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·Q:ongrcssional Record


JULY 21, 1966, TO AUGUST 2, 1966

(PAGES 16539 TO 17998)


SECTION 1, AUTHORIT.Y OF PRESIDENT To IN- be appropriate to the extension of the period from Louisiana IMr. MoRRISON] may ex-
CREASE CERTAIN TAX RATES TEMPORARILY . . for which section 2 applies. tend his remarks at this point in the
(a) PROCLAMATION BY PRESIDENT OF lN- (b) INCREASE.-!! a tax increase takes ef- RECORD and include extraneous matter.
CREASE.-If, during the period after the_ad- fect under this Act, the withholding tables
described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of sub- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
journment sine die for the second session of the request of the gentleman from New
the Eighty-ninth Congress of both Houses of section (a) shall apply in lieu of the with-
Congress and before the convening of the holding tables appearing in sections 3402 (a) Jersey?
Ninetieth Congress, the President determines and 3402(c) of the Internal Revenue Code There wa& no objection.
that an increase in Federal income tax and of 1954, respectively, for the pay periods Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Speaker, the Ku
withholding rates is necessary in the national specified in the proclamation which contains Klux Klan is brazen enough and, I hope,
interest, he may during such period publish the tables. Any reference to the withhold- foolish enough to attempt to put one of
in the Federal Register a proclamation set- ing tables appearing in such section 3402(a) its members into . the Congress of the
ting forth a tax increase factor, the with- or 3402(c) shall be deemed a reference to the
withholding tables described in paragraph United States. This klansman is John
holding tables described in section 3 (a) , and R. Rarick, who happens to be my oppo-
the pay periods to which such tables are (1) or (2) of subsection (a), respectively, for
applicable. pay periods for which the tables described in nent in the Sixth District Democratic
(b) TAX INCREASE FACTOR.-For purposes such paragraphs are applicable. August 13 primary, who joined the Ku
of this Act, the term "tax increase factor" SEC. 4. PERIOD TO WHICH INCOME TAX IN- Klux Klan in 1963 and became exalted
means a number, greater than zero but not CREASE APPLICABLE. cyclops in 1964 in St. Francisville, La.
greater than 0.05, by which each of certain The period to which section 2 applies shall Mr. Speaker, I have been in Congress
income taxes are multiplied in order to de- begin on the first day of the first calendar for almost 24 years, and I have seen many
termllle the amount of increase in tax im- month which begins more than ten days after unusual things take place, but not quite
posed during a period for which section 2 the publication in the Federal Register of like what is happening in my district in
applies. the proclamation issued under section 1, and Louisiana today.
SEC. 2. INCREASE OF INCOME TAX RATES. (except as provided in sees. 5 and 6, relat-
(a) INCREASE.-During any period for ing to extension and early termination of I believe that this is the :first time that
which this section applies, the amount of increase), shall end on March 31, 1967. ·the Ku Klux Klan is actually trying to
each tax described in subsection (b) and im- SEC. 5. ExTENSION OF PERIOD OF INCREASE. shoehorn one of their members into the
posed on the taxpayer shall be increased by (a) ExTENSION.-!! before February 1, 1967 Halls of this Congress, and that person
an amount equal to the product of (1) such (or if there has been a first extension under is none other than one of my opponents,
tax (determined without regard to this sub- this section, before August 1, 1967) , the John R. Rarick. The primary election
section) , and ( 2) the tax increase factor. President determines that a.n extension of date is Saturday, August 13. Many law-
(b) TAXEs INCREASED.-The taxes referred the period to which section 2 (relating to abiding people in Louisiana feel that this
to in subsection (a) are the taxes imposed increase of income tax rates) applies is nec- is a brazen act" on the part of the KKK
by chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code essary in the natlonai interest, he may issue
of 1954 (relating to normal taxes and sur- a proclamation described in subsection (b) and seemed amazed that the KKK would
taxes on income), other tha.n the taxes im- extending the period for which section 2 place a candidate in the race for such a
posed by subchapter G (relating to corpora- applies. If Congress does not disapprove high om.ce as Member of Congress.
