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※ 合併句子

1. When did the boys go fishing? Does anyone know that?

2. When will the train arrive? Please tell me.

3. What have you done to make her cry? Tell me.

4. What made him so happy this morning? Did they find it out?

5. The teacher tells us. When should we hand in our homework?

※ 改寫句子畫線的部分成名詞片語
1. Jack doesn’t know when he should take a rest.

2. Steve hasn’t decided where he should eat dinner.

3. Can you tell me how I can do well on the test?

4. They don’t know who they can ask the math questions.

5. Betty has no idea what she can order today.

※ 克漏字
David: I don’t know 1. for our science report.
Steve: Well, I’m not sure 2. you are interested in Mt. Ali.
David: Tell me 3. about Mt. Ali. I have no idea 4. going there.
Steve: Oh, it’s famous for its forest. There are many kinds of trees in the forest.
And the sunrise there is also beautiful. Visitors there always get up quite early in the
morning just to see the moment the sun jumps out of the clouds.
David: That sounds good. I think I know 5. .
( B ) 1. (A) how I can do (B) what I should do
(C) what should I do (D) what can do
( C ) 2. (A) how (B) what (C) whether (D) where
( C ) 3. (A) what do you know (B) how do you know
(C) what you know (D) whether to know
( A ) 4. (A) why people like (B) why do people like
(C) why will people like (D) when will people like
( D ) 5. (A) how to do (B) whether to do (C) what to do it (D) what to do

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