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Practical 1: Identify System Specification & Design Test Cases For Purchase Order M

Project Name: Purchase Order Manegement

Created By:Bhujbal Shruti
Reviewed By:
Created On:25-10-2021
Reviewed On:
Negative Test Case For Purchase Order Management
TC_ID TC_Name Steps Input Data

Enter the item name

TC_01 Item Name in alphabet computer

Enter quantity in N
TC_02 Quantity no. 20

Enter Category in
TC_03 Item Categegory Item RAM minimum 2GB
Click on Submit
TC_04 submit Button click event

Click on cancle
TC_05 Cancle Button click event
t Cases For Purchase Order Management

Expected Results Actual Results Status

Product name
should be
accepted Entered product name is not in alphabet. fail

Product quantity
should be
accepted Entered product quantity is not acceptable fail

should be
accepted Entered product categegory is not in item type fail
It should go to
next page Please fill all mandetory fields fail

It should remain
in same page Accepting(By default)
Design Test Case For Gmail
Project Name: Gmail
Created By:Bhujbal Shruti
Reviewed By:
Created On:25-10-2021
Reviewed On:
Positive Test Case For Gmail
TC_ID TC_Name Steps Input Data

TC_01 Username Enter valid username Computer

Enter valid password

TC_02 Password in password field Computer

Click on compose
TC_03 Compose mails button Click event

TC_04 Inbox mails Click on inbox button Click event

TC-05 Draft mails Click on draft button Click event

Click on starred
TC_06 Starred mails button Click event

Click on snoozed
TC_07 Snoozed mails button Click event

TC_08 Sent mails Click on sent button Click event

Click on search mail
TC_09 Search mails button Click event

Click on sign out

TC-10 Sign out button Click event
est Case For Gmail

Expected Results Actual Results Status

Valid username
should be
accepted Accepting pass

Valid password
should be
accepted Accepting pass

A frame to
compose a mail
gets displayed. Accepting pass

A frame to show
all inbox mails
gets displayed. Accepting pass

A frame to show
all draft mails
gets displayed. Accepting pass

A frame to show
all starred mails
gets displayed Accepting pass

A frame to show
all snoozed mails
gets displayed Accepting pass

A frame to show
all sent mails gets
displayed Accepting pass
A section to show
your all previous
searched mails
gets displayed Accepting pass

A section to sign
out your gmail
account gets
displayed Accepting pass
Design Test Case For Amazon
Project Name: Amazon
Created By:Bhujbal Shruti
Reviewed By:
Created On:25-10-2021
Reviewed On:
Positive Test Case For Amazon
TC_ID TC_Name Steps Input Data
TC_01 Home page Searched for amazon computer
Searching iems for
TC_02 Buy item buying computer

TC_03 Quantity Enter quantity in N no. 10

Click on payment button

and Verify your payment
method for payment(like
peytm,Gpay,phone pay
TC_04 Payment etc.) click event
Click on order details
TC_05 Order details button click event
Click on shipment details
TC_06 Shipment details button click event
Click on back button for
TC_07 Close closing application click event
n Test Case For Amazon

Positive Test Case For Amazon

Expected Results Actual Results Status
Browser we page gets displayed Accepting pass
List of items which searched by you gets
displayed Accpting pass

Product quantity should be accepted Accepting pass

A web page to show your product payment gets

displayed Accepting pass
A web page to show your ordered product
details gets displayed Accepting pass
A web page to show your shipment details of
your product gets displayed Accepting pass

Your application gets close Accepting pass

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