tions used to avoid income tax on share- such extension in the manner provided by The KKK, in their usual arrogance,
holders) and part II Of subchapter N (relat- subsection (c), the period for which section 2 have called upon all Klan organizations
ing to tax on nonresident aliens and foreign applies shall be extended for six calendar to heJp concentrate on trying to elect
corporations) . In applying this section with months (unless sooner terminated under sec. Rarick in this coming primary election.
respect to the taxes imposed by sections 6). The period for which section 2 applies
594(a), 802(a), 852(b) (3), 857(b) (3), and may be extended only twice. The Ku Klux Klan is making perhaps
1201 of such code, the 25-percent alternative (b) PROCLAMATION.-A proclamation ex- what can be termed as "the Klan's last
tax rate for capital gains specified in sec- tending the period for which section 2 applies stand." They have a fellow member, a
tion 802(a) (2) (B), 852(b) (3) (A), 857(b) (3) shall be published in the Federal Register former State judge, John R. Rarick, as
(A), 1201(a) (2) or 1201(b) (2) of such code, and shall ( 1) set forth the withholding their candidate in the Democratic pri-
whichever may apply, shall not be increased. tables described in section 3(a) (1) and (2) mary, Saturday, August 13, in the Sixth
(C) COMPUTATION 0:1' RATE FOR TAXABLE specify the pay periods for which such tables District of Louisiana.
YEAR.-If this section applies for less than apply.
all of a taxpayer's taxable year, then an in- (c) DISAPPROVAL BY CONGRESS.-An exten- A great American, J. Edgar Hoover,
crease under subsection (a) in the amount sion of the period for which section 2 applies Director of the FBI, the organization
of tax imposed on the taxpayer for such tax- shall not take effect if after the President that is, has been, and is now continuing
able year shall be reduced by an amount issues a proclamation extending such period to investigate the KKK, had this to say
which bears the same ratio to such increase and before the first day of the calendar about the KKK, and I quote:
as ( 1) the number of calendar months in month immediately preceding the first day Wrapped in the American Flag and hid-
such taxable year during which this section of such extension, both Houses of Congress ing behind the Bible, the Klan sanctimoni-
does not apply bears to (2) the number of approve a concurrent resolution the xnatter ously strives to depict itself as a patriotic,
calendar months in such taxable year. For after the resolving clause of which reads as Christian, fraternal organization dedicated
purposes of this subsection, a calendar month follows: "That the Congress does not favor to the preservation of fundamental American
only part of which falls within the taxable the extension until - - - of increased in- ideals, principles and institutions.
year shall be disregarded if less than 15 days come tax a.nd withholding rates.", the blank The principal and traditional objective of
of such month are included in such taxable space being appropriately filled. the Klan during the century of its infamous
year, and shall be included as a calendar SEC. 6. EARLY TERMINATION OF INCREASE. existence has been to espouse the concept of
month within the taxable year if more than If the President determines that an early "white supremacy", with the Negro as its
14 days of such month fall within the taxable termination of a tax increase under this Act main victim. A secondary hate target group
year. 1s necessary in the national interest and is Jews, who are equated with Communists.
SEC. 3. INCREASE OF WITHHOLDING RATES. publishes in the Federal Register a proclama- Other traditional target groups of the Klan
(a) CONTENTS OF PROCLAMATION.-A proc- tion so stating, the period to which section 2 have been the Catholics and the foreign
lamation issued under section 1 (relating to (relating to increase in income tax rates) . born.
authority to increase tax rates) or section 5 applies shall be terminated before the day In its public statements the Klan alleges
(relating to extension of period of increase) prescribed by section 4 or 5 (whichever may that it has banned any unlawful terroristic
shall contain- apply), on the last day of the first calendar activities by its members. It claims to be
(1) tables in the form of the tables set month ending more than ten days after the a "strictly law-abiding organization" and as-
forth in section 3402(a) (relating to require- publication of su<:h proclamation. Such serts that "every member is sworr.. to uphold
ment of withholding), and proclaxnation shall specify the first pay pe- the law at all times and to a&sist officers of
(2) tables in the form of the tables set riods after the proclaxnation to which the the law in preserving peace and order when-
forth in section 3402(c) (relating to wage withholding tables contained in sections ever the occasion may arise, and any member
bracket withholding), 2402 (a) and (c) of the Internal Revenue violating this oath would be banished for-
COde of 1954 shall apply. ever from the organization". But evidence
which, in the case of a proclamation under
section 1, shall reflect the increase in the indicates that Klan leaders give only lip
service to a policy of nonviolence.
