Earth and Life Science - Q2 - Mod15 - Biotic Potential and Environmental Resistance - Version1

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Senior High School

Earth and Life Science

Module 15:
Biotic Potential and
Environmental Resistance


LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15

Module 15: Biotic Potential and Environmental Resistance
Second Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.
Development Team of the Module

Author: Raizah Mae L. Delfin

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Content Evaluator: Elsie Mayo
Language Evaluator: Madonna Grace Dacquel
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr.
Robin Ace T. De Guzman
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LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15

Senior High School

Earth and Life Science

Module 15:
Biotic Potential and
Environmental Resistance

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15

Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully prepared for
you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We expect that you will work on this honestly.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. Read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15


Ecology is the study of the relationship between biotic and

abiotic factors of the environment. On the other hand, ecosystem is a
geographic area that is composed of biotic and abiotic factors working
together to form life. Thriving of life in an ecosystem is dependent on
biotic potential and environmental resistance.

In your previous lesson, you have learned that an organism

undergoes evolution to survive and thrive.

This module will provide you with information and activities that
will help you understand different biotic potential and environmental

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1) Categorize the different biotic potential and environmental resistance

(e.g., diseases, availability of food, and predators) that affect population
explosion. (S11/12LT-IVhj-29); and
2) Identify the differences between biotic potential and environmental

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following refers to a group of individuals of the same species living
and interbreeding within a specific area?
A. Ecology B. Population size
C. Ecosystem D. Population
2. Which of the following tend to lessen the population size through decreasing the
birth rate and increasing the mortality as the population size increases?
A. Biotic potential B. Ecosystem
C. Density-independent factors D. Density-dependent factors
3. What is the production of new organisms through birth, germination, hatching, or
A. biotic potential B. population size
C. natality D. mortality
4. Which of the following population growth forms usually happens in insects with
short life span and most annual plants?
A. Exponential B. Sigmoid
C. T-shaped D. U-shaped
5. What mortality factor whose influence is not affected by changes in the population
size or density?
A. Biotic potential B. Ecosystem
C. Density-independent factors D. Density-dependent factors
6. In what population growth form starts slowly, accelerates rapidly in exponential
form then gradually slows down as the carrying capacity is reached?
A. Exponential B. Sigmoid
C. T-shaped D. U-shaped
7. Which of the following refers to the maximum number of organisms of a given
species that can be supported by a particular area?
A. Population growth B. Population size
C. Ecosystem D. Carrying capacity
8. Which of the following is an example of density-independent factors?
A. Predation B. Parasitism
C. Cyclones D. Competition
9. Which of the following might happen when human population exceeds the
carrying capacity?
A. Shortage of housing B. Unstable ecosystem
C. Resource depletion D. All of the above
10. Which of the following is NOT an example of density-dependent factors?
A. Disease B. Fire
C. Competition D. Predation

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
Biotic Potential and
In your previous module, you have learned about evolution. In this
module, you will learn how the different biotic potential and environmental
resistance affect the population explosion.
Every individual belongs to a larger organization – a group of
individuals of the same species living and interbreeding within a specific
area. This group is known as population.
Populations of different groups of organisms tend to expand if their
environment will allow. But there are several factors that will limit this
population growth, thus making most populations in dynamic state of


Figure 1. Ecosystem

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15

Activity 1: Arrange Me!

Direction: Using the given statements below, arrange the jumbled letters to
form the correct word/s.

1. T A I U L O P P O N - ____________________
A group of individuals of the same species living and interbreeding within
a specific area.

2. Y O O G E L C - ____________________
The study of the relationship between living and non-living things of
the environment.

3. C O T I I B T O T L P I E N A- ____________________
The maximum reproductive capacity of a population under ideal

4. M R E V N N L T I O E N A T E E R S A N S I C- ____________________
The collection of biotic and abiotic factors that increases the death rate of
a population.

