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To add the dialog buttons

The last step in defining the dialog is to add the OK and Cancel bu ons.

1. Click the Add OK Bu on tool.

2. Click a point near the bo om, right corner of the form. The OK bu on is placed.

3. Click the Add Cancel Bu on tool.

4. Click a point to the right of the OK bu on.

Note: This is the recommended bu on order according to Microso 's design guidelines.

The Cancel bu on is placed.

5. (Op onal) Either:

right-click on either bu on to precisely edit the loca on


drag the bu ons to align them to the grid

6. Select the Save and Exit tool. The UserDialog Editor closes.

The dialog defini on code is added to your macro:

Begin Dialog UserDialog 600,200,"2D Frame Model" ' %GRID:5,5,1,1

Text 20,20,190,15,"No. of Horizontal Bays:",.Text1
Text 20,45,190,15,"No. of Vertical Bays",.Text2
Text 20,70,190,15,"Vertical Distance",.Text3
Text 20,95,190,15,"Horizontal Distance",.Text4
Text 20,130,190,15,"Support Type",.Text5
TextBox 220,20,130,15,.clmn
TextBox 220,40,130,15,.row
TextBox 220,70,130,15,.ht
TextBox 220,95,130,15,.wdth
OptionGroup .sprt
OptionButton 220,130,90,15,"Fixed",.OptionButton1
OptionButton 370,130,90,15,"Pinned",.OptionButton2
OKButton 360,165,90,20
CancelButton 490,165,90,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog Copy to clipboard
Dialog dlg

Tip: Now is a good me to save the work done to this point.

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