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Quarter II- Week 1
The Elements of Hinduism


Grade& Section:
Subject Teacher: Leona G. Alicpala

MELC: Examine the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs, practices, and related issues of
Hinduism. (Week 1)

Objectives: 1. Identify the elements, history, core teachings, and fundamental beliefs of Hinduism
2. Examine the core teachings, fundamental beliefs, practices, and related issues of Hinduism

Hinduism is the oldest and organized religion that began on the Indian subcontinent with no
specific moment of origin and no specific founder. Hindu followers in their set of beliefs and
practices accept the pluralistic nature of their traditions.
Founders: Hinduism has no identifiable founder.
Sacred texts: Shruti and Shmriti
Elements of Hinduism Doctrines: Hindu faith offers many paths to salvation.
Gods: 330 million gods and goddesses, Brahman is the ultimate reality, one
and undivided.
Issues: Manusmriti and the Caste System

Hinduism is considered to be the oldest and more complex of all
world religions. It is believed that it may have started around the 3 rd
millennium BCE and it has no identifiable founder. Hindu means “river” to
refer the people of the Indus Valley- the Indians.
Brief history of Hinduism Between 1750 BCE and 1200 BCE, Aryan conquerors moved to the
Indus Valley and brought with them their own set of beliefs that
eventually mingled with the religions of the natives.
Aryan based their beliefs on oral texts known as Vedas. Veda means
“knowledge” or “sacred lore”.

Followers of Hinduism are called Hindus.

Brahman is the central to Hindu faith who is the ultimate reality,

one and undivided.

Brahman has three forms or functions called Trimurti- creation,

preservation, and destruction.

Beliefs and Doctrines

Hindu faith offers many paths to Functions expressed in God forms:

salvation. Bhakti stands for the
soul’s longing for and clinging to

Brahma Vishnu Shiva

the creator the preserver the destroyer

Shruti, literally means “that which is heard,” is the eternal truths
that were passed orally until the beginning of the present age
wherein there came the need to write them down. Vedas and Shruti
are the primary sources and most authoritative texts of Hindu faith.

Four Basic Vedic Books (oral tradition)

Rig-veda, Sama-veda, Yajur-veda and Atharva-veda
Sacred Scriptures 1. Rig-Veda is the most important and the oldest
 Shruti 2. Yajur-Veda or “knowledge of rites
 Shmriti 3. Sama-Veda or “knowledge of chants”
4. Atharva-Veda or knowledge given by Atharva
Other writings that form
Shruti are Vedas Four Main Parts
Samhitas, 1. Mantras – hymns and chants for praising god
Brahmanas, 2. Brahmanas- explanations of the Mantras with detailed descriptions
Upanishads, and few Sutras. of the sacrificial ceremonies related to them.
3. Aranyakas- meditations that explicate their meaning.
 The sacred texts of Hinduism 4. Upanishads or secret (Vedanta)
have principally passed down Upanishad- literally translates as “sitting down near” or “sitting close
throughout generations by way to” as it implies listening intently to the mystic teachings of a spiritual
of music, recitation, dance and teacher who has fully understood the universal truths.
 The sacred writings of the Shmriti
Hindus are into two classes- the
Shruti and Shmriti. Shmriti literally means “that which has been remembered,” and
 Vedas are the earliest known reinforces shruti. Texts are less important as compare to Shruti
Sanskrit literature from the particulary in terms of stories, legends, codes of conduct for the
Brahmanic period and the society and guidebooks for worship.
oldest scriptures of Hinduism.

The “Story of Rama” or “Rama’s Journey” is a 3 sanskrit epic

poem written by the poet Valmiki consisting of 24,000 verses,
seven books, and 500 cantos.
Rama was a king who was the avatar or incarnation of God
Vishnu and was exiled by his father before his coronation. Sita his
consort was abducted by Ravana the demon-king. Rama killed
Ravana. Finally, Rama and Sita reunited.


Mahabharata is the longest 3 sanskrit literature written by

Vyasa. It tells the struggle of the descendants of king Bharata. Further,
it talks about the family feud between Pandavas who are the good
ones and Kauravas who embodied the evil-ones. Kauravas cheated
their cousins Pandavas which resulted to an intense battle but with
the help of Krishna, the Pandavas won the battle but lost their sons
and kins.

Bhagavad Gita
It is the celebrated episode within the Mahabhrata. Bhagavad
Gita (simply Gita) and is translated as “the Lord’s Song”. It is one of
the holiest books.

Followers of Hinduism vary in their set of beliefs and practices, including reverence to a particular god.
It is important to note however that while these gods have different names, Hindus all worship one supreme
Presently, there are four principal denominations within the Hindu faith.
Shaivism Shaktism Vaishnavism Smartism

The lord Shiva, the The goddess Shakti is Lord Vishnu is God for Smartas are left to choose
compassionate one, is god for supreme for Shaktas. the Vaisnavites, their own deity in one of six
the saivities. Followers of She is the divine especially in his manifestations- Ganesha,
Shaivism value self-discipline mother and assumes incarnations Shiva, Shakti, Vishnu,
and philosophy. They worship many forms, be it Krishna and Rama. Surya, and Skanda.
in temples and practice yoga gentle one or a fierce
deity. Believers use
chants, magic and yoga
to summon cosmic

There are 330 million gods or devas according to their scriptures

Hindu worship or puja involves:

• Murtis – images
Worship and • Mantra- prayers
Observances • Yantras- diagrams of the universe
The most common way to express worship for deities is the puja.
Hindu festivals
• Holi - the national celebration of Spring and the New Year.
• Diwali - national celebration in honor of Rama and his
• Dusserah - celebration of the triumph of good over evil.
• Diwali or the “ Festival of Lights” is India’s biggest and most
important holiday of the year held in October or November
which like Christmas for Christians.