amount of tax imposed by chapter 1 of the KU KLUX KLAN IS TRYING TO
Internal Revenue COde Cl! 1954 by reason of
SHOEHORN ONE OF THEIR MEM- The KKK is an organization of a hand-
such proclamation, and'"which, in the case of ful of bigots, extremists, terrorists,
a proclamation under section 5, shall contain BERS INTO CONGRESS arsonists, and murderers in many States.
such modifications of the tables contained Mr. PA'ITEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Less than 1 percent of the people of any
in the proclamation under section 1 as may unanimous consent that the gentleman given area belong to the Klan.
But with this extremely small mem- KKK extremists and terror organiza- Carpatho-Russian People's Society.
bership, the Klan spreads terror and tions. But I remember an article by the Boston School for Marxist Studies.
gentleman from Georgia, Congressman Communist Party, U.S.A.
violence. . Communist Political Association. ·
Here is what Hon. J. Edgar Hoover, a WELTNER, in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Friends of the Soviet Union.
great American and Director of the entitled "A Case in Point," which went Russian America Society, Inc.
FBI-the organization which investi- on to tell that less than 3 percent of the Silver Shirt Legion of America.
gated the Klan and is continuing this in- citizens in Bogalusa, La., joined the Young Communist League.
vestigation-said, and I quote: KKK and tarnished a fine city of over
30,000 inhabitants. Judge Rarick says he is for God and
Since the Klan is designed to appeal to the Constitution. What God? The Klan's
most vehement prejudices of the most frus- The Ku Klux Klan has made Bogalusa
a typical showcase of how a KKK orga- .god of violence, murder and terror?
trated and vindictive segment of the popula- What constitution? The Klans con-
tion, it naturally attracts those individuals nization, dedicated to secrecy and vio-
with a predilection for violence. This ex- lence, hiding behind secrecy to promote stitution of bombings and other unlawful
tremist element feels that violent action is at terror, intimidation, illegal wiretapping, acts?
times necessary and justifiable and sees boycotting, and threat of bodily harm to Just a few days ago, two klansmen in
nothing in the Bible or the Constitution to
individual citizens, can blight and tar- Georgia were sentenced to 10 years in the
preclude it. Although Klan leaders may penitentiary and $5,000 for killing an
publicly refuse to encourage or condone il- nish a fine community before the eyes
of the country as well as the eyes of the Army colonel who was traveling through
legal activities inflammatory and provocative the State.
declarations made by them at secret meetings world.
and in private conversations with other What is amazing to me is that if an It is e~en hard to understand how one
Klansmen have sparked many acts of innocent person were asked by the House of our citizens through ignorance or
violence. . Un-American Activities Committee if he gross frustration, could join such a
The History of the Klan, as disclosed by were guilty of committing a crime as a horrible group as the KKK, but it is. un-
F.B.I. investigations, is a sordid story of KKK member, it is certainly reasonable thinkable that a district judge, duly
terror and violence. The Klan has provided elected by the people, would join the
a cloak for irresponsible and bloodthirsty to expect that the person would freely
deny any connection with the crime and . KKK and betray the trust that the voters
hoodlums to engage in crimes in the name had placed. in him. John R. Rarick was
of morality and justice. F.B.I. investiga- rightfully explain their innocence. The
tions over a period of years have grimly doc- KKK witnesses did exactly opposite, born in Indiana and went to Ball State
umented participation by members of Klan using the choice of confessing and going College in Muncie, Ind. Whether or not
groups in murders, bombings, mutilations, to jail, or taking the fifth amendment on he was a member of the Klan in Indiana,
whippings and abductions: the grounds that .If he answered he before moving to Louisiana, is not known
Atrocities committed by Klansmen are would incriminate himself. If the KKK to me, but I just wonder how those
usually conceived and carried out independ- voters in his judicial district in Louisiana
ently by groups of members whose partic- member were innocent and testified to
that effect, that would epd it; but it is must feel when they realize how he duped '
ipation in these activities is unknown to the them, fooled them, and betrayed them
rank-and-file membership. These action certainly reasonable to believe that if he
groups are generally referred to in Klan pleads silence lest he incriminate him- after they had elected him judge.
