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Quarter 2
Enhanced Module 3
(Week 3)
Formulate a Statement of Opinion or Assertion

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I Know

Task 1: My Opinion About Opinion

Directions: There are already several times that you were asked about your opinions on a particular
topic or idea. Read the questions below and give your opinion.
1. What is your idea about the word “opinion”?
2. Is there a difference between an opinion and assertion?
If yes, state your reason.

What’s In

Now that you have already written your ideas on opinion and assertion, it’s time for you
to dig deeper into the content of this lesson.
Task 2: Which is which?
Directions: Read the two statements below. Choose which of them is an opinion and which is an
assertion. Explain your answer.

Filipinos are the most resilient Filipinos have fought countless

people in the world. hurdles of problems.

Opinion: _________________________________
Assertion: _______________________________

What’s New

Task 3: My Say
Directions: Write your 2 opinions on the topic below. (In a sentence form).

Procrastination is the Thief of Time

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

What is It

After writing your opinions on the topic above, are you sure that what you wrote were opinions
and not assertions? You will find out as you go through the discussion.

Opinion and Assertion

Although similar in form, an opinion is different from an assertion.

An opinion is the personal judgment or view of a person about an issue or a topic. Most
statements of opinion begin with phrases like “For me…” “I think…” or “I believe…”

Example: “I think the Miracle is the best movie of all time.”

The statement above is personal (I) and uncertain, but it also claims a degree of universality
that even that you don’t agree with me, I think you should.

The opinion is usually grounded with reasons, even if the reasons aren’t always excellent.
Everyone is free to disagree with. It expects agreement, but it invites disagreements.

On the other hand, an assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or to make a firm
belief on a particular topic. All uncertainty and personality of the subject is dropped, and the
statement becomes absolute.

Example: “Beowulf is the best movie and everyone have to watch it!”

The statement now makes a claim or a strong belief about the movie Beowulf.

The subject “I” and the phrase “I think…” are dropped, which denotes uncertainty.

Now, do you know the difference between an opinion and assertion?

What is the purpose of writing an assertion?

In writing an assertion, the writer aims to convey an idea or feeling directly and to convince the
reader to accept his/her claim about a particular topic.

How to write an assertion

The assertion is where you make a claim or clearly define the side you want to argue.
Here’s a quick guide to help you write a perfect statement of assertions.

1. Be knowledgeable
Make sure your facts are straight before you start writing your assertion. Do some research on
the subject.

2. Back it all up
Your assertions need to be stable throughout. Surround them with your research findings.

3. Be clear and concise

Since assertion lets you take a stand on your topic, it’s essential that you keep things clear
and concise. Don’t beat around the bush. State your claim.

What’s More

Task 4: My Write Time

Directions: Answer the questions below.

Sentence 1 (OPINION)

Christmas is the best season of the year.

Sentence 2 (ASSERTION)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

1. Based on the examples, differentiate opinion from assertion.

2. How to write an assertion?

What Have I Learned

Task 5. I Assert
Directions: Go back to your answers in Task 3 and make an assertion to each opinion you have
Procrastination is the Thief of Time
1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

What I Can Do

Task 6: My Hero
Directions: Who do you consider a superhero in your life? In a short bond paper, paste his/her
picture and formulate a three-paragraph essay stating your assertion why you considered him/her as
a superhero? Be guided with the rubric.

4 3 2 1
Ideas are clear, Ideas are clear and
Ideas insightful, Ideas are clear but Ideas are unclear or
focused to support the
topic thought-provoking, and topic and a clearly-stated
conventional or general, clichéd and demonstrate
thesis/central idea focused so that they and support the topic, a lack of focus in
central idea, but are not
focus consistently support the thesis, and audience for support of the topic or a
consistently insightful or
purpose topic, thesis and the paper. central idea, which may
audience audience be vague or missing.
for the paper.

Development is fresh, Development is

Development is
with abundant details sufficient Development is
Development adequate,
and but general, providing insufficient, providing
details but may lack depth, with
examples that arouse adequate but perhaps scarce or inappropriate
details and examples that
evidence audience interest and not details, evidence, and
arouse audience interest
examples provide relevant, interesting details, examples that may
and provide relevant,
logic concrete, specific and examples, and evidence include logical fallacies
concrete, specific
arguments insightful evidence in that include no logical or unsupported claims.
evidence in support of
support of sound logic. fallacies or unsupported
sound logic.
Organization is Organization is coherent,
coherent, unified and effective in Organization is
unified and effective in support of the paper’s confused
support of the paper’s purpose/ plan and Organization is coherent and fragmented in
Organization purpose/ plan and usually and unified overall in support of the essay’s
structure consistently demonstrates effective support of the essay’s purpose/ plan and
coherence demonstrates and appropriate purpose/ plan, but is demonstrates a
unity effective and rhetorical ineffective at times and lack of structure or
transitions appropriate transitions between ideas may demonstrate abrupt coherence that
rhetorical transitions and paragraphs. negatively
between ideas and or weak transitions affects readability.
paragraphs. between ideas or
Style is readable, but Style is incoherent or
Style is confident,
unremarkable in tone, inappropriate in tone,
readable and rhetorically Style is readable and
Style & Mechanics sometimes including a including a lack of
effective in tone, rhetorically effective in
sentence structure lack of sentence variety sentence variety,
incorporating varied tone, incorporating
word choice effective word choice, ineffective or
sentence structure, varied sentence
or inappropriate word
tone precise word choice and structure,
some distracting, but choice, and serious
grammar correct grammar, effective word choice,
not errors
spelling spelling and and correct grammar,
serious, errors in in grammar, spelling
punctuation punctuation. (Mastery of spelling and punctuation.
grammar, spelling and and
style) (Effective style)
punctuation. (Readable punctuation. (Ineffective
but inconsistent style) style)

Uses all strong and Uses at least 2-3 strong Uses at least 1 strong Strong and effective
Assertions effective assertive and effective assertive and effective assertive assertive techniques,
Effective assertive techniques, details techniques, details technique, details details support the thesis
techniques support the thesis and support the thesis and support the thesis and and the strand of the
the strand of the writer. the strand of the writer the strand of the writer writer are not visible.


Task 7: I Learned
Directions: Answer the question as concise as possible.

1. How do you use assertion in everyday life? Cite some instances where you used
assertions in positive ways.


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