Natural Hazards

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1. Define hazards.

Hazards, as per the Government of Western Australia, are sources or

situations with the potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill-health,

damage to property, damage to the environment, or a combination of these.

In short, it is a source of danger that triggers a balanced environment

that results in disasters that could cause risks if not managed well.

2. What are the types of hazards? Give some examples per type of hazards.

According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red

Crescent Societies (IFRC), there are two main types of hazards, first are the

natural hazards that have sub-types - geophysical, hydrological,

climatological, and biological hazards. Second are the man-made hazards

that also have sub-types – technological, transport, and social hazards.

1. Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards are those that are rooted in the imbalance of nature.

1.1. Geophysical Hazards

Geophysical Hazards are that off from the Earth’s internal


- Earthquake
The moving or shaking of plates.


- Volcano
Active volcanoes cause eruptions which discharges
volcanic particles such as magma, ashes, among
other inside the volcano chamber.

1.2. Hydrological Hazards

Hydrological Hazards are that off from the water.

- Typhoon
Storms that travel in spiral motion carrying wind
and rain on the path that it passes through.


- Avalanche
The flow of storm from high areas specially


1.3. Climatological Hazards

Climatological Hazards are those of extreme weather shift or

weather intensity.

- El Niño
Intense warm and dry phase.

- Wildfire
A fire that occupies a large area in nature.


1.4. Biological Hazards

Biological Hazards are those that are from pathogens or that

any biological things that cause health effects.

- Bird Dropping
Feces that are caused by birds.


- Coronavirus
A type of virus that mainly affects the respiratory

2. Man-made Hazards

Man-made Hazards are those that are rooted in the activities caused

by humans.

2.1. Technological Hazards

Technological Hazards are those from the technological or

industrial condition, and by-products that belong to the hazard type

of structural collapse, utility failure, fire, explosion, and contamination.

- Toxic Waste
Wastes containing chemicals, wastes, and other
dangerous things that were once useful to humans or
other living things.


- Dam Crack
Cracks found in the concrete walls of dams.


2.2. Transport Hazard

Transport Hazards are those of accidents or planned activities

that result in crashes and collisions.

- Roadway Hole
Depressions on the road surface.

- Digital Billboard
Advertisement materials that use technology thus,
giving light to attract attention.


2.3. Social Hazards

Social Hazards are those that limit society’s access to

certain resources.

- Alcohol Drink
Drinks often drunk for leisure could cause dizziness
and other health issues.


- Loan Shark
Moneylenders that charge too much rate compared
to the regulated rate which is usually done illegally.


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