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Micro-Project Report
Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Diploma in Computer Engineering,

PRAVIN MAGAR [2014660025]

RUSHBH HIRE [1914660021]

ATUL PAWAR. [1914660020]

PRATIK DIVATE [2014660020]

Guided By

Shree Samarth Academy’s

Shree Samarth Polytechnic
Mhasane Phata, Ahmednagar
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
Shree Samarth Academy’s
Shree Samarth Polytechnic
Department of Computer Engineering.


“ “ Operating System Components

Submitted by
PRAVIN MAGAR [2014660025]

RUSHBH HIRE [1914660021]

ATUL PAWAR [1914660020]

PRATIK DIVATE [2014660020]

In the partial fulfilment of Diploma in Computer Engineering has been

Satisfactory carried out under my guidance as per the requirement of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai during the academic
year 2019-2020.
Place: Mhasane Phata, Parner
(Prof.) (Prof.Adsure A.A.) (Prof.Anarase B.V.)

Micro-Project Proposal

Brief Introduction

“ Operating System Components

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware,

Resources, and provides common services for computer programs Time-sharing
Systems schedule tasks for efficient use of the system and may also include
Software for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, anid other
resources For
Hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the
operating system
Acts as an intermediary between programs and the computer hardware,[112]
although the
Application code is usually executed directly by the hardware and frequently
makes system
Calls to an OS function or is interrupted by it. Operating systems are found on
many devious
That contain a computer from cellular phones and video game comsoles to web
servers and
An operating system is a large and complex system that can only be created by
Into small picces. These pieces should be a well-defined portion of the system,
Carefully defined inputs, outputs, and functions. Although Mac, Unix, Linux,
Windows, and
Other OS do not have the same structure, most of the operating systems share
similar OS
System components like File, Process, Memory, I/O device management.

2.0 Aim of the Micro-project:

1.To study the component of Operating System

2To Make a computer system convenient to use in an efficient manner
3.To study about linux commands.
4.To manage
1.0 `Aim of the Micro-Project:

2.0 Action plan Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

. start date Finish date Responsible Team
Lo1 Topic Search Rishabh hire
2 Project Proposal Creation Pravin Magar
Detailed Information
3 Prakit Divate
Gathering for Project
Developing Project
4 Atul pawar
Taking overview of
5 Pravin Magar
6 Mistakes Removation Rishabh hire
7 Project Report Creation Pratik Divate
8 Final Presentation Pravin Magar
3.0 Resources Required: Name of Specification Qty. Remarks

1 Operating System Windows 2007 1 -
2 Microsoft Word 2013 1 -
3 Search Engine Google 1 -

Micro-Project Report
Operating System Components
1.0 Brief Description:

2.0 Linux is an operating system based on UNIX and was fins introduced by Limus Torvalds
It is based on the Linux Kemel and can nan on different hardware platforms
Manufactured by Intel, MIPS, HP, IBM, SPARC, and Motorola Another popular
Element in Linux is its mascot, a penguin figure named Tux.
Lmux Operating System CLI(Command Line Interface) and GUI (Graphic User
Lnux actualy means the kernel of the system, which is the sole controller of whatever
Happens on the computer system When we talk or say that x runs Limoux we usually
Refer to the system kernel and set of the tools that are used with it Each of the present
Components will be checked so that we understand exactly what functions cach does.
The Linux based kernel can run a wide variety of software across many different
Hardware-based platforms. A computer can act as a server, which mcans it primarily
Handles data on other s behalf or can act likea desktop, which means a user will be
Interacting with it directly The system can run software or it can be used as a
Development PC in the process of creating any software. Linux can perform multiple
Roles as there is no special allocation to Linux about the role of the system, it’s onlya
Matter of confining the present applications and how do they execute
Command Line Interface (CL): The Command Line Interface (CLI), is a non-
Graphical, text-based interface to the computer system, where the
Roceeded to furn out to become the most widely used operating systems ft is unwed i

Web serven, workstations. And PCs Many business applications are accessible 1n it

What is T he Shell?
When we spcak of the command line, we are really referring to the shell. The shell in a

Program that takes keyboard commands and passes them to the operating system to corry

Out Almost all Linux distributions supply a shell program from the Cantu Project called

Ash. The nane bash’ ts an acronym for “Bourne Again Shell”, Reference to the tact

Bersh is an enhanced replacement for sh, the original Unix shell program refine by eve

An Operating is made of many components, but its two prime component are-* Kernel


A Kemel is at the nucleus of a compiler. T makes the communication between the


Hardware and software possible. While the Kernel is theca innermost part of an operating

System, a shell is the outermost onc.

