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锅炉整套启动调试危害辨识表与风险评价调查 Investigation on Hazard Identification Table and Risk Assessment of Boiler Start-up and Commissioning

填表单位:调试项目 填表日期:2020年11月05日
Filling unit: commissioning project Date of filling: November 5, 2020
HNY/YNSSP/00/TP/GL/001 制表人: Prepared
韩永鑫 by:

判断依据 作业条件危险性评价 危险
危险因素 Risk assessment of
序 作业活动 Operational 因素 可能导致的事故 Possible Judgment 级别 现有控制措施及其有效性 Existing control
编号 Factor basis working conditions
号 activities Risk factors accidents measures and their effectiveness
number Danger level

设备未接地或接地不良 The equipment 触电 get an electric 《安全用电管理制度》、《安规》/有效 "Safety

1 is not grounded or poorly grounded shock V 1 6 7 42 2 Management System", "Safety Regulations" /
1 Commissioning of 轴上有不稳定的物件 Unstable object 飞物伤人 Flying objects
rotating equipment 2 on shaft hurt people V 1 6 7 42 2 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid

靠背轮未加防护罩 The coupling is not

3 covered 机械伤人 Mechanical injury V 1 6 7 42 2 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid

高处坠落 Fall from height 《安规》146条/有效 Article 146 of "Safety

4 不系安全带 Don't wear seat belt V 3 6 15 270 4

不正确系安全带 Incorrect seat belt
高处坠落 Fall from height V 3 6 15 270 4 《安规》146条/有效 Article 146 of "Safety
2 高出作业 Work at height

6 不带安全帽 Don't wear helmet 落物伤人 Falling objects

V 3 6 15 270 4 《安规》14条/有效 Article 14 of "Safety
hurt people Regulations"/Valid
CRT上随意操作 Random operation on 人员伤亡、设备跳闸
3 误操作 Misoperation 7 CRT Casualties/death, V 3 6 6 150 3 《作业指导书》/有效 "Operation Instructions" /
equipment damaged effective

现场施工流动吸烟 On site 《防火防爆安全管理程序》、《安规》/有效 "Fire

8 construction mobile smoking 火灾 Fire V 3 6 7 126 3 and Explosion Safety Management Procedures",
"Safety Regulations" / Effective

安全措施或未办动火票 No work tickets 《防火防爆安全管理程序》、《安规》/有效 "Fire
9 for operations in flammable and 火灾/爆炸 Fire/explosion V 6 6 15 540 5 and Explosion Safety Management Procedures",
explosive areas, no safety measures "Safety Regulations" / Effective
防火防爆管理 Fire for hot work, or hot tickets
and explosion
4 prevention

第 1 页,共 3 页
锅炉整套启动调试危害辨识表与风险评价调查 Investigation on Hazard Identification Table and Risk Assessment of Boiler Start-up and Commissioning

填表单位:调试项目 填表日期:2020年11月05日
Filling unit: commissioning project Date of filling: November 5, 2020
HNY/YNSSP/00/TP/GL/001 制表人: Prepared
韩永鑫 by:

判断依据 作业条件危险性评价 危险
危险因素 Risk assessment of
序 作业活动 Operational 因素 可能导致的事故 Possible Judgment 级别 现有控制措施及其有效性 Existing control
编号 Factor basis working conditions
号 activities Risk factors accidents measures and their effectiveness
防火防爆管理 Fire number Danger level
and explosion (I~V)
4 L E C D
施工现场消防设施无专人管理 There is
no special person to manage the fire 《防火防爆安全管理程序》、《安规》/有效 "Fire
10 protection facilities at the 火灾 Fire V 3 6 7 126 3 and Explosion Safety Management Procedures",
"Safety Regulations" / Effective
construction site

现场各种易燃物品无防火措施 No fire 《防火防爆安全管理程序》、《安规》/有效 "Fire

11 prevention measures for various 火灾 Fire V 6 6 7 252 4 and Explosion Safety Management Procedures",
flammable items on site "Safety Regulations" / Effective

机械伤人 Mechanical
意外伤亡 Accidental 12 机械设备 Equipment injury V 3 6 15 270 2 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid
5 casualties
落物伤人 Falling objects
13 高空落物 Falling Objects hurt people V 3 6 15 270 2 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid

Randomly move machinery, equipment, 《安规》8.2.3条/有效 "Safety Regulations"
14 机械伤人 Mechanical Injury V 3 6 7 126 3
and facilities outside the scope of Article 8.2.3 / effective

6 交叉作业 cross-operation
垂直作业无隔离层 No isolation layer 落物伤人 Falling objects 《安规》8.2.1条/有效 "Safety Regulations"
15 for vertical operation hurt people V 3 6 15 270 4
Article 8.2.1 / effective

16 不带安全帽 Donn't wear safety helmet 落物伤人 V 3 6 15 270 4 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid

17 热力管道检修无工作票 No work 人员伤亡 Casualties/death V 1 6 15 270 3 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid

7 整套启动 complete sheet for heat pipe repair
start up
18 保温不全 Insufficient insulation 烫伤 scald V 1 6 15 270 3 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid
8 Labeling of 19 标牌挂错 Wrong sign 误操作 Misoperation V 3 6 3 18 1 《安规》/有效 "Safety Regulations"/Valid
equipment and valves

第 2 页,共 3 页
锅炉整套启动调试危害辨识表与风险评价调查 Investigation on Hazard Identification Table and Risk Assessment of Boiler Start-up and Commissioning

填表单位:调试项目 填表日期:2020年11月05日
Filling unit: commissioning project Date of filling: November 5, 2020
HNY/YNSSP/00/TP/GL/001 制表人: Prepared
韩永鑫 by:

判断依据 作业条件危险性评价 危险
危险因素 Risk assessment of
序 作业活动 Operational 因素 可能导致的事故 Possible Judgment 级别 现有控制措施及其有效性 Existing control
编号 Factor basis working conditions
号 activities Risk factors accidents measures and their effectiveness
number Danger level

Ⅰ.不符合法律法规及其他要求;Ⅱ.曾发生过事故,仍未采取有效控制措施;Ⅲ.相关方合理抱怨或要求;Ⅳ.直接观察到的危险;Ⅴ.半定量评价(LEC法) Ⅰ. Failure to comply with laws, regulations

判别依据 Judgment basis and other requirements; Ⅱ. Accidents have occurred and effective control measures have not been taken; Ⅲ. Reasonable complaints or requirements of related parties; Ⅳ. Directly
observed dangers; Ⅴ. Semi-quantitative evaluation (LEC method)

编制 Prepared by: 审核 Reviewed by: 批准 Approved by: 批准日期 Approval Date:

第 3 页,共 3 页

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