5. C Y S T E O M S E- ____________________
A geographic area that is composed of biotic and abiotic factors
working together to form life

Population size is the number of individuals in a population.
Population size determines if species are surviving or going extinct. If a
population is given favorable conditions for an extended period of time,
population explosion happens. On the other hand, population growth
happens when natality rate is higher than mortality rate. Natality or birth
is the production of new organisms through birth, germination, hatching, or
cloning. On other hand, mortality rate, also known as death rate, is the
number of deaths in a certain population.
The rate of population growth depends on biotic potential and
environmental resistance.

1) Biotic Potential- the maximum reproductive capacity of a population under

ideal conditions. It also measures how well a species has adapted to survive such
as resistance to adverse conditions, migration, seed dispersion, and by defense

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
mechanisms. Biotic potential is influenced by these factors:

a) The age at which an organism first reproduces. It assumes that if an organism

reproduces at a young age, the faster its population will increase.

b) The number of offspring that survives until sexual maturity or adulthood. It

also important that the offspring must survive until sexual
maturity/adulthood for them to reproduce therefore increasing the population

c) The number of offspring produced each time an organism reproduces.

d) The total number of times an organism reproduces during its life.

e) The population must have abundant resources needed for their survival.

2) Environmental Resistance- the collection of biotic and abiotic factors that

increases the death rate of a population. These factors lower the chances of
reproduction and affects the health of an organisms. These factors are divided
into two: biotic and abiotic.

a) Biotic factors- parasitism, lack of food, predation, disease, and

competition with other organisms.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 2. Environmental resistance (biotic factors).
(a) parasitism. (b) food shortage. (c) predation. (d) viral disease.
(e) competition with other organisms.
b) Abiotic factors- unfavorable temperature, lack of water, wrong
amount of sunlight, drought, fire, and other destructive weather

(a) (b) (c)

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
Figure 3. Environmental resistance (abiotic factors). (a) tornado.
(b) drought. (c) earthquake.

The combination of biotic and abiotic factors determines the carrying

capacity of an ecosystem. Carrying capacity is the maximum number of
individuals that can be supported by a particular area. The interaction
between biotic potential and environmental resistance tend to control most
populations at a stable level that matches the carrying capacity of the area.
This interaction also prevents population explosion to happen.

Population Growth Forms

Populations tend to have a characteristic pattern of increase or

population growth forms because of the interaction of the biotic potential and
environmental resistance. There are two types of population growth forms: J-
Shaped or Exponential Growth curve and S-Shaped or Sigmoid Growth

1) J-Shaped or Exponential Growth Curve

In this type of growth form, population size increases rapidly, in
exponential form, under idealized conditions. The rate of reproduction is at
its maximum, but it cannot be sustained for a long time in any population as
environmental resistance becomes effective or less suddenly. Thus, the
population decreases in number regardless of population density. This type of
population growth form usually happens in insects with short life span and
most annual plants.

Figure 4. J-Shaped or Exponential Growth Curve

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
2) S-Shaped or Sigmoid Growth Curve
Growth starts slowly, accelerates rapidly in exponential form, and then
gradually decelerates as the carrying capacity is reached and continues
thereafter at a more or less constant level. This deceleration phase is caused
by the gradual increase of the environmental resistance present in the
system. As populations grow, the resources become limited. This growth curve
usually happens in larger organisms with larger life cycles and lower biotic potential.

Carrying Capacity,

Figure 5. S-Shaped or Sigmoid Growth Curve

Population Regulation
There are several factors that can regulate the population size. These
factors can be classified into:
1) Density-dependent factors – these factors tend to lessen the
population size through decreasing the birth rate and increasing the
mortality as the population size increases. The examples are predation,
parasitism, disease, and competition.
2) Density-independent factors – these factors affect the natality and
mortality independently of population density. These are abiotic
components of the ecosystem such as droughts, fires, storms,
earthquake, floods, volcanic eruption, and excess rain.