A shell in a Linux operating system takes input tromp you in the form of commands

Processes t, and then gves an output It is the interface through which a user wonks on

The programs, commands, and scripts. A shell s accessed by a terminal which runsit

When you run the terminal, the Shell issues a command prompt (usually S), wbere you

Can type your input, which is then executed when you hit the Enter key. The output or the

Result is thereafter displayed on the terminal. The Shell wraps around the delicate in tenor

Of an Operating system protecting it from accidental damage. Hence

Outlined below The 0S s the most significant program in a compiler because covey

Computer works with an operating system (OS) to run all the programs & applications

The main tasks of the computer OS are identifying /p from the keyboard, sending op to
Components of Operating System

The components of an operating system play a key role to make a variety of computer

System parts work together. The operating components are discussed below. He scream

Tracking files, storage drives, peripheral devices controlling, like printers, ctc

The kemel in the OS provides the basic level of control on all the computer

Peripherals. In the operating system, the kernel is an essential component that lacs

Firstly and remains within the main memory. So that memory accessibility can be

Managed for the programs within the RAM, it creates the programs to set access from

The hardware resources lt resets the operating states of the CPU for the best operation at

All times .The kernel is a computer program at the core ota compilers operant Systctn

With complete control over everything in the system.[1j lt is an integral part of any

Operating system. It is the portion of the operating system code that is always resident in

Memory’” 2] lt facilitates interactions between hardware and software components On

Most systems, it is one of the first programs loaded on startup (attar the bootloader). L

Handiest the rest of startup as well as input/output (/O) requests tromp software

Transiting them into data

Shish are taped over a command line with the help of a keyboard The OS baso

Plication’s mainly provide a specific user interface for efficient communication The

Math function of a user interface of an application is to get the inputs from the operator &

To provide ops to the operator. But, the sorts of inputs received from the user interlace as

Well as the op types offered by the user interface may change from application to

Application he Ul of any application can be classified into two types namcly Gut

(graphical UI) & CLI(command line user interface) User interfaces are composed of one

Or more layers, including a human-machine interface (HIMI) hat interfaces machine

With physical input hardware such as keyboards, mice, or game pads, and output

Hardware such as computer monitors, speaker, and printers

Computer hardware includes the physical parts of a computer, such as the case, central


Processing unit (CPU), monitor, mouse, keyboard, compiler data storage. Graphics card

Sound card, speakers and motherboard. By contrast, software is the set of instructions

That can be stored and run by hardware. Hardware ts so-tamed because it is hard or


The OS gives an intertace between the hardware as wail as an application program s0

Process Execution:

That the program can connect through the hardware device by simply following

Procedures & principles configured into the OS. The program execution mainly includes

Process created through an OS keel that uses memory space a

Concurrently with respect to changes, whereas software is loft” because it is cy

Change. Led a human interface device (HD)

File Managements-
File management is one of the basic and important features of operating system

Operating System is used to manage files of compiler system Al the files with different

Extensions are managed by operating system. A file is collection of specific information

Ord m the memory of computer system. File management is defined as the process of

Manipulating files in compiler System, it management include the process of creaking.

Modifying and deleting the files. 1The following are some of the tasks performed by Tnie

Management of operating system of any computer system 1 t helps to creole new hales

In compiler system and placing them at the sceptic locations 2 it helps in scaly and

Quickly locating these files in computer system. 3. It makes the process of sharing of the

Files among deterrent users very easy and ser friendly 4. T helps to stores the fhles in

Separate folders known as directories. These directories help users to search file quickly

Or to manage the files according to their types or uses. 5. It helps the user to modify the

Data of files or to modify the name of the file in the directories

LO Managements-
The purpose of operating system 1s to hide the particular hardware device from the user

For example in UNDX the peculiarities of /O device are hidden from the bulk of the

Operating system itselt by the 1.0 subsystem The 1o subways

Main Memory Management:-

Memory & moves processes backward and forward between disk &
main memory during
Implementation. This tracks each & cvery memory position, until it is
assigned to some
Process otherwise it is open. It verifies how much memory can be
allocated to processes
And also makes a decisi on to know which process will obtain
memory at what time.
Whenever memory is unallocated, then it tracks correspondingly to
update the status
Memory management work can be divided into three important
groups like memory
Management of hardware, OS and application memory management
3.0 Aim of project:
4.0 1Te study the component of Operating System

2Te Make a computer system convenient lo une in an efficient manned

3 To study about Linux commands,

4To manage the resources of a computer syslem

3.0 Course outcomes:

a) Install Lnux operating system and configure it

by Use operating system tools to perform various functions

C Execute process commands for performing process management operations

5.0 Actual Procedure Followed 1

6.0 1 Grab the idea for the project roughly along with ts requiremens

2 Find all information related os and component of os.

3. Explain all the component of operating systerm with their example advartages and

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed:

5.0 1 Grab the idea for the project roughly along with its requirements

2. Find all information related os and component of os

3. Explain all the component of operating system with their example. Advantages and

Sr.No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 Operating System Windows 2007 1 -
2 Microsoft Word Office 2013 1 -
3 Search Engine Google 1 -

7.0Skill Developed/learning out of this Micro-Project:

“Operating system” we learn about operant system

Components In this we learn about the different types of operating system

components In

This we loam about the Linux ulcerating system. By this project we learn how
to work im a

Tam, how 30 make co-ordination between a test In this we learn about the
different types of

Protocol m By this project our team work skill is developed Our project creation
skill is

8.0 Reference:

 Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: …………………………………………………………….

Enrollment No…………………………

Name of Programmer………………………………………………………….

Semester: ……………………………….

Course Title: ………………….

Code: …………………………………………………….

Title of the Micro-Project: …………………………………….

Course Outcomes Achieved:


Evaluation as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent

No. assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature survey/
Information Collection

3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the
Target as per project
5 Analysis of Data &
6 Quality of
7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part A- Project Part B-Project Individual
Project Methodology Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva
Proposal (2 mark) (2 marks) (4 mark)
(2 marks)


Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3
columns & individual evaluation in 4th columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication





Any Other Comment:





Name and designation of the faculty member



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