In the Manusmriti or the “Laws of Manu” states that women

should be honored in Hindu society on the contrary, women have
always been considered inferior to men in all aspects of life.

Caste System
Related/Selected Issues of As stated by Cornelio et al. (2016), the case system is one of the major
Hinduism distinguishing features of Indian culture that still affects modern-day
• A social class composed of the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas,
and Shudras
- Brahmins are the highest in the hierarchy and are
perceived to be the purest among all castes.
• The most deplorable group is the Dalits-“outcasts” or
• The present condition may have been caused by their
accumulated karma from the past.
• By fulfilling their duties and accepting their Dharma they may
be born to a better caste in their next life.

(Source: Jerome A. Ong and Mary Dorothy dL. Jose, Introduction to World Religions and Belief
Systems, Pasig City: Department of Education, Inc. 2016, 212-230)

________________________ 1. It is the biggest and most important holiday in India.
________________________________ 2. It is translated as “the Lord’s Song”.
________________________________ 3. Hindu worship involves murtis, mantras and, “_____________”.
________________________________ 4. He is known to be the God creator.
________________________________ 5. This group is considered to be deplorable ones.

_________ 1. Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion.

____________ 2. The term Hindu has originated from an Indian word which means “river”.

____________ 3. The word Veda means “wisdom” or “sacred lore”.

_____________4. The term Shruti literally means “that which is heard”.

__________5. The past of the individual for Hinduism is important for it determines
one’s present condition and this is called karma.

Activity 3

Column A Column B
1. The founders of Hinduism. A. Vishnu

________2. It is the translation of the B. Founders, Sacred texts,

Hindu term samsara. Doctrines, Gods and Issues

3. The elements of Hinduism. C. Shiva

________4. He is the God whose D. Reincarnation

primary concern is
humanity in itself.

________5. Who is the god of death and a E. Have no one identifiable persons or
destroyer. Beings.

Activity 4

________ 1. What is the Hindu term for “Laws of Manu”?

________ 2. What do you call to the cause of the present condition of an individual?
________ 3. What is originally known as “Arya Dharma” or “Aryan Way?
________ 4. These are the other writings that forms shruti: Samashitas, Brahmanas, Upanishad and ?
______ 5. What do you call the three functions or forms of Brahman?
In the caste system, the untouchables are the no value group of people and have to be avoided. Can
you think of any incident in the past of which you felt unwanted or ostracized for any reason, and
how did you deal or cope with it?

2. ___________________________offers its followers many paths to salvation.

3. ___________________________stands for the soul longing for and clinging to god.
4. ___________________________ is the central to Hinduism who is the ultimate reality, one and undivided.
5. There are 330 million Gods in the Hindu scriptures who are also called _________________________.
6. He is the Compassionate Lord, the God of Saivites, __________________________________.
7. ________________________________is the divine mother and gentle one or fiery deity.
8. ________________________________are left to choose their own deity in one of six manifestations.
9. _______________________________is a social class composed of the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.
10. These are the main festivals in Hinduism Holi, Diwali, and _________________________________________.

1. He was the prince and later portrayed as an avatar or Incarnation of God Vishnu.
A. Rama C. Iliad
B. Sita D. Odyssey
2. It is one of the fundamental teachings of Hinduism.
A. Karma C. Torii Gate
B. Shmriti D. Sacred Scriptures
3. Which of the following is the literal translation of the word “shmriti”?
A. Sacred Scripture C. “sitting close to”
B. Reincarnation D. “that which has been remembered”
4. What are the earliest known Sanskrit literatures from Brahmanic period and the
oldest scriptures of Hinduism?
A. Karma C. Smriti
B. Vedas D. Mantras
5. It is the word which literally means “sitting down near”.
A. Atman C. Samsara
B. Moksha D. Upanishad
6. What is the name of the demon-king who abducted Sita in the story ofRamayana?
A. Odyssey C. Ravana
B. Rama D. Vishnu
7. What is the Hindu term used for “reincarnation”?
A. Atman C. Upanishad
B. Samsara D. Worship
8. What epic poem that is translated and known as the “Story of Rama” or “Rama’s
A. Iliad C. Ramayana
B. Odyssey D. Ravana
9. What is present within every human that is being reborn many times?
A. Atman C. Samsara
B. Karma D. Yogas
10. What are the two sources of the sacred writings of Hinduism?
A. Iliad and Odyssey C. Shmriti and Shruti
B. Rama and Sita D. Vishnu and Siva


Ong, Jerome A. and Mary Dorothy dL. Jose. Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems,
Pasig City: Department of Education. 2016.

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