circles as "holy terrors", "knock-off sguads", self, he is guilty. Most KKK witnesses Investigation by the House Un-Ameri-
"fiying squads", "wrecking crews" anci "killer did just that, and the stigma of criminal can Activities Committee has brought out
squads". They range in size from three to guilt is, therefore, on each KKK wit- how various klansmen have tried to in-
a dozen men, and they plan the commission ness. A few KKK members admitted filtrate into the community police de-
of their lawless acts outside regular Klan partments, how they have tried to infil-
meetings. guilt of burning churches and bombing
homes. trate into the sheriffs offices, but never
The propensity for violence on the part of before in all of our history is there such
individual Klansmen has become greater in I think that the whole Nation should
recent years because of the trend toward the know how brazen the KKK really is when a horrible example of the Ku Klux Klan
acquisition of weapons, ammunition and ex- they try to elect their first member to taking over a district court having crimi-
plosives. Specific information on the ac- the Congress of the United States. The nal and civil jurisdi.c tion in Louisiana.
cumulation · of weapons of destruction ob- man's name is John R. Rarick, who to- · It 1s certainly unbelievable and · even
tained during the course of F.B.I. investiga- day is a candidate for Congress in more less understandable.
tion is furnished promptly to appropriate Just put yourself in a position of hav-
agencies of the federal, state and local gov- Louisiana, and who, I am informed by
high officials, joined the Klan in St. ing this Ku Klux Klan judge decide
ernments. whether you kept or lost your home at his
Firearms possessed by Klansmen range from Francisville, La., in 1963 and became its
.22-caliber rifies to mag:qum revolvers, sub- exalted cyclops in 1964 while still sitting discretion; whether you, who might be
ll_lachine guns, shotguns and high-powered as a district judge on· the bench. It is totally innocent, would be sentenced to
r11les. F.B.I. sources estimate that 90 per not only shocking, but it is horrifying, jail, or at his discretion go free. It stag-
cent of the Klansmen in one state own guns. ugly, and nauseating to find an elected gers one's imagination.
Many Klansmen personally own large num- judge who ·is entrusted with peoples' In California there is a man named
bers of firearms. One Klan, in addition to property and their liberties, expected to Richard Cotten who has a. reputation of
possessing an arsenal of weapons, has accu- being one of the best examples of "way-
mulated a. quantity of fuses, dynamite caps be impartial; and then to be uncovered
as a member and exalted cyclops of per- out'' extremism. He is such a charaeter
and other materials for making dynamite and so way out that even the extremist
bombs. · haps the most extremist organization in
all of our history-the Ku Klux Klan- John Birch organization threw him out
The KKK operates on terror tactics· whose record is a horrible picture of as being too extreme. Do birds of a
violation of laws; murder; :flagrant arson' flagrant law violations, murder, bomb- feather :flock together? Well, this ex-
as the burning of schools and churches; ings, terror tactics, threats, intimida- tremist Richard Cotten is evidently so
the art of threats of violence both actual tions, killings, :floggings, and church and close a friend of John R. Rarick that he
or implied, unless those threatened in- school bombings and burnings. is nightly soliciting campaign funds over
dividuals give up their freedoms of liv- Under the law, the Attorney General several radio stations for John Rarick's
Ing and speaking as they c_h oose; the of the United States is directed to list congressional campaign.
burning of crosses; and the veiled threats subversive organizations in this country. The friendship of these two extremist
of cards and labels placed in given areas You will find among those organizations characters had dated as far back as the
bearing the implied threat with red- or listed the Ku Klux Klan, and I hereby time the St. Francisv1lle Democrat car-
black-l~tter words entitled "The Klan list a few of the other organizations ried an account of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Is Watching You." which are listed: Cotten's visit to the Ralick home in St.
What business does the Klan or any American Council on Soviet Relations.
Francisville. In the paper's edition dated
other group have watching anybody who Amerfcan National Socialist Party. September 9, 1965, the following article
is a red-blooded American who chooses American Russian Institute, New York. appeared:
to live in freedom and obey the law? Associated Klans of America. Overnight guests ~f Judge· and Mrs. John
Associated Georgia Klans. Rarick and family o:l St. Francisville this
_ I am not necessarily· singling out Ku Klux Klan. past week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Louisiana, because I fully realize that
several States have been plagued by
Knights of the White Camellia.
