English Indonesia MC Pelepasan

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable the head of Foundation “Ar-Rifaiyah”

The honorable headmaster of SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun
The honorable headmaster of SMP Islam Terpadu Islahul Muta’allimin Arjawinangun
The honorable the head of Administration of SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun and SMP
Islam Terpadu Islahul Muta’allimin Arjawinangun
The honorable teachers and staff of SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun and SMP Islam
Terpadu Islahul Muta’allimin Arjawinangun
The honorable invited guess. And my beloved friend, students of twelfth and Nineth grade of
SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun and SMP Islam Terpadu Islahul Muta’allimin

Assalamaualaikum Wr. Wb.  

Let’s say Thanks to Allah, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, healthy and mercy, so
we can attend and participate in “The Graduation and Farewell ceremony For The
Students Of SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun and SMP IT Islahul Muta’allimin
Arjawinangun In Academic Year 2020/2021”.

Don’t forget to send shalawat and greet to our beloved prophed Muhammad SAW who had
brought us from the darkness to the lightness.

Ladies and Gentelmen

As the MC, i’m (Sherly)
Here are the sequences of agenda :
1. Opening
2. Present of holy Al-Qur’an
3. Singing Indonesia Raya
4. The Speeches
5. Farewell ceremony for The Students Of Vocational High School
SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun In Academic Year 2019/2020
6. Closing 

Ladies and Gentelmen,,,,

Before we come to main session, Let’s start this agenda by reciting “Basmalah” together. 

The next agenda is singing Indonesia Raya by students of Junior High School SMP Islam
Terpadu Islahul Muta’alimin and Vocational High School SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun,
Time is yours

The next agenda is present of Holy Quran and its meaning

by…....................................... and ............................................. Time is yours 

The next agenda is the wise word and hope from the twelfth grade students of Vocational High
School SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun. Time is yours 

The fourth agenda is speech by some speakers :

a. The first speech will be delivered by chief of Commitee, for Mr. H. Moh. Nahdi
S.Ag, M.Pd, time is yours
b. The second speech by Headmaster of Junior High School Islahul Muta’allimin
Arjawinangun, for Mr. Moh Fahdi, SH., S.Pd.I time is yours
c. The third speech by Headmaster of SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun for Mrs. Hj.
Hirfah Nadibah, S.TP, S.Pd.I, time is yours
d. The fourth speech by Chief of “Ar-Rifaiyah” Foundation, for respected Dr. KH.
Mukhlisin Muzarie, M.Ag, time is yours.

The next agenda is farewell ceremony of students of Vocational

Junior High School Islahul Muta’allimin Arjawinangun and High
School SMK Dinamika Arjawinangun. 
Well......ladies and gentlement,
That’s all our program in this “Farewell Ceremony for the students of Vocational High School
(SMK) Dinamika Arjawinangun in Academic Year 2020/2021. For the next, As master of
ceremony, from the deepest our heart we do apologize for our mistakes in presenting this
ceremony Thank you very much for your attention and please forgive us if there is any


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