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The term "environment" refers to everything in our surroundings. It can include
both living and non-living organisms. In this lesson, I learned that we are now dealing
with a number of environmental issues as a result of human activity or a natural disaster.
Human activities have a wide range of effects on the environment, including pollution of
the air, water, and land, deforestation, overpopulation, and many others. Humans have
an impact on the environment not only in negative ways, but also in positive ways, such
as planting more trees, recycling, saying no to plastic bags, saving energy, consuming less
and choosing sustainable products, and walking, biking, or taking public transportation
to reduce air pollution from vehicles.

As a student,I can protect our environment in many ways. Environmental protection

refers to the process of protecting the environment against pollution and exploitation.
The main goal of environmental protection is to make the world a healthier place for
current and future generations. Because of human activity, the environment is
increasingly worsening, and our planet is on the edge of depletion. People are using
natural resources without considering the consequences for the environment and its
people. However, we can still come together to protect our environment from inhumane

People should begin to conserve water, which is the most important component of
life. To save water and address the water problem, we should close all taps after usage
and encourage rainwater collecting. Recycling and reusing items, as well as using paper
bags instead of plastic bags, should be encouraged. Save energy by turning off all lights
and devices when not in use. Food and water should not be wasted. The food and water
you waste are extremely valuable to others that do not have easy access to them.

Therefore, everyone should work together to make our environment healthy and safe.
Our environment is what homes and supports our ecosystem's growth and well-being.
Without protecting and caring for our environment, we risk the lives of countless
animals, plants, and crops, as well as our own. All of the ecosystems that make our
environment are intimately connected.

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