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DEMOCRACY: The word Democracy is derived from two Greek words “Demos” which
means people and “Kratia” which means authority. Democracy basically refers to the
system of government in which ultimate political power is vested in the people. In the
words of Abram Lincoln (one time president of the United States of America),
Democracy is a government of the people by the e people and for the people.


1. DIRECT/CLASSICAL DEMOCRACY: It is a type of Democracy where all the citizens

attend the assembly and participate in the decision making process geared towards the
smooth running of the state. This system operated in ancient Greek states.

2. INDIRECT DEMOCRACY: It is the type of Democracy in which the electorates elect

people to represent and govern on their behalf. It is applicable in modern politics as it is
not feasible for all the electorates to convergein order to elect their representatives.

CONSTITUTIONAL/LIBERAL DEMOCRACY: It is a type of Democracy in which the

powers of the majority are exercised within a frame work of Constitutional restraints
designed to guarantee minorities to the enjoyment of certain individual or collective

4. SOCIAL OR ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY: This type of Democracy tends to minimize

Social and economic differences, especially differences arising from the unequal
distribution of wealth.


 Periodic free and fair election

 Prevalence of the Rule of law
 Recognition of the rights of the citizens
 Tolerance of opposition
 Franchise is exercised by qualified individuals
 Existence of an independent Judiciary
 Existence of an independent mass media and freedom of expression
 Existence of a public complaints commission or an Ombudsman
 Existence of independent electoral commission
 Respect for minority groups

GOOD GOVERNANCE: The term Governance emanates from the Greek verb
‘’kubernao” which means to steer. Good Governance basically refers to the running of
the affairs of a state in which the overall welfare of every citizen is catered for,
irrespective of regional background and political association.


 The government in power should cater for the welfare of every citizen
irrespective of their political association or regional background
 The resources of the country are evenly distributed among its citizens
irrespective of their tribal or regional background
 Basic amenities are provided for the citizens irrespective of their political
 Recruitment into public offices should be done base on merit
 There should be an existence of an independent media
 Tolerance of an opposition party or parties
 Recognition of the rights of the citizens
 Prevalence of the Rule of Law
 The principle of separation of power should be feasible
 The independence of the Judiciary should be recognized

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