Preposisi Paleng Umum Dan Vocabulary

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Preposisi paling umum

Prepositions-Voorzetsel Translation-Vertaling Sample sentence- Translation -vertaling


About over Tell me about your day at Ceritah aku mengenai hari
school di sekolah

At Om We arrive at nine o’ clock. Ketorang sampai jam


Behind Achter The supermarket is behind Toko supermarktnya

my house. dibelakan rumah beta

Between Tussen Amsterdam is between Letak kota A. di antara A.

Alkmaar and Utrecht. en U

By Door The book Misery is written Buku ditulis oleh by

by Stephen King Stephen King.

From Van Where do you come Kue datang dari mana?


In In Glasgow is in Scotland Glasgow terletak di


Into In We got into the bus Kami naik bus

Of Van The population of this city Jumlah penduduk kota ini

is 20000 adalah 20000 inwoners.

On Op The keys are on the closet Kuncinya ada di lemari

Over Over / boven The plane flew over New Pesawat terbang di atas
York. New York.

Through Door She ran through the rain Dia berlari menembus

To Naar I’ll take him to the Saya akan membawanya

hospital. ke rumah sakit

Under Onder The car park is under the Tempat parkir ada di
supermarket bawah supermarket.

Until, till Tot We waited until ten Kami telah menunggu

o’çlock sampai jam 10.00

With Met She shares her books with Dia membagikan bukunya
her friends dengan teman.

Preposisi waktu ( Voorzetsels van tijd)

You can use the following prepositions of time:

Preposisi Menggunakan/use Contoh/example

on Days of the week on Friday

in year/months/ seasons /within X amount of time in September / in 2017 / in two hours

at For night /fort he weekend/ a specific time tijdstip at night / at the weekend / at half past seven

since To demonstrate a past time since 2016

for When you are taliking about a certain past tense I've been single for 5 years

ago Show time in the past 5 years ago

by At the latest I will be back by 8 o 'clock

before 'voor' before 2016

to To indicate time ten to eight (7:50)

past To indicate time ten past eight (8:10)

till / untill To show how long something will take He is on holiday until Monday


Buah apel

bacon Daging babi asap

beef Daging sapi

Beer bir

biscuit biskuit

black coffee Kopi hitam

Bottle botol

bowl mangkuk

bread roti

breakfast sarapan

butter mentega

cake kue

cereal Cornflakes/sereal

cheese keju

chewing gum Permen karet

Children’s portion Porsi anak

chips keripik

chocolate cokelat

chop karbonat

coffee kopi

cookie kukis

cream room

crisps keripik

delicious lezat

dessert gurun

diet diet

dinner Makan malam

dish hidangan

egg telor

fish ikan

flavour rasa

flour kembang

fork garpu

French fries Kentang goreng

fresh segar

fruit juice Jus buah

fruit buah

garlic Bawang putih

grapes Buah anggur

groceries Bahan makanan

ham ham

Hamburger Roti isi daging

herbs bumbu

honey madu

ice cream Es krim

ingredient bahan

jam jam

jar pot

knife pisau

lamb domba

leftovers Sisa makanan

Litre liter

lunch Makan siang

main course Hidangan utama

meal makanan

meat daging

medium Setengah marang

menu menu

milk susu

mince meat Daging cincang

mushrooms jamur

mustard mustard

oil minyak

onion bawang

orange jeruk

pan panci

pancake panekuk

pasta pasta

pastry Kue-kue

peanut butter Selai kacang

pear pir

peas Kacang polong

pepper paprika

pineapple ananas

plate piring

pork Daing babi

portion portion

potatoe kentang

pudding puding

rare Dipanggang pendek

raw mentah

recipe resep

restaurant restoran

rice nasi

rotten basi

salad salad

salt garam

sandwich sandwich

sauce saus

saucer Piring kecil

sausage sosis

slice mengiris

soup sup

sour asam

spices Remah-rempah

spicy pedis

spoon sendok

starter Hidangan pembuka

steak Daging panggang

strawberries stroberi

sugar gula

sweet manis

sweets permen

tablespoon sendok

tasty enak

tea teh

tender lembut

toast Roti panggang

today’s menu Menu harian

Tomatoes tomat

tough Keras/kenyal

veal Daging sapi muda

vegetable sayur

water air

well done (daging) matang

whipped cream Skrim kocok

wine anggur

Vocabulaire kata kerja -Vocabulary verbs

to bake goreng

to be hungry lapar

to beat Kocok hingga lepas

to bite menggigit

to boil masak

to chew mengunyah

to chop Potong halus

to cook memasak

to cut memotong

to eat Makan

to feed Memberi makan

to fry Untuk menggoreng

to keep Untuk menjaga/simpang

to peel kupas

to prepare mempersiapkan

to spread Melumasi???

to swallow menelang

Adjective + ly (Kata sifat + ly)

Most adverbs start from an adjective and add -ly (Kebanyakan kata keterangan dimulai dari kata
sifat dan add -ly):

quick cepat quickly cepat

slow perlahan slowly perlahan

As with adjectives, the comparative form depends on the number of syllablesm (Seperti halnya kata
sifat, bentuk komparatif bergantung pada jumlah suku kata):

- ;
two-syllable adverbs form the comparative and the superlative with more and most kata
keterangan dua suku kata membentuk komparatif dan superlatif dengan more and most

quickly – more quickly (lebih cepat) – most quickly (tercepat)

adverbs with one syllable get -er and -est after (kata keterangan dengan satu suku kata get -er dan
-est setelah):

hard – harder – hardest ; early – earlier – earliest

Exceptions adverbs

Kata keterangan baik itu baik.

Some adverbs appear in the same form as the adjective (Beberapa kata keterangan muncul dalam
bentuk yang sama dengan kata sifat):

Fast cepat

Hard Hard/keras

Late terlambat

Fair adil

Near dekat

High tinggi

Straight rata

Wrong salah

Andere bijwoorden – adverb examples

Er zijn ook veel bijwoorden die geen afgeleide zijn van een bijvoeglijk naamwoord.

Enkele veel voorkomende voorbeelden:

Always selalu

Never tidak pernah

Very sangat

Obviously tampaknya

Seldom jarang

Sometimes kadang

Recently baru

Soon segera

Downwards Ke bawah

Uphill Ke atas


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