TGC. (STEM 11-B) HGP Module 2

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Share to Care

STEM 11- C
HGP People Situation Resolution
Module 2 Interviewed
Myself Sister We had a Our resolution is
disagreement to be more open
about something, and sensitive to
and it eventually each other.
turned personal.
Mother Siblings/ My They had a fight They apologized to
Aunt &Uncles due to some each other and
misunderstanding. agreed to
understand one
other better the
next time.
Father Mother It has something to Both of them
do in our financial promised to
funds. provide and give
us better living.

1. How was the activity for you?

I was anxious the whole I was doing the activity. I have never heard
of these problems from them since they used to keep it by
themselves alone. Aside from that I was happy to know what they
feel and I was also able to communicate with them and that we could
face all of these problems together as a family.

2. How do you describe the manner your family or household members

handled their situation?
I'd say they were irritable when they were in these situations at first.
As a result, they had disagreements and were unable to
communicate with one another. Then, finally, they were able to
comprehend each circumstance, be in the correct frame of mind, and
resolve the issues.

3. Is it something that you can emulate? Why or why not?

Yes, as long as I'm in control of the circumstance. In these cases, I'll
make every effort to be sensitive.
My Relationship with
My Relationship with PN (First name of your chosen Person)
I can describe our I want our I think he/she Our relationship
relationship as relationship to be wants our Could have been
relationship to be better if
We're best friends Endless, I want to She wants the We’re together
who have each be with her all the same thing. And meet. We
other's backs and time, like I want to haven't seen each
share similar be with my other in a long
interests. sisters. time because of
the pandemic.

1. Why did you choose that relationship?

We are at ease with one other and have been together since elementary school. She kept
my secrets and knows every time I’m sad. I cry at her most of the time, understand my
feelings and motivates me when I feel down.
2. What do you notice with your answers?
I was consistent in describing my best friend.
3. Do you think you can still improve your quality of relationship with him/her? Why?
Yes, we could create and experience more things together, and that we could learn from
those experiences.

You can do it
From now on, I will improve my relationship with other people by:
1. Being a better person
2. Recognizing their feeling and thoughts
3. being a good listener
4. making efforts in helping them with their problems
5. Building my trust towards them

Share your thoughts and feelings

What made you choose that person to have a better relationship
Princess, I want to make our relationship better because I want to us to have a better
• How was your relationship with that person before?
I can say that our relationship before we don’t have communication.
• How do you feel about your relationship to that chosen person before and now?
Before, I felt sad and now I’m happy
• What do you want to happen to that relationship?
I am hoping that We’ll have a great bond and be more open to each other.
• What actions or ways do you do to help improve the relationship?
I promise that I will be better as a person and for our relationship

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