SOAL Pilihan Ganda 2 (Experiment)

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Choose the right answer!

1. This pet always keep safe your home from robber.

A. Bee B. Dog C. Cat D. Bear

2. They used it to walk.

A. Ears B. Hands C. Legs D. Eyes

3. It covers their soft skin.

A. Fur B. Skin C. Hair D. Face

4. It used to catch and kill their prey.

A. Teeth B. Foots C. Mouth D. Claws

5. They always used it to repel flies.

A. Tail B. Hair C. Nails D. Wings

6. They have very nice something round on their face to see.

A. Nose B. Ears C. Hairs D. Eyes

7. The shape is long drop or button. It used it to listen something.

A. Eyes B. Hairs C. Ears D. Nose

8. Their skin are yellow, brown and white.

A. various B. Colors C. Types D. kinds

9. It used it to smell something.

A. Mouth B. Eyes C. Nose D. Ears

10. Its sound is loudly when saws someone.

A. Sad B. Bark C. Angry D. Happy


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1. B. Dog
2. C. Legs
3. A. Fur
4. D. Claws
5. A. Tail
6. D. Eyes
7. C. Ears
8. B. Colors
9. C. Nose
10. B. Bark

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