Third English Evidence 11-08-2021

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FICHA: 2142854

GESTIÓN DEL TALENTO HUMANO (Human Talent Management).

NAME(S): Juan Esteban Loaiza Rodríguez

Competencia Comprender textos en inglés To understand texts in English

en forma escrita y auditiva. in written and auditive way.

Realizar intercambios sociales To perform very short social

y prácticos muy breves, con un and practical exchanges, with
vocabulario suficiente para enough vocabulary to make a
hacer una exposición o presentation or have a simple
mantener una conversación conversation on technical
Resultado de Aprendizaje sencilla sobre temas técnicos. topics.

(Learning Result) Encontrar vocabulario y To find technical English

expresiones de inglés técnico vocabulary and expressions in
en anuncios, folletos, páginas advertisements, brochures,
web, etc. web pages, etc.

Comprender la idea principal To understand the main idea

en avisos y mensajes breves, in short, clear and simple
claros y sencillos en inglés announcements and messages
técnico. in technical English.



Los aprendices deben resolver las siguientes actividades/ The apprentices should do the activities

A. Escuche el siguiente audio y responder las preguntas/ Listen the following audio and
answer the questions.

GC-F -005 V. 05
1. What is Human Talent Management?
R: That said, talent management is a set of integrated organizational human resource
processes designed to attract, develop, engage, and retain productive engaged employees.
2. What is the goal of Talent Management?
R: The goal of talent management is to create a high performance, sustainable
organization that meets its strategic and operational goals and objectives well professional
perspectives on talent management very dramatically.
3. What are the four key processes in a Human Talent Model?
R: The processes of recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, and selecting are all major
components of talent management.
4. What is the premise in which a Human Talent is built on?
R: The talent management model is built on the premise that we must attract, retain, and
engage employees at all times through all decisions.
5. What are the three elements of a Human Talent Model?
R: Attract, identifying and persuading the right people at the right time for the right
reasons. Engage the extent to which employees are committed to their organization's
goals and values motivated to contribute to organizational success, and the ability at the
same time to enhance their own sense of wellbeing. Retain a systematic effort focused on
only on retaining an organization's talented performers, but also to create and foster a
welcoming work environment and high retention culture.
6. What is the end result of applying a Human Talent Model?
R: The end result is an organization that operates more effectively and efficiently will be in
a great place to work.
7. What is a learning organization?
R: A learning organization is an organization that has an enhanced capacity to learn, adapt,
and change. Many companies, recognizing the strategic importance of learning, have
strived to become learning organizations. Training processes are carefully scrutinized and
aligned with organizational goals. In a learning organization, training has seen as part of a
system designed to create human capital. Recruiting is the process of finding and hiring
the best qualified candidate from within or outside the organization for a job opening in a
timely and cost effective manner.
8. Choose one of the processes of the Human Talent Model exposed in the audio and
explain it.
R: Selecting or selection is the process of evaluating candidates for a specific job and
selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can
range from a very simple process to a very complicated process. Depending on the
organization hiring and the position certain employment laws such as antidiscrimination
regulations must be obeyed during the selection process and the final element of the
talent management model onboarding. The onboarding process acclimates new hires and
ensures that they quickly feel welcomed and valued by the organization. This process

GC-F -005 V. 05
enables new employees to become productive members of the organization who
understand expectations and their job roles onboarding goes beyond traditional
orientation programs which focus mainly on managing policies, forms, and procedures.

B. Lea El artículo y complete los espacios con las siguientes palabras / Read the article and
fill in the gaps with the words below:

talents - successful - candidate - coworkers - expectations -

strength - motivation - behavior - performance - interview -
accomplish - skills - competencies

Three Basic Principles of Great Talent Management

Research shows people will be most effective and successful if they can work from their talents.
Their core, the most dominant part of the personality then, they will be engaged and will need less

Did you ever try to change the behavior of your coworkers? Well, the role of you as a manager or
coach is not to change the personality, but to select the best peo ple for the job, a person's inner
core is going to stay the same, nevertheless, so in times of stress, they will always go back to their
natural behavior, of course this does not mean people can't learn new competencies but do not
believe the myth that people will grow the most in their weakest areas, fact is people will grow the
most in their natural areas, their skills , if you know this, you only have to find out what their
talents are.

Difficult? No, just follow these three basic principles: 1. Create clear expectations - be very clear
about what you expect from your candidate, what you need is a clear picture of effective
motivation for your vacancy, what exact behavior makes an employee more or less successful in
your organization.

The second principle is to unveil the talents of your employees or applicants: Your behavior is
crucial, this means during your interview you need to find the specific talents and drives of your
candidate, just ask the right questions like: a) What can he do? You will learn a lot by asking all
these skills, abilities and areas of strength or b) What does he want? Ask questions like What type
of person is he? his talents drives and interests. What does he want to performance in life?

Asking these questions seems simple but, how to get the real answers to these questions, 1.
Create a situation in which your candidate is fully at ease and feels he can talk, so he can be
authentic and totally himself, to let your interview do the talking, make sure you talk no more

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than 10 minutes for every hour of interviewing, match talents and motivation of the employee or
applicant with your behavioral expectations because now you know what specific behavior
competences you expect for your job, just remember the first principle create clear behavioral
expectations and you know what you can expect from the candidate and then, the second
principle unveil their talents by starting from strengths, talents and easy to develop competencies,
your talent will turn into candidate.That's it.

GC-F -005 V. 05

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