Black Dragon Society.
Cotten and /daughters from Bakersfield,
California. .
In Newsweek magazine of July 4, the with a racial aspect, despite evidence of the run for Congress, not this year, but in the
following was printed about Richard commission of the crime by the accused. year 1990.
Effective legislation, competent investiga- Your Congress has faced a multitude of
Cotten: tion and efficient law enforcement are im- difficult issues and problems during the past
Cotten is so far out that Robert Welch, the portant in combating the Klan, which rep- years. I have consistently voted for all
John Birch Society founder, has attacked him resents a thoroughly repugnant ideology and measures that would aid all the farmers, the
for being an extremist. "Welch smeared forces inimical to the welfare of our coun- dairymen, the businessmen, the fishermen,
me," says Cotten, "just because I had kind try. But actions by agencies of the govern- the laboring men and women, the school
words for the Minutemen of America" [a ment will not be sufficient by themselves to teachers and school employees, and the vet-
militant band of super-patriots]. bring the Klan under control. erans, our elderly citizens and for the vari-
In the final analysis, the primary ·respon- ous bills that improve our social security
All of this may sound incredible and sibility for curbing the Klan rests with the and standards of living.
shocking, but I believe we can feel some public. Only an aroused and mobilized pub- Perhaps this will be the most important
relief, in that the Klan, particularly in lic demand for the protection of freedom un- vote that you have ever cast because the
the South, is on the decline and from all der law will bring about control of the Klan, issue is clearcut-law and order versus ex-
accounts many people who were duped · and an end to its 100-year-history of violence tremism. By voting for me you are voting
into joining are trying to get out, despite and lawlessness. Therefore, key segments of for law and order and against extremism.
the threats of bodily harm. And as the population-especially business, educa- I think you will agree with me that the KKK
shocking as this disclosure may be that tiOJ.'l, labor, the professions and the church-
must join with governmental bodies in a con-
extremism, with its threats and intimida-
tion of all of our people, has gone far
a duly elected State judge could become structive, systematic, coordinated and total enough, in fact too far. The best example
an . exalted cyclops of the Klan and effort against the Klan. (Unquote.) is where the Klan is the strongest, which is
put his judicial office into the Klan's in Bogalusa, and there you find the most
hands. The above was thus said by J. Edgar violence and the most chaos.
The FBI has been and still is investi- Hoover. So, actually you are not voting in an ordi-
gating the Klan. Here is what the Hon. Thus, the decision lies finally in the nary election for my re-election as an indi-
J. Edgar Hoover said of the Klan: hands of the people of my district. I vidual, rather you are helping yourself, your
have faith in the vast majority of these District and your country as well as your
Investigation by the FBI has determined family and children, when you vote against
that Klan leaders are opportunistic, un- people and believe that this is the time to
triumph over the KKK extremists, so as extremism-because it is just that important.
scrupulous and ruthless men who are con- Staying at home or not voting, will certainly
stantly seeking power and vying with each to destroy this festering form of extrem- help the KKK to the .detriment of you and
other for leadership and control of the vari- ism. your family.
ous Klans. The fact is that each Klan orga- Warmest regards and best wishes, I am,
nization is virtually a one-man dictatorship. Sincerely,
Membership in the Klan is restricted to LETTER TO CONSTITUENTS JAMES H. (JIMMY) MORRISON,
"native-born white, Protestant, American Incumbent.
citizens of at least 18 years of age who be- Mr. PATTEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask P.S. I am enclosing an insertion in the
lieve in the tenets of the Christian religion". unanimous consent that the gentleman CONGRESSIONAL RECORD WhiCh I tl\ink will
Women and youth have been incorporated from Louisiana [Mr. MORRISON] may ex- prove of interest to you.
into the Klan as aux111ary groups, although tend his remarks at this point in the As you are aware, I am vice chairman of
these groups meet and function separately REcORD and include extraneous matter. the Post Office and Civil Service Committee
from the main organization. However,
women do attend, participate in and speak The SPEAKER. Is there objection to and a high ranking member of the House
the request of the gentleman from New Agriculture Committee. As I have said in
at public rallies held by Klan organizations. the past, I want ~ou to feel that any time
Generally speaking, FBI investigations re- Jersey?