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15

Assessment 1: Venn Diagram

Directions: Differentiate biotic potential and environmental resistance using the
Venn Diagram below. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Assessment 2: Fill in the blanks

Directions: Read carefully the following statements and choose the best answer from
the words inside the parenthesis to complete the statement. Use
separate sheet of paper for your answer.

1. The rapid or dramatic increase of numbers of a particular species is called

___________ (population growth, population explosion).

2. ___________ (Population size, Carrying capacity) is the estimated current number

of organisms within a particular area.

3. In ___________ (environmental resistance, biotic potential) natality rate is higher

than fatality rate.

4. Corona virus is an example of environmental resistance under ___________ (biotic

factors, abiotic factors).

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
5. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act
No. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law is an
example of ___________ (environmental resistance, biotic potential).

Assessment 3: Word Search

Direction: Encircle the word or group of words that are examples of environmental
resistance. Identify if they are biotic or abiotic factors.

Biotic Factors Abiotic Factors

Assessment 4: Modified True or False

Direction: Write True if the statement is correct otherwise change the underlined
word/s to make the statement correct.
___________________1. Usually, the denser a population is, the greater its mortality.
___________________2. Sigmoid growth curve is population increase under idealized
___________________3. Density-dependent factors are mortality factors whose
influence varies with the density of the population
___________________4. Population growth is the increase in number of individuals
comprising an aggregation.
___________________5. Populations of organisms tend to decrease as far as their
environment will allow.

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15

The human population is currently growing at an exponential rate. Since you

have learned that populations cannot grow forever, what are some things (more than
one!) that could happen when the human population reaches it carrying capacity?
Use a separate sheet of paper. Your final output will be evaluated using the
scoring rubric below.

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1
Ideas The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay
fully focused consistently sufficiently minimally shows little
and focused and focused and focused. The or no focus
contains a contains contains provided and the
wealth of ample ideas some ideas examples are ideas are
ideas and and and vague or unclear,
examples. examples. examples. general and the irrelevant, or
response repetitive.
demonstrates The
minimal response is
awareness. incomplete
or too brief.
Organization The The The The The essay
organization organization organization organization is shows little
of ideas is is generally formulaic or evidence of
supports the appropriate, appropriate, inappropriate. organization
writer’s and the and the The response or
focus. Ideas sequencing ideas are may lack a sequencing.
are grouped of ideas is clearly clear Transitions
in a logical logical. sequenced, introduction or are not used.
manner. Varied but may be conclusion. The
Effective and transitions repetitive. Transitions are response is
varied are used. Transitions rare incomplete
transitions are used or too brief
are used.
Content Shows full Makes 1 Makes 2 Makes 3 Shows no
understandi mistake but mistakes but mistakes but understandi
ng of the understand understands understands ng of the
topic’s s the the the concepts. topic’s
concepts concepts. concepts. concept and
and principles.
Style The writer The The The language The
utilizes language language and tone are language
carefully and tone of and tone are uneven. Word and tone are
crafted the essay appropriate. choice is inappropriat
phrases to enhances Word choice simple, e. Word
create a the is adequate ordinary, or choice is
sustained persuasive but may be repetitive. incorrect or
tone and an purpose. simple or There is confusing.
authoritative Word choice ordinary. minimal The
voice. is variation in response is
appropriate. sentence length incomplete
and structure. or too brief.

