles. In general, patients with low back, back and shoulder pain who do massage. However,
based on research massage can not only reduce pain in the injured part. Massage can also help
improve blood circulation, reduce stress hormones, can reduce high blood pressure,
inflammation, besides that massage can also increase joint mobility and flexibility.

Hidayat A. Aziz Alimul & Uliyah Musrifatul. 2004. Handbook of Basic Human Needs
Practicum.  Jakarta: EGC.
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