There was no objection. I can serve you in my capacity as your Con-
veal that most Klan leaders and members gressman, please do not hesitate to call on .
have limited education, have extremely nar- Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Speaker, the me. Also, if you can get more than ten
row outlooks and interests and are handi- following is a letter I am sending to some people to vote for me on August 13th, so
capped in making sound value Judgments. of my constituents: much the better. Thanks and best regards, .
They were born and have 11 ved most of their and please remember to vote No. 8.
lives in communities in which racial prej- MY DEAR FRIEND: I am writing this letter
to ask for your valuable ,vote and support in Best regards,
udice is deep-seated. Their lack of status JIMMY.
apparently makes Klansmen feel inadequate, my re-election to Congress, Saturday, August
discontented, frustrated, and vindictive. 13th. I have had the great honor and priv-
They take refuge in a contrived world of ilege of representing you for 24 years and I
their own-the Klan-with Its symbolic cos- have helped literally thousands of you people PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON -
tumes, mysterious titles, flamboyant cere- when you have called on me in the past. I SPEAKS IN THE DISTRICT OF COJ;'i-
mony, clandestine activities and shared am now calling on you and will consider it
hatreds. a great personal favor if you wlll help me, as GRESSMAN ANDREW JACOBS, JR.,
I have tried to help you, by getting your OF INDIANA
J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, friends, neighbors, relatives and everyone
further said: else whom you can to support me and to vote Mr. PATTEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask
Although the Klan professes to be a patri- for me. unanimous consent that the gentleman
otic and respectable organization, it makes I would like to appoint you as my personal from Indiana [Mr. BRADEMASl may ex- ·
wide use of cover names or front organiza- representative and ask you to set a goal of tend his remarks at this point in the
tions as a facade behind which it carries on · contacting ten people, getting their assur- RECORD and include extraneous matter.
its activities. The Klan has sponsored and ance that they will go to the polls. Then, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
scheduled public affairs under such covers please do everything possible to see that they the request of the gentleman from New
as improvement associations, historical soci- do go to the polls on Saturday, August 13th, Jersey?
eties and civil clubs. Many klaverns to con- and cast their vote for me.
ceal their Klan affiliation, have used men's I have certainly tried in every way to jus- There was no objection.
clubs, rifle clubs and hunting and fishing tify your confidence by trying to assist each Mr. BRADEMAS. Mr. Speaker, last
clubs as camouflage. and every person who called on me regardless Saturday, July 23·, 1966, I had the pleas-
of their walk of ll!e or political alignment. ure of traveling with the President of.
What is the answer? We know the No problem has been too small nor too large the United States and Mrs. Johnson and
Klan is on the decline. Two Klan mem- to receive my urgent attention. I think you their daughter Luci ·and other Members
bers were convicted in Georgia just re- will agree that I have tried ·to be. one of the of the House of Representatives and the
cently and received sentences of 10 years best Congressmen that ever served the Sixth
Senate from the States of Indiana and
each with heavy fines. This helps a lot, District. ·
I do not want to appear boastful as to my Kentucky.
but what else can be done? FBI Direc- efforts, but I do feel that by writing you this During his trip President Johnson
tor J. Edgar Hoover says: letter it will enable me to let you know how made a major address in the home dis-
Thus, the continued existence of the Klan extremely grateful I am to serve as your Con- trict of our distingui&hed colleague,
is aided and · abetted by a deep-seatect and gressman. I am sure you understand how ANDREW JACOBS, JR., at the Indianapolis
persistent tolerance of and 1ndiffertmce to important seniority and experience are in Athletic Club.
Klan activities. As a consequence, the at- Congress. Of a total membership of 435
tainment of J~stice 1s extremely difficult ·i n members, I rank 31 so only 30 Congressmen Mr. Speaker, I feel that it is a great
cases involving Klansmen. It 1s virtually stand ahead of me and 404 members stand tribute to the high regard which the
impossible in some communities to prosecute. behind me. To have my 24 years of seniority President has for Congressman JACOBS
successf\,\lly a white man indicted in a case and experience, my op:ponents would have to that he delivered this important address

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