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Population size influences the chances of a species surviving or going
extinct. Generally, very small population are at _____________.
A. higher chance of survival B. greater risk of extinction
C. stable condition D. lower chance of extinction
2. Which of the following refers to a community of living organisms that live in and
interact with each other and other non-living components in a specific area?
A. Ecology B. Population size C. Ecosystem D. Population
3. If a pair of houseflies produce one generation every two weeks, they could have
391,000,000 descendants at the end of one year. Which of the following does the
situation referring to?
A. biotic potential B. population size
C. environmental resistance D. ecosystem
4. Due to this pandemic brought by COVID-19, a lot of people died and suffered. T
Which of the following does the situation referring to?
A. biotic potential B. population size
C. environmental resistance D. ecosystem
5. Which of the following is true about biotic potential?
A. Organisms can live with limited amount of resources.
B. These are factors that increase the fatality rate.
C. Organisms should reproduce more to increase natality rate.
D. It lowers the chance of reproduction.
6. Which of the following situation depicts environmental resistance?
A. Philippine Crocodile is critically endangered due to loss of habitat.
B. Abundant supply of mangoes during summer.
C. Population explosion of human.
D. Tina’s dog reproduces eight dogs annually.
7. Which of the following refers to the maximum number of organisms of a given
species that can be supported by a particular area?
A. Population growth B. Population size
C. Ecosystem D. Carrying capacity
8. Environmental resistance is divided into two: biotic and abiotic factors. Which of
the following is an example of biotic factor?
A. Dengue virus B. Hurricane
C. High temperature D. Volcanic eruption
9. Some bacteria reproduce about every 20 minutes. At this rate, 72 generations
could be produced in 24 hours. Which of the following does the situation
referring to?
A. biotic potential B. population size
C. environmental resistance D. ecosystem
10. Which of the following is NOT an example of biotic potential?
A. Population growth of snake in a particular area.
B. High case of teenage pregnancy.
C. Mammoths extinction due to climate change and human hunting.
D. Spiders are producing hundreds of offspring at a time.

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
11. A scientist is experimenting on bacteria. He placed 1000 bacteria in a large flask
with an unlimited supply of nutrients. After one hour, he observed that the
natality rate is higher than the fatality rate. Which of the following does the
situation referring to?
A. population growth B. population size
C. population depletion D. population density
12. What is the relationship between biotic potential and environmental resistance?
A. Biotic potential and environmental resistance increase the population size
of a species.
B. Biotic potential increases the population size of a species while
environmental resistance limits the population growth.
C. Biotic potential limits the population size of a species while environmental
resistance increases the population growth.
D. Biotic potential and environmental resistance limits the population size of
a species.
13. Farmers may lose their money if a drought destroys their crops. Which of the
following does the situation referring to?
A. population growth
B. biotic factor for environmental resistance
C. population depletion
D. abiotic factor environmental resistance
14. Which of the following examples refers to a biotic factor for environmental
I. Forest fire in the Brazilian Amazon.
II. Increase in temperature due to global warming.
III. Pandemic due to Coronavirus disease.
IV. A shark in competition with other sharks for eating a seal.

A. I, II, III and IV B. II and IV C. I, III and IV D. III and IV

15. Which of the following examples refers to a biotic potential?
I. Forest fire in the Brazilian Amazon.
II. A cat giving birth to eight kittens every year.
III. Houses damaged by a strong typhoon.
IV. A lion having an abundant amount of preys due to migration.

A. I, II, III and IV B. II and IV C. I, III and IV D. III and IV

LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
Answer Key


LU_Earth and Life Science_Module15
Commission on Higher Education. (2016). Lesson 46: Interaction and
(pp 303-314), Teaching Guide for Senior High School Earth and Life Science.
Quezon City, Philippines
Dunn, Terry et al. (n.d.). Environmental Resistance: Definition, Factors &
Retrieved on October 20, 2020 from
Ecosystem. (2011, August 15). National Geographic. Retrieved October 19, 2020 from
Hadi, Ghassan. (2014, May 1). Biotic Potential. Retrieved October 19, 2020 from
Keeler, Robin M. (n.d.). How is biotic potential determined?. Retrieved on October
2020 from
Legesse, Worku et al. (2002). Introduction to Ecology. Retrieved October 14, 2021
not es/env_health_science_students/introecology.pdf
Population Dynamics. (n.d.). Retrieved on October 19, 2020 from
Tarsi, Kika et al. (2012). Introduction to Population Demographics. Retrieved on
October 20, 2020 from
What is ecology?: Ecological Society of America. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2020

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Learning Resource Management Section
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