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Article Reviewed:

Factors Affecting Consumer Trust In Shopee Among Senior High School Students In
Brightwoods School

The article, “Factors Affecting Consumer Trust In Shopee Among Senior High School
Students In Brightwoods School”, by Chloe Heart B. Hizon, Arianne Joyce D. Tancungco and,
Michaella Marie P. Timbol. The study aims to analyze the factors affecting consumer trust in
Shopee among Senior High School students in Brightwoods School in order to aid sellers to
streamline their services and maximize their sales.
The abstract was specific and gets to convey what the article is about but can be
improved on the methodology part. Since it did not get to properly convey what method they
would be using to get the result. To tell the truth, The introduction mostly explained what online
shopping or e-commerce is but didn’t get to the point of the research which was about the factors
affecting the trust of people in online shopping till later in the article
On the bright side even though if the pacing of the article was kinda slow and confusing
at first on what the point is. The article makes up for it in the latter part of the article by being
concise with the facts and information they are stating leading to the reader quickly
understanding what their article is about and what the results mean. This also leads to the reader
understanding the objective of the article which is knowing the different factors affecting the
trust of consumers which is a really important factor in online shopping or e-commerce. Due to
the trust of consumers being one of the reasons they would either buy or not buy from the seller.
Adding on the good points the content is properly placed if ever any content was repeated
they were used to discuss the results or used to clarify something. The researchers also presented
substantial information on their methodology which would enable a reader to replicate what the
researchers have done. They even gave the sources where-in they got the template or idea for
their questionnaire which could also give an idea for the readers possible question if ever they
plan to replicate the research. The study design used by the researchers was a correlational
research design that investigates relationships between variables without the researcher
controlling or manipulating any of them and since their proposed method was to use a
questionnaire to gather the data they needed to see which factors affected consumer trust in
online shopping namely Security, privacy, familiarity, guarantee, customer service, appearance,
information, and price. I could say that the research design and the method they choose are
appropriate since they comply with each other or work hand in hand with keeping and getting
proper data. For the results, the calculations were spot on. The statistical methods they used were
appropriate. They are as follows, mean, standard deviation, correlation and, t-test. The mean was
used to show the average answer of the respondents, the standard deviation was used to
determine whether or not the responses of each individual varied, the correlation was used to
analyze the factors related to trust and the t-test was used to test the significance of the value of
Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
All in all the article was a well-written and concise article talking about how different
factors affect the trust of consumers in online shopping even though it was quite confusing and
slow in the beginning it picked up the pace and started to make sense of what the objective is and
how they plan to get what they are looking for in the latter parts of the article. For readers to stay
engaged, the article needs to have a better introduction where-in the objective is clearly shown or
stated. Currently, the objectives or the good parts of the article are found in the latter parts of the
article, without a good introduction most readers would not even reach those parts.

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